Chapter 10 Love/Hate Heartbreak

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I threw a vase at him and yelled. "What do you mean we're over?!?!" I sobbed and ran into my bathroom slamming the door. I quickly locked the door. Takashi said "Naomi! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that!!!" I shouted "Oh yeah. Grabbing a hot waitresses butt. Is what a loyal boyfriend/ninja spider should do!" I climbed out of the bathroom window and climbed onto a tree limb. Takashi unlocked the door. After I already escaped. He said "NAOMI!!! I'm sorry. Please come back. I put in my headphones when I got to the park. The song that came on was I don't love you by:MCR. I began reading my manga. Since I wasn't paying attention. Takashi crawled into my lap. He said "You can never understand. How sorry I am!" Then Chaius walked up to Takashi and asked "How did that waitresses butt feel like?" Takashi said "It was squishy." I said "Ok. I'm leaving!" Takashi was still a spider... So my peers didn't find out he could be a human. I continued dashing away from them. Takashi broke our promise because he turned into a human. In front of Chaius who is one of our classmates. I called Soulls to pick me up. Who seemed very pissed at Takashi. He said "I told you he was an asshole!" I was crying at this point. He said "We can get you a pet crow!" I frowned and said "But it would never be Takashi!" Soulls said "Of course it can... Just name it Takashi." I began crying louder. I said "He must hate me!" Soulls said "How about you and me get ice cream?" I nodded and wiped my tears away.  We arrive at an ice cream shop. I got moose tracks with caramel and cherries. Soulls smiled at me and said "You can find someone better!" I let up my fake smile and said "I guess your right I mean... I think Takashi was getting bored of me." Soulls looked at me and said "Stop being so depressed! Show me a real smile!" He tugged on my cheeks and made me form a smile. On the inside I was still crying. -A few seconds later- Takashi ran in and said "I'm Sorry Naomi-Chan!!!" Soulls stood up and slapped him right a crossed the face. The ice cream shop got silent. As the sound echoed throughout the room. Everyone turned towards us. I stood up and said "Takashi... Maybe we should take a break!" He said "B-but I don't wanna take a break!" He hugged me close to him. Then he began crying... In the middle of the ice cream shop. I didn't want to sound like a jerk. So I said "Ok. Let's kiss and make up!" He said "Thank you so much for giving me a second chance!" Once we got home later that night. I ran upstairs and flopped onto my bed. Takashi was a spider again. He crawled into my hair and said "I know you lied earlier." I nodded and said "Of course I did... Did you expect me to say no in front of 20 people?" He walked out of my hair and left my room. I sat up and began reading my manga... As always I was interrupted. I furrowed my eyebrows at Soulls. Who walked in dressed as a ballet dancer. He gracefully danced to me. I smiled and said "Thanks for being here Soulls!" He handed me a cup of tea. It was earl grey tea. I smiled and took it from him. He sat next to me and said "I hope it makes you feel better!" 

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