|05| Тнєιr hickeys.

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Aomine seized my wrist.

"I'll be borrowing her from here," he said.

And dragged me away.

Leaving the men in the house, utterly confused.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted, he was taking me further and further away. "Aomine!"

"Let me--go!" I dug my nails into his hand.

"Tch," Aomine flinched and released me.

I rubbed my reddened wrist, "What's with you?!"

"Why d-"

He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine, pushing my back against a wall.

I was so shock I just stood there unresponsive.

He forced my mouth open and shoved his tongue in it.

Feeling the wet sensation between my teeth, I immediately came back to my senses.

I punched his chest fiercely but he wouldn't budge, so I bit his lips as hard as I could.

He groaned and I pushed him away.

"Are you insane?! How can you do such a thing!" I rubbed my lips vigorously, cleaning every drop of his saliva away.

"Why can't I?" he smirked, wiping the blood off his lip with his thumb, "we used to kiss everyday."

I glared at him, its true but it's all in the past now.

"We used to," I repeated coldly. "We're over remember? I'm not yours anymore."

I clenched my teeth, "I belong to Kagami now."

Aomine's eyes darkened, there was a dangerous glint in it.

"Hah," he scoffed.

He grabbed my chin and growled, "You wish."

My eyes widened but before I could react, he grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall.

The back of my head hit the brick and I groaned in pain.

Aomine grabbed my face firmly and kissed me again, this time even more forceful.

He brought my hands up, pinning each to the side of my head and pushed his knee between my thighs, forbidding me to escape.

I squirmed, trying to free myself but he pushed his whole body against me.

"Give up already," he growled.

I shook my head. Never. Over my dead body.

"Fine," he said sharply.

And forced my wrists together, locking them with just one hand.

He took a look at my scarf and laughed, "You're cold eh?"

My eyes wide as I watched him gripped onto it.

"Don't worry," he whispered in his low husky voice.

"I'll warm you up nice and slow."

"Don't!" I shouted but he was already ripping it off.

"Huh?" Aomine frowned.

"What's this?" his fingers brushed my neck, "..hickey?"

Then a knowing sneer came across his face, "Kagami left it on you?"

"..." I scowled at him, not answering.

He smirked and grabbed my jaw between his thumb and fingers.

Leaning closer, he hushed,

"That means I can too."

He parted his lips and before I could tell him to stop,

He chomped on the skin right beside Kagami's bitemark.

"U-Uhn!" I cried, it hurts, it's disgusting.

I felt him smirk against my neck as he sucked on it.

"Stop, Aomine.. Just stop," I pleaded, I couldn't break free at all.

"Stop?" he blew on my swollen skin seductively. "I'm surprised that came out of your mouth."

Then pressed his lips back on it again.

Only this time , he was kissing his way down toward my chest.

The tears I tried to hold streamed down my cheeks and my body trembled, I was hopelessly helpless.

Just then, my phone rang.

Aomine froze, his lips stopped moving.

I took the chance and twisted my body.

But he pressed against me harder, nearly crushing me.

He leaned back, "Such great timing," he snickered.

"Dont you dare."

"Watch me."

He took my phone out of my bag.

Kagami's name was flashing continuously on the display screen.

Aomine smirked and pushed the scarf into my mouth, muffling my voice.

Turning on the speakers, he picked up the call.

Kagami's worried voices immediately came up.

"(F/n)?! Where are you?!"

"I can't find you anywhere!"

"The guys told me Aomine took you away!"

"Where is that scumbag?!"

"Hey are you there? Answer me!"

Kagami continued blasting various questions at the call that just wont answer back.

Aomine let out a scoff and placed the phone to his ear.

Cocking his head, he eyed me victoriously.

"Sup," he smirked, "Kagami."

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