A date with Grell.. Wait.. What?

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~Jessica’s POV~

I was crying all my heart out. I can’t believe I’m being bossed around by a brat! Nanay never locked me up in my room!

I held my neck looking for my locket, I noticed it’s missing. “No! Where is it!” I started panicking, tears keeps on rolling in my cheeks “I can’t lose it!” I went out of bed searching for my necklace.

I removed my sheet throwing it to the floor, as well as my pillows “Where is it?!” I panicky searched my whole room ‘how can I lose something so important! Father gave that to mother and she gave it to me before she died!’

I sat on the floor hugging my knees while burying my face to it. “where is it?” I cried, I heard someone knocked on my door, I ignored it. “Milady it’s me” Sebastian said. ‘Great! Now what?’

“Go away!  I don’t want to see you!” I said with a hoarse voice. I heard my door open. I looked up to see Sebastian peeking inside, he was shocked at what my room looked like. I grabbed a pillow near me and throw it at him, he caught it with his right hand.

“I said, I don’t want to see you! Get out!”

“Not until you tell me what happened here” He said with his annoying sexy voice.

“And why should I? Get out! Before I throw the whole bed at you!” he smirked

“That, I want to see” He walked towards me

“Not another step Sebastian!” I yelled at him he did not stop, he still went to my side then lowered himself

“Like I told you, I will only leave if you tell me what happened here.” He gave me his smirk again, I just glared at him but then decided to speak

“I lost something and searched my whole room.” I looked away “That explains this messed up room, what was it you were looking for?” ‘He’s so stubborn!’

“My.. Locket” he held his left hand and drop hanged something, my eyes widened “Are you looking for this?” he said while giving me a fake smile. I looked at him then back to my locket. I tried to snatch it away but he was quick and backed away.

I stood up but he held his hands up high, I tried to reach it ‘Damn his tall!’ “Give it back butler!” he smirked down at me as if he enjoys seeing me struggle to reach for my locket.

“I said give it back!” I clenched my right fist then punched him on his stomach but he blocked it, he gave me that fake smile again. I clenched my other fist but before I could punch he pulled me closer to him. Our bodies in total contact

He moved his face closer to mine. I can’t take this any longer I want to cry. I clenched my hands on his coat then buried my face in his chest. “Please.. Give it back” I said crying “Please..”

~Sebastian’s POV~

She buried her face on my chest “Please.. give it back” she said , I looked down at her “Please..” She said again I frowned I only did that to tease her but I ended up making her cry.

I sighed then pushed her a little, she was looking down. I can’t see her face. I placed the necklace on her neck then turned around and walked to the door.

As I went out I heard her say “Thank you” I stopped for a moment then closed the door. I sighed again “I better go get some new bed sheets”

When I came back to her room I saw her sleeping on the ground. I sighed then went to her side scooping her in my arms. “Why do you have to sleep in the floor” I whispered.

I placed her gently on the sofa in her room then changed the bed sheets, I scooped her up again then laid her on her bed. I started cleaning the rest of her room. I gave her one last look then said “Sweet dreams Milady” and placed a kiss on her forehead.

~ 6 days later~

“The murderer has been silent these past few days. The girls on the list are still unharmed.” Young master said as he sips his cup of tea

“Looks like we were right about it, maybe the culprit is changing their plans since their list is missing.” He continued then looked up at me “How Is she?”

“She’s at her room sulking” I replied while refilling his teacup.

“Until when do you intend to lock her up in her room?” I asked, he just sipped his tea then answered. “Until we find the culprit.” I smirked

“So locking her up in her room was just an excuse to prevent her from going out of the mansion?”  

“Yes” he then continued signing his papers. My eye twitched, something’s wrong inside the mansion. Young master looked up at me curiously.

“What is it?” he asked “She’s gone” I replied

“Who’s go-“

“Please excuse me” I walked out of his study then went hurriedly to Lady Jessica’s room, when I reached her door I opened it and saw the windows are open, the curtains was being swept by the wind.

I saw a note on her side table. I went to it and grabbed the note it says,

“I’ll be borrowing Jessy~ We’re going on a date! Don’t get jealous Sebby your still the one for me~ I’ll bring her back before sunset!

With love,

There was a kiss mark on the left side of the note, This made me more irritated. “That Grell! I’m going to kill him for this!”

“Sebastian! What happened?”

I looked back at young master then gave him the letter. “Someone went to get her without our permission”

~Jessica’s POV~

Grell went to my room unseen, after what he heard about me being locked up he took me out through my window and said “We will leave this place and have some fun!”

As we walked the path to town I looked nervously in my back “Ciel will be mad if he knew I left my room” Grell raised an eyebrow

“Why? Are you scared of that brat?” I shook my head left and right, he held my chin up and said “Don’t worry darling, I left a note that your with me”

“WHAT!” I shouted

“What, what?”

“Grell! They will hunt you down!” Grell looked at me happily “Oh really? If it’s my Sebby I wouldn’t mind”


“Darling, you worry too much! Like I said don’t worry ‘kay? Now come, we have some shopping to do” he then started dragging me.

“I only have a few coins in my pocket” I said while I walk side by side with Grell. He was holding my hand (A/N : yes holding hands while walking!! Wahahaha ehem.)

“It’s my treat!” he said I smiled. Me and Grell walked through town, went inside stores especially those dress shops. Grell saw a red lingerie and tried it on.

When he went out and he posed while I struggle holding my laughter. He tried almost all of the red dresses on every shop, I also tried some, I took note of some of the dresses I tried just in case Ciel takes me to shopping.

We were having so much fun I almost forgot the time. As we were walking I saw an accessories shop full of cute things. “Grell let’s go there!” I pointed at the shop and he nodded.

The shop was full of bracelets, rings, necklaces, scarves and earrings, there were also bags and purses with cute designs. As I look around I saw a braided bracelet with a small cat pendant.

The cat has two red diamonds for eyes and a black ribbon on its neck.  It reminded me of Sebastian without knowing I was smiling “Do you like that miss?”

I looked around to see a woman, It was the shop keeper, She must be in her twenties “Ah yes, but I don’t have the money” I smiled at the shopkeeper.

Grell went to my side and looked at the bracelet I was holding. “Oh that’s a cute bracelet and the pendant is a cat, Sebby will love that!” I blush the shop keeper seemed to notice my blushing and chuckled.

“Excuse me!” a woman said “I need some assistance here if you may” the shop keeper looked at me again then bowed at me “Please excuse me”

“Do you want to buy that?” Grell asked, “Yes, but I-“

“THIEF!” A woman shouted, we looked around and I saw a boy who went out of the shop holding a bag that came from inside the shop.

I run outside leaving Grell behind and following the boy. He bump to every person that is on his way pushing them away from his path “Hey that’s rude!” Yelled a man who was holding a rope. I stopped near that man and said

“Please let me borrow your rope mister.” I reached for the rope not waiting for the man to answer. I made a loop on the end of the rope not removing my gaze to the thief boy, Luckily the boy tripped.

I wave my right arm round and round then throw it to the direction of the boy then caught him. I pulled the rope making him fall to the ground again.

“Got cha rat!” I went to the boy’s side still holding the rope that is now wrapped around him. “Let me go!” The boy said. “No way! You have something that doesn’t belong to you!” I said scolding the boy.

The shopkeeper earlier came “It’s you again!” I looked at the shopkeeper then to the boy and pointed to him “Do you know this boy?”

“Yes, he always goes to every shop stealing things, he robbed my shop three times already” I stared at the boy that is now struggling to get the ropes off him. I saw Grell running to our side.

“Jessy! Where have you been, you were gone when the commotion star- Wait what is that?” he pointed to the tied up boy.

“Oh the ‘Rat’ who robbed the shop”

“I am not a rat!” the boy yelled at me

“Shut up brat!” I yelled to the boy

“We better turn this boy to the police” the boy’s eyes widened “What!, No please! Anything but the police!” the boy pleads. I looked at him in the eye. He has the same eye color as Ciel’s. I sighed then untied him I grabbed the bag that he stole.

“I’m only doing this because I have a little brother around the same age as you” I put out my pouch of coins then handed it to him “This is all I have, I will give this to you but promise me you will not steal again, do you understand?” I said smiling.

He snatched the pouch then run “Hey! That brat!” Before Grell could run I stopped him, “Let him go” I turned to the shopkeeper and gave her the bag

“Here you go” She reached for it then said. “Thank you miss and Sorry for the trouble” She bowed

“You’re welcome” I smiled at her

“Lady Jessica!” I flinched when I heard a familiar voice from behind “I’m dead”

Authors note:
I'm releasing this earlier than expected. Reason is I'm already finished with this chapter 3 days ago and I'm already at chapter 15
And yes it's a Date with Grell! XD I still love Grell you know!
And I'm doing some Special Chapter for this story and it's *coughcough* nah just wait for it

Next chapter Oct 9

Sebastian x Oc x Undertaker Love storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя