Chapter 4

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Bishop's POV
I walk into Voights office after everyone else has gone home for the night. "Hey. What do you need." Voight asks. "My old units coming to visit for Christmas and they want to meet you and the unit" I say stressed out about it "well" "they'll be staying for a week and I just bought my new house, it's so big I just don't know. Do you and the rest of the unit want to come over on Christmas Eve for dinner?" I ask "I think they'd be happy to spend Christmas Eve with you and your old unit" " I hope that's true" I say heading out for the night. I take a cab to my new house where some of my stuff are already there. I have a bed frame bit haven't got a mattress yet, but me leather couch is here so I put a blanket over it and get some sleep.
I wake up and grab my phone. It's 4:30 so I go to my room where the boxes of clothes are and grab a pair of blue jeans, a neon purple hoodie, a blue and teal shirt, and a black tank top. After that I grab a towel and go get in the shower.
20 minutes later I get out and go put on the clothes I set out. I dry my hair but not all the way and and head to the kitchen. I grab a granola bar and banana and head back into the living room. On the coffee table, which is not fully unpacked is where I left my badge, gun, and holster. I put them on my waist band and then go put on my coat a shoes and head out the door. I take a cab to the prescient. "Year here extra early" the desk sergeant says "isn't this the time everyone goes into work" I stop to ask her. "No the intelligence unit" "well can you buzz me up" I ask so she does. I walk up the steps into the main room and sit at my desk. "Bishop what you doing here so early" Voight asks coming out of his office. "I'm so used to waking up this early and heading to work" "well we're working on a case and there is a few cold ones, so if you want to catch up or take a look at them we could use your NSA experience" Voight says smiling, handing me the case files. "Being ex NSA isn't going to affect how you guys view me as a detective is it?" I question Voight but by then he's already back in his office. 

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