Chapter 4 New beginings

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He said
"It's called Dracconia High..." I said
"Meh... I guess I can go for a change!" Soulls was still making hand motions. I said
"After all what do I got to lose... besides Takashi." Soulls froze and said
"That spider is more important then me!?!" I nodded and said
"He is not just a spider... He is my ninja, spy, spider, fake boyfriend cover up!" Soulls said
"That's no fair!" I said
"Oh yes it is fair... After all it took a lot to train a small spider. Can you even imagine the talent it would take! I bet no one at that high school has a walking talking human ninja spider!" Soulls frowned and said
"That is if you make any friends. You sound like a walking talking maniac!" I sighed and said
"Your right... Soulls dress me and make me look the best I can. Do the same with Takashi!" He said
"But Takashi isn't even that at-!" I pouted
"Please!" He let out a sigh and said
"But I could be way hotter!" I said
"Yeah but that's creepy... Especially if they find out we're siblings!" He nodded and shouted
"Takashi! We have a task for you!" All while explaining our plan to Takashi. He was blushing. I said
"Please! It will just be a cover up! After all you only have 22 more years playing human! Then back to a spider it is." He scratched the back of his neck and said
"Ok! But Naomi you have to promise to wear a uniform and... Please!!! Teach me how to read manga!" I looked at him confused and said

{The next morning}

I woke up to talking. Takashi said
"How do I tie this contraption?" I walked out to see his exposed chest. I covered my eyes and said
"SOULLS! Help Takashi with his clothes!" I ran out of the room with my eyes covered. I ran into my room and fixed my hair. I pulled on my skirt, fishnets, button up blouse, ribbon, and my shoes. I looked in the mirror and put my necklaces on. I sighed looking back at my reflection. I grabbed my bag with school supplies, manga, writing utensils, and my phone. Takashi looked at me and blushed. He said
"Sorry about earlier..." I said
"No... It was really my fault! Don't worry about it. Let's just go!" Soon we arrived at a huge school. I gasped
"I'm going to get lost! I just know it!" I clung tightly to the fence surrounding the school. Takashi asked
"Are you okay?" I breathed heavily.
"I'm fine trust me!" but pretty soon I fainted.
|While passed out|
I woke up in a weird place. Almost like an amazing hotel or something. I know this is all a dream! I closed my eyes tightly and let out a shaky breath. As I looked up to see my manga ripped up everywhere. Every single page. I awoke with a loud scream. Takashi quickly ran by my side. He asked
"Are you feeling better?" I asked
"Where am I?" He said
"In the nurses office... It's closer then home or a hospital. The nurse said, you should be fine pretty soon!" He hugged me tightly to his chest. He cried
"Don't do that ever never again!" I said
"Ok! I'm promise now stop crushing me... Please!" He released me and said
"I'm sorry! It seems like every time. I try and do something, I ruin it." I said
"That's not true. Shouldn't you go to class?" He said
"I'm your pet spider. I don't have classes. Or I at least don't think I do... That would probably be weird! Oh yeah Soulls called while you were blacked out. He said To rest first!" I nodded and thought 'Health is the first priority. Then Knowledge is the second'. I sat up and Takashi looked away. I said
"What's wrong now?" He said
"Your blouse is unbuttoned!!!" I quickly buttoned my blouse and slapped him. I said
"You creep! Soulls was right!" He said
"But I didn't even touch you!" I stood up and pulled my jacket on. I walked into the hallway with Takashi complaining behind me. I said
"Shut up Takashi-San!'' He said
"Wait... who?" I said
"You dummy! Don't you see everyone is looking at us weird."

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