Chapter 9 Takashi-San? (Easter Spin-off)

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Today is Easter and for some reason Soulls is missing. Takashi woke up late and we were suppose to be going on a trip. I took a shower and the fire alarm was going off. I quickly pulled on a robe to see what was going on. There was a metal trash can in the kitchen. With stuff on fire. I shouted "Takashi!!! Where are you?" He walked into the kitchen carrying arm fulls of... Maid dresses? I asked "What are you doing to my kitchen?" He smiled and said "Burning Soulls's wardrobe!" I was about to slap him but he turned into a spider. An scurried off. I sighed as I picked up the fire extinguisher to put out the fire. I went into my room and put on some clothes. We didn't get to go on a trip now. This is probably my worst holiday ever. I sat in my room and began to read some manga. I was taken out of my reading by Takashi walking into my room. He said "I'm sorry That i almost caught the house on fire, made you miss the trip, and continue getting in the way!" I said "It's fine really! I mean just because Japan, is a place I've always wanted to go to... Doesn't mean I hate you!" Thinks to self. 'I really want to rip your guts out... But I like you too much.' He smiled and said "Ok!" With that he joyfully left my room. I continued reading my manga. Then I heard the front door slam shut. I sat my book down and asked "Takashi?" I smiled and thought "Well I'm home alone now!" Since I'm not able to go to Japan. I put my dark blue kimono on. I looked in the mirror and pulled my hair into a bun. I dug through Soulls's stuff and smiled as I found a bunny ear headband. I pulled it on and sat back down. I then thought 'Where did they go anyways?' I frowned and thought the worst. The front door opened. I shot up hoping it was Takashi... but it was only Soulls. He shouted "NAOMI BUNNY!!!!!" I smiled slightly. He said "That jerk left you home alone... After HE made you miss your trip to Japan?" I frowned and Soulls hugged me and said "Let's go to the mall!" I sighed and looked back up at him. I said "It's Easter... Remember every place is closed!" He said "That's true! Here is the Easter basket I carefully prepared for you." I smiled and said "Thanks for being so considerate." I hugged him tightly and looked into his odd colored eyes. He kissed my forehead. He said "It was no problem! You are my lovely younger sister!" I blushed said "Stop it!" I lightly pushed on his chest. WAIT!!! He's wearing guy's clothes! I took a picture. He laughed and asked "Is it that rare of a picture?" I nodded and heard a loud noise on the porch. I opened the door and seen lots of foreign foods! (Sushi, Jammie Dodgers, Pocky, shrimp stir-fry, and ect.) Standing behind the pile of the Foreign food. I smiled and said "Thanks so much Takashi-san!"He  smiled and pulled me into his arms. Soulls shouted "You burned all of my French maid dresses!" A few seconds later Takashi was dressed like a bunny. He shouted "Soulls you jerk!" Soulls was now dressed like a waitress. I sighed and said "Now Soulls is back to normal..." I thought 'How can he make a handsome man and a beautiful woman?' I shook my head and said "Well boys here are your Easter presents!" I handed baskets to both of them. Takashi's basket had candy, money, more clothes, ninja stars, and a katana for him in human form! Soulls's candy, girl clothes, make up, money, and a phone. They both said "Thanks Naomi bunny!!!" I blushed and said "Your welcome guys!" Takashi pulled me closer to his chest and kissed my forehead. I could hear his heart beat as he pulled me into another hug. I smiled but then my phone began to ring. Takashi turned into a spider and jumped onto my phone's screen. I looked at my text it was from Blade... It was a picture of him and Sara dressed up for Easter. She was wearing a beautiful sun dress and a big hat. Blade was wearing a tux. I smiled and I read the text with it. Blade: Me and Sara are getting married in 2 weeks! I smiled and texted congratulations! Takashi became human and he was standing extremely close to me. I said "Uhhhh?" He pressed his lips to mine and I heard Soulls screaming. He said "Takashi!!!!" In that moment Takashi turned into a spider and hid in my hair. Where he was throwing ninja stars at Soulls. Then a portal appeared in the middle of my living room floor. A guy popped out dressed like an assassin. I jumped back and Takashi became a human. I asked "Who are you?" He said "I'm Cyrus! Did you see Willow?" I asked "Who?" Before he could answer he was gone. I looked around and said "That was weird..." I thought 'Didn't I see That guy at school before?' I was then ripped out of my thoughts by Takashi and Soulls arguing. I stood up and said "I'm going for a walk... Takashi will you accompany me?" He smiled and responded with "Sure! It would be an honor!" With that we left Soulls at home pouting. Takashi said "Where to?" I said "Let's go to the park! I absolutely love the swings!!!" When we arrived at the park I seen Willow... I wonder if she is the Willow? That Cyrus was blabbing about... I sat on the swing next to her and Takashi sat in my lap... Back as his spider self. I smiled and said "I'm Naomi Dusk! I believe we've met in swimming class?" She nodded and said "I'm sorry but I have something... I should be attending to!" I nodded and said "It was nice talking to you Willow!" She smiled a bit and walked away. Once she was gone Takashi became human. He took the swing next to me and said "So you did make friends and your still beautiful!" I blushed and said "Takashi let's stay here for a while... It's nice! I rested my head on his left shoulder. I felt myself beginning to fall asleep. I awoke in someones arms. I looked up to see Takashi close. I smiled and clung to Takashi. He smiled and said "You can go back to sleep Naomi! Were almost home." I smiled and said "I never want you to go/die Takashi... You know I can live for many years and your just a spider. I don't want you to go! Like my parents. Please promise me you won't go!" He hesitated and said "I never want to leave you... But you know I can't live forever." Soon we were home and Takashi carried me upstairs to my room. He laid me on the bed and I said "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?" He smiled and laid in bed next to me. I smiled and cuddled next to him. Soon I fell asleep waiting for tomorrow to arrive and bring more fun... Or heartbreak? 

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