Four: I Meet Someone New and Explode Their Bird.

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I had one job.

One job!

All I had to do was get the timeturner back from my dead grandmother, and return home in a breeze! One job! That went completely wrong.

There's nothing I could do, I had a broken time turner and no information to their whereabouts.

I knew what year they were in though, I did count the number of spins. Thankfully. I also knew they went to the future because of the way he wound it. I only hoped that they would land in Hogwarts and not wander elsewhere.

That's valuable information.

Too bad I couldn't do anything about it.

I thought long and hard. Who was in this world that would trust me at all? I didn't know anyone! Well--maybe Molly and Arthur, but they're probably graduated by now.



As I stood outside of Dumbledore's office I checked my pockets for anything of use. The photograph of the original order of the Phoenix and the marauder's map. Being as I didn't know how to open the map yet, it was of no use. The photograph however would play an important part in this.

As I was readying my knock on the great door to the headmaster's office, I paused for a moment. I was about to meet the man I had heard so much about, the man my brother was named after. Albus Dumbledore was a legend, and I was about to step in his presence.

What if he was fierce, or rude even? What if he accused me of being an imposter: a death eater? I had one shot at this and no time turner to change my actions. I couldn't mess this up.

"Come in!" The man announced as I knocked lightly three times on the center of the door.

The door swung open before I could even move my hand to the handle and I was greeted by many portraits. I had been in the office many times (I'm not the most behaved boy believe it or not) and I was quite familiar with it. But this was different.

For one thing, two portraits were missing. That of Severus Snape and Dumbledore himself. Snape was alive as well in this time, I had forgotten this.

Also in the center of the room was a cage carrying a great, red bird. It hooted affectingly at me as I approached it. I reached out my hand to pat its head. It looked gentle and old. The bird had a twinkle in its eye which radiated peace. I saw it as a good sign. I reached towards it...

Then it just had to explode.

Just my luck! I'm meeting the legend of my father's time, I have one shot at this conversation. This can mean life or death, aaaaand I exploded his bird.

The world loves me!

"And who might you be?" I turned fearfully to see an older, wise looking man staring back at me. His long, white beard traveled all the way down to his stomach. His eyes were twinkling, much like the birds had. They glinted mysteriously through his half-moon spectacles.

"I-I'm honored to be in your presence," I uttered, stupidly. He looked at me with curiosity.

"Well, I appreciate that comment. Though, I don't know what there is to be honored about." He chuckled lightly. Why was Voldemort so intimidated by this man? He seemed pretty cool.

Then again, while my younger sister Lily seems calm, she's actually a bear in disguise.

"Sir--your bird--it just..exploded," I mumbled.

"Not to worry, Fawkes is a Phoenix. They vanish when their time is done and are reborn from the ashes," He explained patiently. Just as he said it a small, younger version of the old bird appeared and flew affectionately into his hands.

"You look like you have a troubling thought, yes?" I nodded. "well then by all means, do have a seat." He smiled warmly and sat in his old office chair. I sat across from his great desk in a velvet and bronze chair.

"Now, what is your name, son?" He questioned.

"Uh...maybe a different question. That information may be confidential," he laughed lightly, though I knew he knew this wasn't a joking matter.

"Then I shall rephrase, what's your story?" He asked. That, I could tell.

"Uh...this is complicated man, so stay with me." He smiled, and nodded to show he was paying attention.

"Two of your present day students have a child in the future. I am that child's child-er...or your students' grandchild. Those students are now dead in my world, though--so it's urgent they don't find out who I am." He nodded, and I continued on.

"I found a couple of time-turners in my dad's desk and I came here. A girl saw me and she took the other time-turner before I could get it back. I went back here again to get it and my own time turner broke. And when I saw her again she vanished, alongside three other students as well. I know what time zone they are in, but I have no way of getting to there."

He paused for a moment, looking in deep thought.

"What year was it?" He asked.


"Hm...well, who were these students? Though I can take a wild guess. I hope I'm incorrect."

"Lily Evans, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin."

He sighed heavily, "my guess was unfortunately correct. Those four, always getting into Peter Pettigrew alongside the boys by chance?" I flinched at the name, momentarily forgetting Dumbledore didn't know of his betrayal.

" Just James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus. He couldn't catch up."

"Might I ask what your name is once more?" He said calmly. "Judging by your hair and glasses...your eyes, as well--I think I might know your parentage--well--your grandparents, at least." I started at the floor, muttering once more that the information of my family was confidential.

He nodded, "very well, then. But I am going to need proof that what you're saying is truthful-"

"I know you're planning to start a group." I said, "a group against Voldemort." He stared at me.

"It's called the Order of the Phoenix." I finished.

"How did you-"

I brought the picture out of my pocket to show him.

"I know who you want in it as well. I have this shot of them." He brought it close to his face and adjusted his glasses.

"If I'm going to help you, I just have one question. Do we ever defeat Voldemort and his forces?" He whispered in a suspenseful tone.

I paused, this had to be a test. He was testing me to see if I'd tell him what he wanted to know, or lie. So, I gave the safest answer.

"That information is confidential, sir." He nodded approvingly. A small, hidden smile appeared on his lips.

"Very well then, let me tell you my plan."
Much love!

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