Chapter One

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My blond hair was all knotty and sticky after a day of swimming. I went with my best friends and it was a blast. I was sitting in the front seat of my friend's mom's car while the other girls gossiped in the back.

I was look at my texts when I decided to check to see if my boyfriend, Logan, had texted me. And sure enough he did. At first I expected to see an 'I love you' or something like that, but what I saw was way different. His text said.

"Sage, I'm in danger. You won't be able to talk to me for a while because I am going to be gone. I don't know where I am going, I just know that I have to be away for a while. Don't try to contact me because they will hurt you. I couldn't live with myself if they did that. So just stay away. Please."

Logan lived next to me so I could just talk to his parents about this. I bet it was just some prank that he was pulling on me. I looked at the time Logan sent me the message. 6:27. It was 6:43 now.

My friend's mom pulled into the cul-de-sac and I nearly fainted. 12 police cars were sitting in Logan's driveway. Cops where scattered everywhere.

This was not a prank.

Hello. It's me again. I know ugh. So how do you like my first chapter? It's a rhetorical question. Anyway please comment so that I know which cover to use for my story. Plz. I'm dying here. Jk. I'm not. I just feel like I am.


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