Fun Facts and Tidbits

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Of course the guys still have their tats, they wouldn't be them, right? But when you're Energized, they may be a bit more unique. Sometimes, tattoos on a wielder will be active, meaning they came move across the skin under certain emotional stimuli. Evan's are easy to get to move because his have been active for a long time and he has more than the rest of them. The clouds on his arm tend to darken and rain sometimes if he's upset and when he's aroused, the barbed wire spins and the bats flutter. Alister's also moves, but it can be for a multitude of reasons that don't even always trigger it. Kevin and Alix's can move as well, but it's hard to trigger and the movements tend to be more subtle.

Eye Color
Typically, eye color matches Essence Color, there for the boys are bright blue, blood red, yellow gold, amethyst purple and deep orange. Eye color is a tell tale sign of energy level and is the easiest way to tell how a Wielder is faring. The brighter the color, the more energy. The paler or more pastel, the weaker and more drained. If a Wielder's eyes go flat white, typically it's an indicator of no energy and therefore death.

Energy Reactions
It's mentioned before that some people have energy reactions based off of strong emotional stimulation. During sex, Evan will spark and Kevin's eyes will flash or his body will flicker. Alix's is practically always in a state of reaction and Alister's is hard to get to activate. Manny gets pent up energy with frustration and stress that is hard for him to let go.

Medical History
In some stories, it's possible that some of the boy's medical conditions or history may be mentioned, but it's not always a part of that universe. Evan's past substance and alcohol abuse as well as his smoking are always a factor as is his panic and anxiety problems. The other guy's issues aren't always prominent or mentioned. In some cases, Evan is severely allergic to poison ivy and skin contact with the plant can result in a trip to the emergency room. Kevin also has sever anxiety, but it's harder to trigger him than it is Evan. However if he has a full panic attack, it tends to be worse and hard to bring him out of. In some cases, Kevin may also be mentioned as having blood sugar problems if he doesn't eat. Because of Alister's Essence and the way it runs in his blood, he may be mentioned as being on clotting medication for being a hemophiliac. Alix may be seen as an asthmatic at times, but it's mostly triggered by extreme stress or fear and is manageable if he catches it. Manny needs to sleep a lot from energy exertion, but also as said before has stress problems depending on the situation. He'll usually let it build up to unhealthy levels before breaking something.

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