Chapter 1

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Ellie's POV
"Gibbs I'm resigning from the agency" I say handing Gibbs my resignation and heading to my desk to pack up my stuff. "Bishop no" McGee says looking at me with a saddened face. "Tim I'm just done, I need a fresh start with some new faces in my life" I say. Throwing the last thing from my desk into my bag. "I'll keep in touch with you guys, that's a promise" I say giving Tony, McGee and Gibbs a hug good bye. "Keep the badge kiddo" Gibbs says I head down to Abby's lab to say goodbye. "Hey bishop" Abby says spinning around. "I'm resigning from NCIS to take a job and to get a dress start in Chicago" I say as Abby embraces me for a hug. "When do you leave" Abby asks me. "Tomorrow morning" I respond. "I got to go say goodbye to ducky" I say struggling to get out of Abby's loving hug. Abby walks with me to the elevator, in which I take down to autopsy. "Hey ducky I just wanted to say goodbye because I'm resigning from NCIS and moving to Chicago for a detective job" I say as ducky looks up at me after he and Jimmy start an autopsy report. "I would give you a hug but well" ducky says looking down at his gown covered in dead person guts. "Ducky your fine" I say as I leave autopsy. I take the elevator back up to everyone for one last goodbye. "We have the rest of the day of" McGee says "we're going to help you pack" Tony says as we get in the elevator. We get outside and head for our cars "we'll meet you at your place" tiny says as we all get in our cars and drive away.  We arrive at my place and go in. We start packing and I start to think about my new job. "So what's your job going to be" Tony asks like is usual must know everything self. " I was looking into there police academy but being former NSA and NCIS has its perks so I'm going to be in the Intelligence Unit" I say throwing the last of my stuff into a box. "Now for dinner, I'm buying." I say as I tape the box shut and head out the door.

Resigning into intelligence Where stories live. Discover now