Alix Koochaki - The Monster

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Long story short, Alix is quiet the creature. Essence of Monster is nothing to be messed with, as he possess a strength only beaten by Manny. His finger nails can open wounds almost like claws and his teeth contain a fatal venom to other Monsters. In a sense, Alix is an Alpha without a real clan. His instincts are stronger than almost any other Monsters he's ever encountered and if he was angry enough, he could probably take all of them easy. However Alix isn't violent and doesn't necessarily like what he is. To be frank, he's very afraid of himself.

Alix refuses to drink blood and has only ever done it twice. In his eyes, what he does makes him a bully and he absolutely despises it. However he needs something for strength and cannot survive without his Essence being fed, so Alister makes a special elixir that has the same effect without killing innocent people. Because Kevin is human, their relationship obviously poses a bit of a problem, as if Alix were normal he'd be attracted to Kevin's taste and nothing more. Because of this, Alix is beyond careful most of the time. He refuses to give his mate hickeys as that's too close for comfort and it took a while for Kevin to convince Alix that he wholeheartedly trusted him not to do anything.

Monsters mate, and when they mate, they mate for life with the person their Essence has chosen. They love with intense devotion and will protect their one at all costs. They don't get a redo as this person is their only true match. If they lose them, they cannot remate and will be alone for the rest of their lives. Because of this, Alix is terrified of not only himself, but other people. He's commonly prone to night terrors and will have outbursts of screaming in his sleep that Kevin can't always wake him from, requiring Alister to delve into his subconscious and bring him out of it. He commonly dreams of losing Kevin to other people or himself, blaming the end result on his own failure to protect the one person he's meant to.

On top of it, Alix has quite a few psychological problems due to what he deals with on the daily from his Essence being so unbelievable strong. He's constantly fighting with himself and what he is and he keeps his true power bound up tightly inside him with a rhyme Alister taught him that's almost a spell of sorts. Alix doesn't like what he is, never has, and never will and is indeed horrified of what he's capable of.

Alix's amplifier is Jasper and has one of the highest benefits to him out of all of them. When he amplifies, the blood red lines mark his face as the stone helps with grounding, emotional stability and physical energy. In a fight, it helps him use his power more fully without losing his head and his control.

He has strong instincts, capable of sensing if things are amiss or if he, Kevin or the others are in danger. Typically, his pupils will shrink and he will default tense up, searching the entire area with his excellent hearing and eyesight. He gets uneasy if Kevin's too far and Alix can't hear his heart beating, as its a huge comfort to him. If something happens to Kevin, Alix snaps into a full defense mode and if they aren't near one another, he can feel an odd tug on his instincts that something has happened to his mate.

Royal Universe: in this universe, Alix is a self-secluded Prince who is afraid of what he'll do if he goes outside and has contact with the villagers as well as what they will think of him. Not only that, but Alix also doesn't know he's in danger by being in the castle and is not sure why Kevin is placed with him and to guard him until it's too late.

Distarian Universe: in this universe, Alix has a bit more of a history with someone else that leads to some of his emotional issues. When Alix was a part of his former clan, him and Adrian, the clans Alpha, had a bit of a thing with one another. In fact, if Adrian wouldn't have mated with someone else and cast Alix aside like nothing, the pair would have ended up mating eventually by default. Therefore, what Adrian did still leaves Alix a bit fucked up to this day, whether he talks about it to anyone other than Alister or not.

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