Alister Dippner - The Machinist

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Essence of Machinist is one of the most versatile of all the essences. Alister is a healer capable of healing reasonable wounds on both himself and the others, his magic being stronger on energies he has tuned himself to (mainly the other four guys). He is also capable of both sending and receiving visions. Namely they are used as cries for help if one of them is hurt or in danger and no one else is near. Alister is also capable of minor spell work.

Because he's a healer, unlike most other Essences, Machinist is oriented more towards goodwill, meaning his body is sensitive to dark energy caused by evil forces or heavy dark spell work. Depending on how strong the energy is, his neck, shoulders and back will tighten immensely, he'll get awful headaches, feel and sometimes actually get sick, or even be unable to move. Because he is a Wielder of good energy, though, he can draw darker energy into his body and neutralize it. However this isn't really healthy for him to do.

Alister's amplifier is amethyst for calm, patience, psychic intuition and protection from witchcraft. Since he can't really fight with his essence, it can extend into a dagger of energy for him to use, it growing to a sword upon his amplification.

Before Evan, his only previous relationship had been with a girl named Amelia for about two years when he finally got away. About midway through their relationship she became rather abusive towards him, leaving him with event scars on his wrists and strong feats of affection going sour no matter how much he trusts Evan. However Evan balances him out and does make him feel safe and happy.

Royal Universe: Alister lives in Evan's city of Ardenia and is a healer for the town. After Evan's parents die, he asks Alister to live in the castle and heal from there with better materials as well as to be his personal doctor.

Distarian Universe: Alister is almost the unspoken leader of the group and everyone tends to follow his warnings and advice. He gets tired and worries a lot over how much Evan gets hurt keeping him safe and is rather self conciliatory over the fact that he can't fight and protect him in return.

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