Cradle's Sway

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Chapter 9

As she runs off my room I smirked. I hugged the 3 cats playfully “Good job my little kittens, you will be rewarded with a big meal for tonight.”

I checked the time in my pocket watch “5:55 I better go and prepare dinner.” I walked out of my room and went for the kitchen.

“She said that she’s not hungry” Meyrin explained while I serve young master his food.

“Where did she go earlier?” young master asked.

“I don’t know, While I was looking for her I accidentally bumped into her. Her face was bright red. I asked her what happened but she left me without saying anything.”

“Is she sick?”

“I-i don’t know I didn’t have the chance to check up on her.” Young master just stared at Meyrin

“Sebastian go check on her later.”

“Uhm young master” Meyrin spoke

He looked up at Meyrin “What is it?”

“Lady Jessica said that she doesn’t want to see Mr. Sebastian” me and young master looked at each other.

“The exact words she said is ‘Tell Ciel that the only ones who can attend me is you, Tanaka, Bard and Finny’ That’s what she said.”

Young master glared at me, his eyes telling me what I did now. He then looked back at Meyrin. “Just bring her some food, If she doesn’t eat leave the food in her room.” Meyrin bowed then said ”Y-yes sir!”

As soon as he finished eating he looked at me then said “Follow me”

I followed him to his study, He sat on his chair and rested his head on his palms. “What did you do now?”

“I did nothing my lord” I replied calmly

“Didn’t I say that you shall never lie to me!” I just smiled

“I did not lie young master.”

“Then what happened? She will not distance herself from you if nothing happened!” he asked irritably.

I looked at him amusingly then replied

“Well something did happen” He glared at me “And what is it?”

“We kissed ‘Accidentally’” his eyes widened “WHAT! You kissed her! I told you not to touch her!”

“ Yes you did told me not to touch her but I did say ‘Accidentally’, besides young master, she’s the one who ‘accidentally’ kissed me.”

Sebastian x Oc x Undertaker Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now