The ball

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Chapter 6

~Sebastian’s POV~

I am currently preparing young master for the ball that Lady Elizabeth impulsively  thought earlier for Lady Jessica. “Elizabeth is not listening again. After I told her about how Lady Jessica became my older sister she just decided on her own and said “Let’s give her a small party just us to welcome her!” such a pain” young master sighed.

“Well we haven’t given Lady Jessica a proper welcome party yet, so It’s okay to have it today“ I said. 

“A proper welcome huh?” I was thinking the same thing, presenting her to the crowd as the daughter of the late Lord Vincent Phantomhive.”  I was doing some final touches to his suit then arranged his hair. 

“It will be a good idea young master, after all she’s a Phantomhive it is our duty to introduce her to those of high social status for them to be aware, and it is also your father’s wish that she will be recognized as the Queens Gaurd Dog daughter.” 

I finished preparing him then he looked at me. “We will talk of the other details tomorrow, for now we should head down the hall so this nonsense ball will end immediately.” I smiled then bowed at him.

“As you wish, my Lord.” We went downstairs waiting for Lady Elizabeth and Lady Jessica. “Are you ready to dance with Lady Elizabeth?” I teased young master as he become irritated, he’s not a good dancer after all. 

“Ciel!” Lady Elizabeth came running down the staircase  hugging young master. “You are so cute! I knew that suit will look good on you!” She kept hugging him until he’s out of breath.

“Lizzy.. Let go!..” She let go of him, young master catching his breath asked “ Where is Lady Jessica?”

Lady Elizabeth looked up at the stairs, All of us did the same and gasp. She was beautiful. The color of her gown complimented her skin, her light make-up enhanced her beauty, and her black hair done nicely on her right shoulder.

She stepped down the stairs gracefully.”Wow she’s beautiful” Finny said. “She’s a beauty indeed” Bard second. “She’s like a doll” Meyrin said. “As she come down to a stop young master went to her. 

“You looked beautiful tonight, Isn't she Sebastian?” he looked at me then smirked. 

“Yes she is beautiful especially in that dress” I saw her blush, She’s cute when she blushes. 

“The party will not start unless it has music right?” I took out a Violin Lady Jessica looked at the side and saw the Piano.

“If you don’t mind may I join you with the music?” She smiled

“But Jessica this party is for you!”Lady Elizabeth 

“Let her play Lizzie, I wanted to hear her play” young master said. She smiled then went to the Piano. As she sat, she positioned herself putting her hands on the keys then started playing. I joined her with the music. 

“May I have this dance Lizzie?” young master said Lady Elizabeth happily accepted then they both danced on the floor.

~Jessica’s POV~

I was playing the piano, Sebastian was good at playing the violin. As I play I watched Ciel and Lizzie dance on the floor. They looked cute together. 

The song ends we both bowed at all of them. “ You’re as good as your mother.” Tanaka said 

“Thank you” I then looked at the piano my hands are still on the keys. “This is my only favorite memory of Nanay, Teaching me the thing she loved the most” I smiled then continued “Music”.

As I stared at the piano I heard someone played I looked around and thought it was Sebastian but rather it was Tanaka. ‘Wow he’s also good’.

I was too occupied with Tanaka when someone tapped my shoulders. “May I have this dance?” Ciel said as he held his hand in front of me, I smirked then took his hand “Why of course my little brother” I can see irritation in his eyes but I can see his cheeks dusted in pink, Seeing him blush made me satisfied.

Before he can held his hand back I dragged him in the floor and danced with him. “Why don’t you smile? After all you’re dancing with your sister” he looked at the side still blushing, He’s so cute!

While we were dancing someone interrupted “Mind if I cut in?” It was Sebastian. Ciel smirked now it’s his turn to tease. 

“Sure I think she’s been expecting to have a dance with you” I glared at Ciel ‘this kid!’ He handed my hand to Sebastian’s then looked at me and said “Enjoy!” He smirked again then went to Lizzie’s side and they danced again.

I looked at Sebastian a bit nervous, I’m definitely sure I was blushing hard. “Don’t worry Milady, I won’t bite” He said smiling. He guided my free hand on he’s right shoulders and put his right hand around my waist, while holding my right hand with his left. 

We danced there staring at each other’s eyes. This time I finally got the chance to examine his face. ‘His greyish pale skin blend together with his raven black hair that framed his face, His eyes were pretty I've never seen someone have Red colored eyes. And his lips, what does it feel for those lips to touch mi- wait! Don’t think about those things!’ 

I shook my head “Milady is there something wrong?” I looked at Sebastian, I was about to speak when someone came in.

~Sebastian’s POV~

“My my what do we have here?” we all turned to where the voice was coming from.
“Grell?” Lady Jessica said aloud. How did she know about this Idiot?. She let go of me then Grell came running to our side.

“Jessy!” they both hugged each other, Grell hugged her tightly making her hard to breathe. 

“Grell! ... can’t... breath!” She said almost choking, Grell let go of her immediately then said “Opps! Sorry darling!~” 

“Mr. Sutcliffe what are you doing here?” I said annoyed. He turned to me and said “Ah! Sebby!” he tried to jump on me but I side stepped making him fall to the ground.

“Grell! Are you alright?” Lady Jessica asked in concern helping him get up.

“Ow Sebby! You’re as cold as usual!” He shouted at me

“Wait, He’s Sebby?” Lady Jessica asked pointing at me the Grell nodded.

“Of course darling who else could it be?” She smirked “Can I call him Sebby too?”

“I’m afraid not milady, I preferred to be called by my real name than some nickname that that ‘Idiot’ created” I said a bit irritated.

“Ow but Sebby is a cute name!”She pouted crossing her arms, I blushed at her complain. This girl can be a bit childish, no wonder she’s young master’s older sister, They both have that spoiled attitude.

“Lady Jessica” Young master called. “Why do you know Grell?” he asked.

“Well I met him yesterday at the same ship going to London. He was crying because of-“ She pointed at me then continued “Him” she said. 

“And Jessy here comforted me and we became friends.” Grell continued he then hugged Lady Jessica playfully. ‘This Idiot! Holding her like that! I will make sure to kick his ass of the mansion later’.

Young master stared at them for a while then said “This party is over!, Sebastian! Make sure Lizzie is taken care of before sending her home.” I bowed at him then said “As you wish, young master.” 

“But Ciel! We just started the party!” Lady Elizabeth said frowning.

“It is already late, we don’t want aunt Frances to worry and besides I have something to discuss with Lady Jessica” 


“Lizzie” he looked at her with a stoic face then said in a calm voice “I promise next time we will have another ball, and you will be the one in charge, but for now you must go home”

Lady Elizabeth squealed “Yay! Promise?”

“Yes I promise.”

~Time Skip~
~Jessica’s POV~

Me and Grell followed Ciel in his study. We were silent for a while, Grell broke the silence. “Jessy what is your relation with this brat?”

I looked at Grell but I did not stop walking. “Well-“ I looked at Ciel who’s back is turned to me then continued. “He is my little brother.” Grell’s eyes widened “WHAT! H-how?”

I was silent carefully choosing the right words to say “I am the eldest daughter of Vincent Phantomhive... actually before Ciel’s mother met our father, Mother met father first, but in some circumstances..” I was silent again I don’t know how to continue since Ciel was listening too. What if I say something wrong?. 

“Mother left father without any reasons.” I looked at the ground still walking “even I don’t know her reasons all I know is Vincent Phantomhive is my father and that I have another sibling.” Ciel didn’t react a bit, but I was still uneasy I don’t know if I’m prepared with his soon to be questions.

Grell eyed me curiously as if processing all of the information I said. “So he’s your sibling in your father side” I nodded.

We arrived at Ciel's Study. Ciel gestured us to sit on the chair near his desk. The room was silent both of them staring at me, the silence broke when there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Ciel said. Sebastian entered the room with tea. 

“Lady Elizabeth has been sent home” Ciel looked at Sebastian then Grell came running to his side clinging to him. “Mr Sutcliffe will you please stay away from me, I don’t want Lady Jessica to get the wrong Idea.” He said in annoyance. I can sense he’s holding back his anger. 

“Oh come on Sebby, Jessy doesn’t mind!, Don’t cha darling Jessy?” He grinned showing his pointy teeth.

I looked at Sebastian, his glare was scary, If ever I agreed to what Grell had said I swear he’s going to punish me for that. 

“ah, hehe.” Was all I can say.

“Do you know what that man is?” Ciel spoke, for once I want to thank him for speaking. 

“Pardon?” I asked looking back at Ciel. “I said do you know what Grell is?” I tilted my head to the side ‘what is he talking about? He’s question doesn't make any sense’ 

“No she doesn't!” Grell replied. “Wait! What really is going on here? And Grell what is he talking about?” I asked a bit irritated, I can’t process any of what’s happening to this conversation, it’s making me dizzy.

“He’s a shinigami” Ciel said I looked back at him “Shinigami?”

“A grim reaper” Sebastian replied. “A WHAT? H-how? Will you all please explain this to me properly!” this time I’m beyond irritation.

Grell giggled “As they have said, I’m a grim reaper, I judge people souls if they should live or die” He explained. 

“If you’re a grim reaper, where is your death scythe? all grim reapers have one right?" I asked questioningly. He took out a chain saw then pointed it at our side “This dear is my death scythe! Cool isn’t it?” 

I raised an eyebrow “really Grell? a chain saw?”

“Hey don’t underestimate this baby! This can cut souls perfectly giving them their proper judgement!” he said shouting at me.

I heard Ciel sighed “Grell why are you on Lady Jessica’s ship? Did you rip someone’s soul ?” Ciel asked

“Well no, William game me an assignment on another country he said I’m the only capable one on doing it so he sent me to Philippines.”

“I think William sent you there because you’re not doing your job properly here.” Sebastian Interrupted

“No he’s not! He just knows I’m great so he sent me!” Grell argued, this time my dizziness became worse, since this conversation started I already became uncomfortable I’m having a hard time breathing.

I rubbed my forehead then stood up. “I’m going to my room, I’m not feeli-“ Everything went blank.

~Sebastian’s POV~

“Lady Jessica!”

Before she could fall to the ground I caught her. “Sebastian!” young master shouted. “bring her to her room immediately!”

“Yes my lord!” I carried Lady Jessica bridal style then immediately went to her room. In the hallway I spotted Meyrin running “Mr. Sebastian I heard some Wah! W-w-what happened to her?” She said panicking. 

“She fainted, come with me to her room!” 

“Y-yes sir!” As  we reached her room Meyrin opened the door. I lay her gently in her bed, then ordered Meyrin. “Remove her clothing and especially her corset, so she can breathe normally”  I went to her closet and got her a comfortable nightgown then handed it to Meyrin. 

“I’ll be back I’ll go get some medicine” 

~Time skip~

I stayed beside Lady Jessica as she rest on her bed. I was reading a book. I looked at my pocket watch "9:43" Almost time to prepare young master for his bedtime. I was about to leave when I heard her say something in almost a whisper “Nanay” I looked at her she was crying again.

‘you’re having the same dream again aren't you?’ I said in my thought, I went beside her bed then bend myself a little closer to her to wipe her tears with my gloved hands.

“Nanay” she said again while lifting her arms then wrapped it around my neck. “This is bad if she wakes up”. I tried to get off but she hugged me closer to her, our bodies touched each other, then she rolled to the side dragging me along. She snuggled her head on my chest I smirked “This is very bad indeed”.

Authors note:

Can you feel the love tonight! I was fangirling while doing this! ..XD  I can't help it! LOLZ

I'm having a bit of writers block here so it might take a while to submit chapter 7. But I will make sure before the end of this week I will publish chapter 7. but for now enjoy chapter 6!

Sebastian x Oc x Undertaker Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now