Sebastian x Oc x Undertaker Love story

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Chapter 1:

~ 8 years before Ciel Phantomhive was born~

    It’s a rainy day in London, Vincent was out to attend a party held in a viscount manor. “It’s raining heavily will we be able to make it to the party on time?” he sighed “Well we are a few miles away and I think it will not be much of a burden” said Lau his companion for tonight along with a Chinese girl that always sits on Lau’s lap. “ I hope you can finally find a girl that will make your heart beat during the party.” Lau smirked “Oh come on, you know I am not going there to mingle and flirt with a woman.” He replied “You know our reason for going there, It’s the queens orders we must find the killer that kills those innocent children.” He continued “ Ohh? I thought were just going there because you wanted to party.” Said Lau with a confused look then looked at the girl sitting on his lap. “And here I thought you can finally have someone sitting on your lap like mine nee Ran Mao?” Vincent sighed, before he could speak the carriage went to a stop, then Tanaka his butler went to open the door for them. “We have arrived my lord” Tanaka gestured for them to go outside the carriage. “This is going to be a long night” Vincent said with a stern face. “I have a feeling this night will be interesting” Lau said smiling.

    As they walked inside, The hall are filled with guest, women with their frilly gowns that almost touched the grounds, while men wear tuxedos (sorry I’m not good at describing things just use your imagination XD) Some of them Vincent recognized immediately, Of course his the queens guard dog and a famous CEO of a toy company, some of these people are either his clients or social acquaintances. When they entered, Vincent was immediately swarmed by women of all ages asking if he had a date, or asking if they can be his date tonight. To their dismay Vincent turned them down with a smile. ‘Focus Vincent you need to find the killer immediately so you can finish the mission quickly and head back home!’ The music started to play, couples started to dance on the floor, women started swarming again at Vincent, he turned them down again and escaped for more women are coming his way. As he escape someone bump into him and saw it was a girl. The girl was beautiful her hazel brown eyes met his, her small lips carved beautifully on her small face and her soft tangerine gown compliment her brown skin. “Pasensya na” the girl said “ I-i mean I’m sorry” then she bowed to the man “No need to say sorry milady, I wasn’t looking on my way either.” He said with a smile. The girl bowed again and as she prepares to leave, a hand stopped her. “Um may I know your name Milady?” She stood there looking at the man, her mind was blank, he was handsome. Before she could speak, someone called for her. “Maria it’s almost time for you to play!” the girl who is holding a violin gestured her to come to her side quickly. Maria turned to the man again “ I’m sorry I have to go”. She was stopped again “ After the party can we meet again?” Vincent said. She nod then walks quickly to her friend “Who was that man?” “I don’t know, but he sure is handsome”. She replied with a blush in her cheeks.

    ‘What was i thinking asking for her name, and I even asked her if we could meet later’ Vincent sighed then he felt a tap on his shoulders, he turned and saw Lau “ My my love is in the air nee Ran Mao?” Said Lau smiling at Vincent then turned to face Ran Mao. “Lau stop with the teasing please like i told you before, I am here because of my mission, not to find some love interest. Vincent said with an irritated voice. Then a man stood in front of the stage, he was Viscount Michael the person who hosted the party. “ Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please!” Tonight we have a special guest, She’s a special girl with great talents for playing the piano. It is an honour to have her here tonight.” A girl went to the stage with grace and presents herself to everyone. Vincent was surprised to see the girl he bumped into. “Her name is Maria Balagtas from Philippines. She has been known to be a great pianist not just in Asia but also here in Europe, Tonight she will be playing the piano to entertain us.” The viscount gestured Maria to the piano. As she sat in front of the piano her hands rested on the keys and played. She was astonishing the guests move in closer to watch her, even Vincent was amazed by her talent , he also went to the front to see her in a closer view. “And there he said he was on a mission.” Lau whispered into his ears, Vincent Ignored him. As the song comes to an end the, the lights went out, There where screams and crashing of glass, Everyone in the hall panicked and ran in circles. Vincent was too occupied with Maria thinking if she’s safe. Without noticing Vincent went to the stage and grabbed Maria’s hand and runs outside of the manor. As they reached outside someone yelled at Vincent. “VINCENT!” Lau called “What the hell are you doing he’s inside we have to hurry!” Vincent stood there stunned, he doesn’t want to go back not until Maria is safe, but he has his duties to the queen he let go of Maria and said  “I hope I can see you again Milady, this is goodbye for now”. He then run towards the manor and left Maria.

    Weeks have passed since the party incident. The killer has been caught, but when he went back to where he left Maria, there was no sign of her. Vincent sat on his desk thinking if Maria was safe after the incident. Tanaka was pouring tea. “Sir today’s tea is  Earl Grey and for dessert Apple Rum Pie” Tanaka placed the cup in his master’s desk, Vincent was too occupied with thoughts of Maria. Tanaka coughed. “ehem, Sir your tea? Are you not satisfied or are you still thinking of Miss Maria?” he did not move. “She’s been on my mind lately I haven’t seen her since the party and- Wait how did you know about her? I never told you anything, or did I?”. Looking at his butler, Tanaka chuckled “Well my Lord, Lord Lau told me of how you met this Pianist girl and how you fell in love with her” he chuckled again. “Tanaka please do not absorb all of Lau’s imaginary stories” he said a bit irritated. He stood up and went for the door. “I’m going outside for a walk, I’ll be back by dinner” “ Be careful my Lord” Tanaka bowed at his master.

    As he arrived at a park he sat on a bench and read a book. “good thing I brought a book to kill my boredom.” After a few minutes, he closed the book and sighed “ I’ve been on the same page since the beginning “ he Sighed again “Then why don’t you try reading it instead of staring at it” he looked up and saw a girl and she was Maria. He almost shouted thank god you’re alive but held back. “ Miss Maria it’s nice seeing you again!” he stood up still looking at her. “It’s nice to see you again Sir Vincent” she smiled. “may I join you sir Phantomhive?” She asked. “S-sure, w-wait how did you know my family name?” he asked confused. “well i was on a toy store and was about to buy a toy for my little sister when I saw a poster of you, I asked the Toy shop keeper who is on the poster and he said your name is Vincent Phantomhive” she replied. “Well that’s good enough for a reason” He sat on the bench again and gestured Maria to sit beside him. “So what are you doing here at the park Miss Balagtas?” she looked at him “Well I am in love with nature so I prefer to kill my time at a park or a garden rather than being inside a gloomy house, and as I remember i did not tell you my family name either” she smiled at him “Miss if you remember Viscount Michael did introduce you to the crowd at the party” He looked at her smirking “ Ohhh right!” then she laughed and he joined her. They both talked getting to know each other, as time passed they both enjoyed the company of each other they didn’t even recognized it was getting dark. “Well milady It’s getting dark we should head back, and please do allow me to escort you home since it’s not safe for a young lady as yourself to walk around alone” he offered his hand to her “Under on condition, just call me Maria” She smiled to him “Then call me Vincent then I will call you Maria” He smiled back. Maria reached for his hand “It’s a deal”. They both left the park. As they walk side by side, they continued their conversation until they reached Maria’s house. “I think this is goodbye Maria” said Vincent “Yes Goodbye Vincent and Goodnight, please take care.” “I’ll see you tomorrow then? At the same park?” Vincent said as he let go of Maria’s hand. “Sure” she smiled and placed a light kiss on his cheeks. Vincent flushed a light pink then waved goodbye at Maria before turning back. 

    It’s been a year, they continued seeing each other at the park. Sometimes Vincent visits Maria’s house and Maria does the same. They loved each other’s company, They loved each other. They confessed to each other and made love. Vincent loved Maria so much, he proposed to her. She said yes then kissed him passionately. But happy endings are not meant for both of them. Vincent sister Frances didn’t liked Maria for she was not in their league. She told Maria she should stay away from Vincent if she value her life, she also told her that a Queens Guard Dog is a Dangerous title it can make a simple family into ruins and that she will just be a burden to Vincent because she’s weak. Maria thought of Frances words, ‘I’m not capable of being a wife to the Queens Guard Dog, I’m just a Hindrance to his job’. She never wanted to leave Vincent for she loved him dearly, but she had to make a decision, she’s scared of the truth she’s scared that one day this happy life of them will not be as happy as it will be tomorrow, and she also thought the child inside of her. Maria only wanted her child safe and grew up to be a normal child. She then finally decides. She’d leave Vincent, the man she deeply loved, she doesn’t want the child to live a dangerous life.  A few weeks before their wedding Maria is missing, Vincent frantically looked all over the place where she could be, but she cannot be found. Tanaka handed him a letter for it was addressed to him. He opens it quickly and read

My Dearest Vincent,

    I know there are so many questions in your head right now of why I left you. Please don’t look for me, And please don’t question my love for you. I loved you with all my heart, but I cannot live with the life that you have, I cannot be called the Queens Guard Dog’s wife. I will be foolish if I continue marrying you. To tell the truth I’m scared, scared that one day the family that we’ve been dreaming of will remain a dream. I can’t be with you forever, even if you regret loving me, I will not regret loving you. but please my love forget about me and find a woman that will stay by your side and be your wife. I Love you so much Goodbye My Love. 


    Tanaka took a silver tray and handed it to Vincent. It was Maria’s engagement ring. He took the ring holding back his tears. “Leave” Tanaka looked at his master and bowed at him before leaving the room. 

    Vincent tried looking for Maria but he failed. He asked all of the person he knew that knew Maria but none of them ever saw Maria nor know of her location. He went to the same park where they always meet, he sat on the bench and cried “ My Love why did you have to leave me!” He knelt down his tears rolling on his face. “I will never forget you I promise, Until we meet again, even if we have our own lives, I will still wait for the day until we meet again, and the child in your womb I will never forget”. Years have passed. Vincent married another woman her name was Rachel they were so happy together and had a son named Ciel. He still did not forget about Maria and their child he never met. But he is still wishing that one day, even if it’s just the child he wanted to see them again and meet his/her little brother Ciel.

Author’s note:
Please don’t be confused this is really an Sebastian x Oc X Undertaker story i’m just clearing things up on how did Ciel had an Older sister.
if my English is not good i’m sorry! This is my first time making a story in full English so please bear with my wrong grammar and spelling T_T. 
Yes i’m a Filipino so you will see some Tagalog words or Sentences in the story
Pasensya na – I’m sorry

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