Chapter 13 Unlucky

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Takashi laid on my bed. With a fever and cold. I quickly ran the upstairs to him. He said "Really Naomi! I'm fine!" *sneeze* I said "While your body doesn't agree with you!" He tried to get up but I proclaimed "You need to rest and stop being so restless!" He said "I hate being human! They catch weather and cough up stuff." He turned into a spider and I said "No Takashi!" I felt a sharp pain run through my hand. I said "Ow! Takashi bit me. Your lucky that I don't squish you!" I heard a tiny cough. I said "Ha! Your still sick even when your a spider!" *cough* *sneeze* He became a human again. He was clinging to me. I blushed due to him being shirtless. I lightly tried to push him away but that didn't work! He could barely talk so he whispered in my ear "Naomi... I think I'm going to die..." I felt his hot breath land on my neck. I whispered "B-but you can't die! Your my! Your... a mortal." I felt a tears roll out of my eyes. I shouted "I can fix it! There are loop holes! You can't die on me..." He asked "Why?" I said "...Because I just started loving you!" I pressed my lips to his and he weakly kissed back. He pulled away and smiled weakly; He wiped my tears away and said "Please don't cry Naomi... A smile suits you way better!" Soon his body grew limp and his eyes closed. I cried "You can't leave me Takashi!" I shook him and to no avail he didn't respond. I laid next to him and squeezed his body; Then I knew what I had to do. I shouted "Blade!" Blade appeared with Sara at his side. He looked at Takashi and asked "What happened?" I told him everything and he asked "Aren't you going to revive him?" I sobbed "I don't have enough power! Please help me Blade!"  Blade said "Naomi... I'm sorry! To revive someone you must know them; Like extremely personal! How you know him. You can do it!" Sara held out an orb and said "This is the only way I can help." Both of them left. What she gave me was a soul trap. I didn't want to trap Takashi's soul! All I want right now is to be in Takashi's warm embrace. I threw the soul trap a crossed the room. It opened and.... Mom? Dad? They smiled and said "We forgive you Naomi! Here is all of the power we have! Be with Takashi and continue to be happy!" I watched their power leave them and enter me. Once all of their power was gone; All that was left of them were two wilted roses. I held back my tears and unwound my kimono. I looked at Takashi's still lifeless body. I sat on the bed next to him and slowly climbed onto his body. I whispered "In all of the heavens and burning hell please come back to me Takashi!" I pressed my lips to his and felt power leave my body. The tears I held back started to fall on Takashi's face. He was still cold. I closed my eyes and leaned next to his ear. I whispered an old incantation into his ear. I then rested my head on his chest and waited to hear a heartbeat. I laid there for hours and days. Soon I heard it... A faint thump. I got up and looked at him. I whispered "Takashi?" Nothing! It seems like ever since Soulls left every thing had gone down hill! I went to open his eyes and he shot up. He asked "Naomi? Are you gone too?" I huffed "No... Were alive! Alive Takashi!!!!!" I hugged him as tight as ever and none of my tears were going to fall; Because he is here for me! I kissed him and said "Never do that ever again!" I put my blue lobster hat on his head. I asked "Do you mind if I read you Black Butler?" He said "No I don't mind! Sit! Sit!" He scooted over and pulled me into his arms. I began to read "A short distance from London..."

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