Twenty Three: Hm, That Escalated Quickly.

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LILY: "Alright, first question. Something simple, what's your favorite color?" I asked.

"Wow, really getting personal there." He smirked. "Red, what's yours?"

"Wow, mine's red too." I admitted. "We're practically married already. James laughed and tapped his wand on his chin as he had before.

"If you weren't a Gryffindor, what house would you be in?" He asked.

"Actually, the hat greatly considered putting me in Ravenclaw." He nodded interestedly. "I reckon you'd be a Slytherin." He recoiled in disgust.

"Why would you think that?" I shrugged.

"Dunno, you're just ambitious is all with Quidditch and all that. You could be Hufflepuff, actually. As much as I hate to admit it, you are quite loyal. Anyway, favorite food? Mine's strawberry pie." He laughed.

"You're kidding me." He leaned further against the wall, and patted his stomach. "Pumpkin pie is mine. My mum makes the best in existence, I've got to have her make some for you and the guys some time. Just ask Sirius, it's the best." He sighed happily. "Favorite subject? Though I think I know the answer."

"Potions obviously, and yours is--"

"Defense against the dark arts." We said together, which resulted in both of us chuckling to ourselves.

"Good old DADA. Your turn." He said.

"What's your best memory? Like, if you would cast a Patronus charm, what is the first thing you'd think of?" He closed his eyes and thought. James always closed his eyes when he was thinking. That's just a small detail I've noticed about him over the years that doesn't annoy me. It's a small detail that I actually admire about him. Somewhat.

"The day that I got my first transformation down with the guys when we all turned into our animagus form successfully for the first time." He chuckled to himself. "Peter was the first to do it. The guys and I freaked the hell out. Next was Sirius. I remember it was as we were celebrating Peter's accomplishment, suddenly a huge black dog jumped up and pounced on Remus and I. After that, they all urged me to give it a try. This was in the center of our dorm room mind you, so it was already chaotic enough without a giant stag crushing Peter's bed. And when we all transformed back, we were all laughing so hard, we failed to notice the stag antlers still peeking out the top of my head. We still owe Mcgonnagall for fixing that mishap." He smiled and sighed to himself again. "So, that's my best memory. Yours?"

"Well, it's nothing compared to boys with antlers." I admitted. He smirked and shrugged.

"Hey, it's your best memory. Your happiest moment. I'm not judging."

"My sister Petunia and I were at the beach as kids," I started. "Her and I were building sand castles together. When mine got washed away, she let me build into hers." This was of course before I found out I was a witch. This was a time when Petunia was a true sister to me. It would always be in my top memories.

"Wow, sounds nice."

"Go ahead and laugh Potter, I know it's quite pathetic." I shot.

"I'm not laughing!" He held up his hands in defense. "I don't think it's pathetic. I think it's nice. I wish I had a sibling to have memories like that."

"She's awful to me now, things change."

"Oh, really?"

"Onto the next question." I interrupted, "What's your secret talent? Like, a party trick?"

"Uh, I can touch my nose with my tongue. That's about it. What about you?"

"Eh, I didn't have any. I just wanted to see what you'd say." I admitted, he shrugged and stuck his tongue out, touching the bottom of his nose with it.

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