Nine: Ginger Angels Save Our Day

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JAMES: We hadn't a clue where to go or what to do. Classes started in an hour  and we were just confused. It was unfair that we had to go to classes today anyways! We were still taking in all of the events from yesterday. Besides, we had already taken all of these classes in our actual 4th year! Couldn't we just have an extended vacation? Or maybe, we could have a day off!

All of these complaints and more were buzzing through my head. That is, until two ginger angels came to save us.

They had been standing and whispering in the corner of the common room for a while now, they had came down shortly after we had. They were twins, no doubt about it. Maybe a couple of Molly and Arthur's?

Molly and Arthur were older students in our time. I think they were in about 6th or 7th year, maybe? Perhaps they had graduated even, I wasn't sure. The two of them were not your model prefects for say. Those two were the couple that prefects always complain about. On more than one occasion, I had caught them snogging in the broom shed. It wouldn't surprise me if they had a lot of kids.

"Uh, are you three the new boys?" Asked the ginger on the right.

"Yeah, that's us," Sirius murmured.

"Well," said the boy on the left, "I'm Fred Weasley, and that's my brother George."

"I'm Dominic Yard." I introduced, shaking Fred and George's hand.

"Brandon Smith." Remus said, without skipping a beat.

"Erm...I'm Ethan..." Sirius I swear to Merlin if you blow our cover I'll--"Ware! Ethan Ware!" He finished, shaking their hands.

"Well, we were supposed to show you around the school today." Fred said.

"You were?" I asked.

"Yeah." George smirked, "skipping classes to wander around the castle with a bunch of newbies? We jumped at the opportunity to help of course." They both grinned.

"Come on," Fred said, "let's go...tour."

And that is the story of how two ginger angels saved me from having to suffer through my first day of Hogwarts classes.

Wait. Weasley.

That's the name Snape shouted last night when he thought he was chasing Harry. There's also a Weasley boy in Harry's dorm.

Harry's chums with one of the Weasley boys then? So this means that these two know Harry. These two must know about my son!

The Weasley twins walked us out of the corridor, and down to the great hall, while chatting on about the school.

"And this...this is where Fred and I nearly balded Filch in our fourth year! We were scrubbing toilets for months for our punishment, but the look on his! It was worth it!" We heard that, and many other delightful stories.

"Sirius," I mumbled as we continued walking. "You don't think these two could be who Snape was referring to last night when he caught us, could they?"

"He said Weasley, not Weasleys. I reckon they're his brothers. You saw the dorm plate, "Ronald Weasley?" That's probably the kid." Sirius spoke my exact thoughts.

"What do you think Rem?" I asked.

"I think you two should have listened to me and just gone to bed last night. We got into this whole situation by getting into other people's business, just be normal students for once and stay out of it." He retorted. I guess he was right. We should have just listened to Remus, we would be back in our own time if we had just listened to him.

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