Chapter Eight

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~Aliyah's POV

"Alright, thank you for coming in today. We'll give you a call." The lady I had been interviewed by says, sticking her hand out for me to shake. I scored an interview at Sony through some connections, and I feel really confident about how it went.

"Thank you." I shake her hand, and make my way to the exit. I catch a glimpse at the tv on the wall in the hallway, and the headline reads, 'Mindless Behavior goes broke?' I stop for a second to watch, wondering if that's why Roc called Kaylan. Would he stoop that low?

"Recent rumors report that the famous RnB group, Mindless Behavior have officially terminated their contract with Atlantic Records, but that also might mean they've terminated their bankroll as well! The boys were reportedly spotted back in Los Angeles after bring evicted from the penthouse they've been residing in for the past four years. Is this the end of Mindless Behavior?"

I hope it is. I leave the building and get into my car, the radio playing lowly as I drive home. My phone begins to buzz, and I pick it up. "Hello?"

"Ali! How's it going, girl?!" I'd recognize that voice from anywhere.

"Mike! Oh my gosh, I haven't heard from you in forever!" Back in high school, Mike had produced a few of the songs I wrote, and helped me start on this path of producing music. He's been a great mentor and friend.

"My bad, I've been busy! You know how it is. Anyway, a little birdy told me you wasn't working at Capitol anymore, what's up with that?" Damn, news travels fast.

"Uh, yeah, the little birdy's correct." I embarrassingly admit.

"You should come down to the studio, for old times' sake! I need a little help with this track I got due in a couple days and I know you got the magic touch."

"Aw, stop it you."

"I'm not even saying it to be nice, Aliyah. Every single Capitol's put out since you got there has hit at least double platinum! And I know you was behind it. They stupid for letting you go."

"Okay, now you're just sucking up to me so I'll go down there." I giggle, not minding the compliments.

"I it working?" I take a second to think about my day tomorrow, and if I'll be able to. "Please, Aliyah. It's just a couple hours tomorrow and Wednesday. It's a paying gig." He adds.

"What time do you need me?" I pull over to write down the information, and go home quick to change for my new job at the grocery mart.

It's hard out here for ya girl.

~Jacob's POV

I literally have not left the couch since I first got here. The box of Lucky Charms is empty, and sprawled out on the coffee table.

The feeling of failure is slowly beginning to set in as I watch my sixth hour of the Bernie Mac Show, and eat my fifth hot pocket. I smell like I haven't bathed in days, which makes sense because I haven't bathed in days. I know Janelle is getting tired of me just laying around the house, but quite frankly, this is not her house to dictate.

The front door opens, and my dad walks in and looks at me. "Jake, it's been two days. Get yo ass up." he rolls his eyes.

"I can't. I'm on bed rest." I sigh.

"That's a couch!" He points out, setting down his briefcase.

"Even worse! Oh God, I don't even have a bed to lay on. What is this life?" I cry out, pretending to stab myself in the heart.

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