Shopping with Ciel

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Chapter 20: Shopping with Ciel
~Jessica’s POV~
The carriage drove through town, me and Magnolia sat side by side while in front of us was Ciel and Sebastian which is quite irritating because Sebastian was in front of me, staring at me the whole time.
I want to pull out those gorgeous eyes of him so he would stop staring at me, Wait! Did I just say gorgeous? Why am I acting like this!
The carriage came to a stop, Sebastian went out first then followed by Ciel, I sighed in irritation “That stupid butler” I muttered, I did not realize Magnolia was still inside the carriage
“It seems like you fancy the butler” she said then chuckled, I was about to speak when Ciel called to us “Are you two coming or what?”
“After you” I said, Magnolia went off first while Sebastian helped her, I felt something heavy when I saw their hands touched, more like irritated ‘Why am I jealous? He just helped her go down right?’, I shook my head then decided to go out.
Sebastian offered his hand for me, I looked at it but ignored his offer, then I went to Ciel’s side not even looking back.
~Ciel’s POV~
We all walked through town and it’s a bit awkward since none of these two girls dared to enter any shop. I turned to them then raised my eyebrow, they just looked back at me
“Well? What are you two standing there? I did say we will go shopping right?” they both looked at each other then back at me “Lord Phantomhive, there are so many boutiques that I wanted to enter but I can’t decide where to enter first” she explained
“And I might end up buying a thing or two for each shop I enter” She continued
“I did say you can buy anything you want, so do as you please” I said then turned my gaze to Jessica who was staring at something.
“Jessica?” I called, she blinked then answered “Yes?”
“Are you going to buy something or not?” I asked a bit irritated
“Oh! Ahh.. can we go there?” She pointed at a store full of accessories “Then let’s go”
We entered the shop then the shopkeeper greeted us “Good morning!” she looked at us in shock then pointed at us “Ah Milady!” She exclaimed then quickly went to our side “It’s nice to see you again!” The shopkeeper said then bowed at my sister.
“You still remember me?” Jessica asked.
“Why of course Milady, you’re the one who captured the thief boy, and I’m grateful for that” she said
“Thief boy?” I asked in confusion.
“Ciel do you remember the other day when Grell took me out without asking for permission?, Well that time he took me shopping and went to this town, and that time there was someone who robbed this shop so I followed the thief and captured him” I explained
“You did what?!” I yelled in shock
“What? It’s only a harmless little boy”
“How is that harmless?! It’s a thief for goodness sake!” I yelled again
“Oh there you go again! When do you intend to stop acting like a brat!” She said pointing her finger at me
Sebastian stepped between us then pushed us away from each other. “Seriously you two, why don’t you act your own age?” he said
We both glared at him then shouted in unison “Shut up old man!”
I saw his face got pissed, suddenly Jessica started laughing, I looked at her confused but then I noticed something, we both insulted Sebastian, That’s when I joined her laugh. I never felt this feeling after a few years The feeling of having fun
~Sebastian’s POV~
I looked at them confused, ‘What the hell is wrong with this two? Earlier they were fighting but now they are laughing, Seriously I really can’t understand humans’
“Are they always like that?” Lady Magnolia asked.
“The fighting yes, but the laughing it’s the first time” I replied. Suddenly they stopped then looked at me, they both smirked, for the first time it creeped the hell out of me, I have no clue as to what these two are thinking.
“Uhm” the shop keeper interrupted we all turned to her “I’m sorry to interrupt but may I have a moment with you Milady?”
“Why of course!” Jessica answered “Why don’t you look around while I talk to her” Jessica continued then followed the shopkeeper.
~Jessica’s POV~
I followed the shopkeeper to the counter “Excuse me, if you don’t mind, may I know your name?” I asked.
“Oh! I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself, My name is Irine” she said “What a beautiful name, By the way my name is Jessica Phantomhive”
She looked at me in shock “Phantomhive? You mean the one who owned the Funtom Co. That is well known for their confectionaries?”
“Um well yes, but it’s my brother who owns that company.”
“You’re brother? You mean the one with the eyepatch?”
I looked at Ciel who was looking at me then I looked back at Irine “Yes, that’s him”
Irine gasp and covered her mouth with her hands  “So the rumours are true!”
I looked at her in confusion then asked “What rumours?”
Irine looked at Ciel then back at me “That the former Lord of the Phantomhive’s had another child from another woman”
I frowned when I heard those words again ‘child from another woman, people will really see me as the other child’
Irine closed her mouth again with her hands then apologized “I-i’m sorry Milady, I did not mean to-“
“No It’s fine” I said waving my hands in front of me “How about we change the subject, where were we earlier? Ahh, the thing you wanted to show me?”
“Oh that! Please wait here” she went inside the counter then bent down and looked for something “Now where is that? .. Ah here it is!” She showed me a small box then went back to my side.
“Here’s a little gift from me, It’s a thank you gift for the last time, if you didn’t caught the thief I might pay for the thing he stole from this shop”
She handed me the small box and gently took it from her. “Thank you! You shouldn’t have!” I smiled at her  and she smiled back.
“It may be small but I know you will like it” Irine said, I gently opened the box and saw a braided bracelet with a cat pendant I looked at Irine, she gave me a soft smile “I know how much you liked that bracelet when you first saw it in my shop the last time, I decided to keep it just in case I see you again”
I looked back at the bracelet then smiled I looked back at Irine then said “Thank you”
“What is that?” I jumped back when I heard Ciel’s voice from behind, I quickly closed the box then looked at him “It’s a gift from Irine”
Ciel raised an eyebrow then asked “Really? May I see it?” he held his hand up and reached for the small box I was holding, good thing Magnolia run to our side “Jessica!” She grabbed my hands then dragged me somewhere “Hurry! There’s a cute necklace over there!”
I saw Sebastian holding something “Is that a necklace?” I did not notice I said it aloud.
“Excuse me? Did you say something?” Magnolia asked.
I looked at her and laughed nervously “Oh me? Haha no! I said where is that necklace you were going to show me?”
“Oh! It’s this way!” again she dragged me.
After we bought a few things in the shop, I said goodbye to Irine and went to a dress shop.
“Arg! I can’t decide! Hey Jessica what do you think is better the blue dress or the green?” Magnolia asked showing me both of the dresses.
“Why don’t you just try both of it” Ciel said
“How about the blue one? It’s looked nice on your figure” I suggested. She looked at the blue dress then said “Well this one is nice... Nah! I think I’ll take the Green dress”
Ciel face palmed “Then why did you bother asking if you’re not going to listen!” Ciel said in irritation.
Ciel looked at me then said “Aren’t you going to buy one?”
I looked at him then pondered “I can’t decide, All of the dresses here are pretty” I said. Ciel looked around the shop then pointed at something
“How about you try that one?” I looked at the direction of where he is pointing it was a yellowish gold colored dress, it was silk, puffed bodies, a fairly high waist and a wide neckline. In the very chest was a big white carnation flower. The embroidery was designed with butterflies flying upwards.
“That one is gorgeous! Come on Jessica try it!” Magnolia said, I sighed then nodded. The dress maker helped me fit the dress, when I went out all of them gasp, Ciel smiled then said “It looks good on you”
I smiled back at him “Thank you” I looked at Sebastian he was staring at me, but something caught my attention.. he was.. blushing lightly.
I moved forward walking towards Sebastian’s side he almost moved back when I was a meter away from him, I met his gaze “Does it really look good on me?” I asked him.
He smiled then said “Yes, that dress looks good on you Milady”
I smiled back at him, Ciel cleared his throat to get our attention “Then it’s settled, Sebastian, pay for the dresses that they picked and do it quickly, I’m hungry”
Sebastian bowed at him then said “Certainly My Lord”
We ate at a fine restaurant then continued with our shopping which made Ciel very tired “Tired are we my little brother?” I gave him a smirk. “Would you like me to carry you on my back?” I offered teasingly
He looked at me annoyed “I will never do that childish thing!” he yelled then stormed off. I laughed at him.
“You sure like to tease your brother” Sebastian said, I turned around and saw him carrying the boxes that is stacked neatly with one hand. ‘Those things are heavy!’ Then I remembered what Undertaker said yesterday ‘Like me he’s not human’
“Jessica!” Ciel called, I turned to him then said “What? Changed your mind of me giving you a piggy back ride?”
“NO! Geez! Will you stop thinking of those childish things!” he yelled with irritation, I can’t help but giggle he sighed then said “Anyway, I need to talk to Magnolia privately, For now stay with Sebastian” I frowned.
“Sebastian! Keep an eye on her!” he ordered then went off with magnolia.
“Milady” Sebastian called, I turned to him, he gave me a serious look on his face.
“Can we talk?” he asked. I think to myself ‘Maybe this is the right time to ask him the truth’
I followed Sebastian to a park outside of town, there are no people around, it’s just the two of us “Won’t Ciel look for us?” I asked.
“Don’t worry, I already told Tanaka to tell him to wait for us in the carriage” he replied.
He turned to me and looked directly into my eyes. My hands reacted on its own reaching for his face, he did not move or flinched he just looked at me
“What are you talking about!” I asked shocked, he just giggled at me “Undertaker I’m serious! How come Sebastian is a demon?! Why is he with my brother!” I asked yelling at him a bit.
He just smiled then answered “You better ask him in person, that is “if” he tells you the truth”
I glared at him irritated, he’s already giving me information but why won’t he give me an explanation “If this Sebastian is a demon a joke I swear I’ll kill you Undertaker!”
Again he giggled at me “Then remove those gloves of him and see what’s underneath it”
~End of Flashback~
I held his right hand then gently removed his glove but he stopped me “Why are you stopping me? Is there something you don’t want me to see?” I looked at his eyes, he did not answer but he did not let go of my hand
“Please let go” I said in a cold tone
“Did Undertaker tell you something?” I froze, then sighed
“So what if he told me something? I just want to know the truth”
“What truth are you seeking for?”
“I know you already know what I’m talking about, now please let me go and let me see what’s underneath this gloved hands”
There was a pause, he still did not let go “I will let go under one condition”
I looked at him curiously then asked “Tell me your condition”
“Go back with us to the manor” again there was silence ‘Go back to the manor? I think Ciel is behind this!’
“That depends on what I will see in your hands” I said
“I will not let go until you say yes” he insisted, I glared at him with irritation then let out a huge sigh
“Fine! I will go back, now will you please let go?”
He stared at me for a while before letting my hand go, I held his hand and nervously removed his glove... I saw...
Author’s note:
This chapter is dedicated to my Best friend.. Oh the next chapter? It will be soon.... well I don’t know *evil grin* 

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