The revelation

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Chapter 2

~Jessica's POV~

     "Nanay, please don't leave me!" I said crying. "Anak, please don't cry, we both know that it is my time." My mother took my hands and caressed it on her cheeks."Please promise me, find your little brother, and protect him if you must." She looked up and brushed away my tears, I couldn't help but cry, now that my mother’s life is coming to an end because of a brain tumor. "I don't know what to do, I-i- I can't do it alone nanay." Mother smiled still holding my hand "Hush my child, you are stronger than me, Unlike you i'm weak I couldn't even fight for the one I love." a tear rolling on her cheeks "Don't be like me my child, Fight for what you believe in, fight for your love, stay strong until that day comes when you found someone you want to spend your whole life with." She held both of my hands " Don't worry my child, I'm sure Tanaka will help you out, I will not leave you alone in this cruel world, I love you so much" With her last shaky breath she said " Until we meet again in another time..." She gently closed her eyes "nanay? , Nanay wake up!" I hold her hands tightly then shakes it "no not now, I *hic* still need *hic* you.." My tears went out nonstop, I can't hold my cries any longer, I shouted my mother's name. I am now alone.

~Ciel's POV~

    I was sitting on my desk signing some papers. "Young master" my butler called "Today's tea is Darjeeling tea, and for dessert apple almond pie" Sebastian said while pouring me a cup of tea. "Sebastian have you seen Tanaka?" my butler looked at me and answered "He is currently at the kitchen, drinking his tea my lord." I sighed then stared at my papers. "Is there a matter young master?" I sighed again then answered "His been.. Silent these past few days... a bit distant." I looked at my butler hoping for an answer. 
    Before Sebastian could answer, there has been a knock on the door. "Come in" I said with a calm voice. Tanaka entered not in his deformed form. "Good Morning young master" said Tanaka then bowed at me. "May I have a word with you?" I looked at him confused, this is the first time in years since I saw Tanaka in a serious face. "Speak up" while I took a sip on my cup and gestured Sebastian to go outside. Sebastian was preparing to leave but Tanaka stopped him. "Please Sir Sebastian stay, I need you to hear this conversation also." Sebastian stood there looking at Tanaka then to his young master. I looked at Sebastian's gaze then back to Tanaka. "Is it Important?" I asked "Yes young master, It is about... " He was silent for a few seconds then continued ".. about your older sister" my eyes widen thinking about what Tanaka had just said. "My older sister?, As far as i know i'm the only child of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive" my gaze never left Tanaka. Even Sebastian was curious of what Tanaka have just said.

    "Yes, you are 'the' only son of Lord Vincent and Madam Rachel" Tanaka Cooed "but before Lord Vincent met your mother, He had met someone else.” I sat there stunned I couldn’t believe anything I was hearing. “Before I continue I want you to read this first young master.” Tanaka gave me a letter it was addressed as “To my son Ciel”. I looked at it for a moment before taking it gingerly as if it will crumble in my hands if I’m not careful. I then opened the letter.

My dearest son,

    If you have received this letter in your hands, it means I am already gone in this world. I made this letter to let you know a secret, I intend to tell you this when your older enough to understand. It’s abut you having another sibling. You see I loved someone else before I met your mother, and we had a child. I never saw the that child but I do wish you two meet. Ciel please accept my wish, Find your other sibling and take care of that child. I never regret loving your mother and having you as a son. I also never regret loving that person and having a child with her. Please grant my wish my son, This is all I ask of you.

With all love,
Your father. 

    I stared at the letter for a moment, then Tanaka talked. “It is your father’s wish, he wanted you and your sister to meet and live together. He then handed me 2 photographs of 2 different girls. The older one looked like in her twenties, while the other girl is about 7 or 8 years of age. “This is Lady Maria and this is your older sister”  I looked at the young girl’s photo. “What is her name? My sister?” “Jessica Phanthomhive”. Tanaka Replied “ Jessica huh?,... Please i want to know more about these two, how father met Maria”. Tanaka told everything, How they met at the party, How they met again at the park, how happy Vincent was when he’s with her, He also told the cancelled wedding because of Maria’s disappearance. Tanaka told these things in detail to me. “If you and father never found Maria, How come you know of my sister and have this photograph?” I asked, Tanaka looked at the window and replied. “I saw Lady Maria that day.... when your parents were married. I asked her why did she return, she told me that she only wanted to see Lord Vincent from afar, to see if he’s happy. Then that time i saw a little girl running beside her, that was the first time i saw your sister.” Tanaka stopped then looked at the photo of Maria. “Lady Maria told me to meet in private”

~ Flashback~
     “Tanaka I have a favour to ask of you, will you hear my plea?” Maria said “I- .... I don’t have enough years to leave.” She then looked at Tanaka, “ I have a brain tumor” Tanaka is shooked of what Maria had just said “Miss Maria did you try consulting a doctor?” She shook her head “How about the child? She will grow up without a mother.” “I know that’s why I told you to meet me in private.” She took Tanaka’s hands “She’s young and no one will be able to take care of her, I doubt my family will take care of her” Shee took a deep breath “I am preparing her Tanaka, with the few years I have left, I want her to be ready... ready to be called the daughter of the Queen’s Guard Dog”. Tanaka looked at Maria for a while “Miss Maria, you don’t have to suffer like this! Why don’t you just present her to Lord Vincent, madam Rachel did know he had a child, She is also helping him on finding you and your daughter, and I know they can also help you about your si-“ “I see Vincent saw a kind and strong woman” She then smiled “Thank you for your concern Tanaka, but I don’t want for him to see this weak side of me, no I don’t want him to see the woman who broke his heart.” She held Tanaka’s hands tightly. “This is my last favour Tanaka, Please until the day I die, do not speak a word of this to Vincent.” Tanaka sighed “Very well miss, if you have decided then I can’t do anything about it, but I want you to update me of you and your child’s condition, Until the day that she’s prepared to face her father I will keep this a secret.”  He smiled then let go of her hands, she the smiled and said “Thank you”.

~Ciel’s POV~ 
         “From that day forward we both exchanged mails to know the condition of the other, that is why I know a lot about your sister.” Again the room was silent, I still can’t believe what I’m hearing. I then broke this silence “ How is she?”Tanaka looked at the ground, he took a deep breath and said “Miss Maria is ... dead.” I stared at Tanaka “since when?” “... about a month ago.. and.. “ he looked at me with concern in his eyes hoping that his next words will not shock me. “your older sister is coming, i don’t know the exact date but she said it will be a few weeks from now.” I was still staring at Tanaka then I looked back to Sebastian who was standing beside us the whole time listening to our conversation. “Sebastian make sure that the manor is in order at all times, also prepare a room for her, we need to show her the hospitality that the Phantomhive's have, and make sure she will feel welcomed.” Sebastian then bowed and answered “ Yes, my lord” He then looked at Tanaka. “ I will make sure Miss Jessica will feel at home during her stay.” Tanaka smiled “Thank you”.

Author’s note:
         OK sorry for another long chapter! But as I promised Sebastian, Ciel and the OC are here! Yey! Here are the translation’s of some words! 

Nanay –Mother
Anak – this can be either My daughter or My Son  this word is commonly used by parents or any elderly to their siblings.

Sebastian x Oc x Undertaker Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now