The First Day

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A blonde lady said my name, I stood up and went to the room that she pointed at! I see a handsome man wearing a designer suit. He was sitting in a chair behind his office.
He was looking at his window. I cleared my throat, and said my name.

"Ms. Ahmad, I am sorry for making you wait", woww he has a french accent i can tell damn.

"It is ok Sir.....??"

"Oh I am sorry. I didn't introduce myself, I am Mr. Thomas. Your new boss"

"Wait sir, I thought that this was an interview"

"I just came from France, I don't have time to look for an assistant. Today is your first day of work. Since your are here, the blonde lady you have seen earlier can leave to her office. She was just helping me for three days. The office outside mine, is yours. You will come every morning early around 7 am before me. If i see that you are late, you are fired. You don't leave this office till I tell you to do so. Am I clear??"


"You will always call me Mr. Thomas"

" Ok, Mr.Thomas"

"Now go to your office"

As I touch the door knob, he tell me to bring him a coffee. A black coffee with no sugar and no milk.

What the heck, who the heck does he thinks he is?!!

He didn't even tell me where is the fricking kitchen. I finally find it after asking everybody in the office. As I pour the coffee in a mug, I hear somebody sitting down.

"You should use the red mug"

"What??", I turn around and face the woman.

"I think you are new, so let me explain to you. In this office, the boss drink with the red mug. If you give him another one he will get mad and yell at you!"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome, by the way I am Valerie"

"I am Asli, nice to meet you"

"See you later"

I think that me and Valerie are going to be friends.


"Yes, come in"

"Mr.Thomas here is your coffee", I put the coffee on his table.

"Your are the first new assistant that didn't make a mistake on her first day. I am impressed"

"Your welcome Mr. Thomas, what else can I do for you!??"

"I want you to translate this folder, there is only 7 papers in it, don't be scarred. Translate them in French, when you are done, give me a copy then fax it to this address. By the way you have 5 hours to do it!", he smirked.

I leave and sit on my desk. I am so relieved that I have to translate the papers in french. I open the folder and I see the longest 7 papers I never seen in my life. There is a lot of words!! I hate him already, I am sure he is testing me, You know what i can do it.

The worst thing happening is that my office is in front of his and he can every move I do. And I feel him looking at me. I am sure that he is smiling and thinking that i cannot do it. But I am going to prove him wrong!

After 5 hours!!!

I am done with this papers Alhamdulilah, I make a copy for him.

I check the time, it is noon. I am so hungry and tired. Don't give up Asli, Allah help me with this.

I knock his door and enter.

"Mr. Thomas I am done with the papers you gave me, I translated all of them as you told me."

"Sit down, and let me check what you wrote in there."

As i sit down he starts reading all the page out loud. I was right when I said that he is french. After 2 hours, He closes the folder, and put in on his desk.

"I see that you have a perfect french Ms. Ahmad. I didn't tell you the reason why I hired you this morning, I hired you because you were the only the one that spoke french, I need someone that is good at writing and speaking French but also someone that is always on time. I am sorry for my behavior this morning. You come here every morning at 7:30 am and you leave at 5:00 pm. You can fax it now"

(What the heck just happened, this guy is bipolar Wallah, anyways i get up. As I touch the door knob, I feel him gazing at me, my stomach make a noise)

"I can see that you hungry, your lunch break starts at 12:30 and finish at 1:30"

"Wait, what i missed my lunch break??"

"Yes, Ms. Ahmad you missed and it is not my fault"

"You are the one who told me to wait in your office till you finish reading??"

He says nothing and  completely ignores me. I roll my eyes, open the door and leave.

I feel like I am going to cry but I see that I only have 3 hours left. Stay strong Asli. I clean my little office, trying to make it a little bit like my style. As I try to go through my bag I see that I have a cereal bar thank god. And I remember that I didn't even have breakfast this morning. I log in my computer and go through the compagny web site and read around.

5:30 Thanks Allah, I am out. I turn off the computer and take my things and leave.

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