Chapter 7

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Gibbs POV
I'm at my desk waiting for a update on our case from my team, when my phone goes off. "Hey bishop" "this is Detective Jay Halstead, I work with Detective Bishop, she's been shot" "We will be there early for that Christmas dinner with your team then" "ok" "see you in three and half hours" "I'm sorry" "has bishop shared rule number eight yet" " if she has not with me, why what is it?" "Well Jay it's to never say your sorry it's a sign of weakness, well be there soon" I say hanging up the phone and heading to director Vance's office. "Tony, McGee, Abby, Ducky, and I are leaving for Chicago in an hour" "leaving early for Christmas" "no Bishop was shot" I say walking out of his office. My team is waiting for me. "Tony, McGee go get ready and meet me at the airport in an hour were heading to Chicago early" "why" "I'll tell you on the plane McGee" I say as I get in the elevator to go down to Abby's lab and then to autopsy. "Hey Gibbs right on time" Abby says handing me a ballistics report. I set it down without looking at it "get ready were getting on a plane in an hour for Chicago" I say as Abby grabs a suit case. "Come on let's go visit Ducky" I say as Abby and I go down to autopsy. We walk in and Ducky isn't there. "He is getting ready Tony called" Jimmy says. "Ok" I say walking out and heading for the elevator. When we get to the right floor we head out and get in my car. I drive to my house. I grab my suitcase and put two weeks worth of clothes in it. I pack other stuff I might need and head out to the car where Abby's waiting. We get to the airport 10 minutes later and go in we don't have to go through security because we're federal agents. We go to the terminal where we meet Tony, McGee and Ducky. "What happened" McGee asks "Bishop was shot" I say "following that kidnapping case she was working on" McGee says as we board the plane. "She's in surgery now she should be out of it though when we arrive" I say as we take our seats.
2 and a half hours later
Jays POV
Antonio and I are at the airport waiting for the NCIS agents who are coming. So many people walk by, in and out of the airport. There is this man with short grayish white hair and a badge on his waist it must be Gibbs. "You guy's NCIS" I yell in the direction of that man "yeah, and you're" "detective Jay Halstead we spoke on the phone." "Gibbs" "McGee" "DiNozzo" "Ducky" "Abby" they all say as they shake Antonio and I hands. We get in the car and I drive to Chicago Med.

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