Chapter 1

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So that's Asli outfit for work today!!! My babies tell me if there are errors or If I made mistakes. I will appreciate it.  I decided to make two parts of this chapter. Love you Babies!! ❤️❤️

I HATE HIM!! OMG he is so mean. I thought that he was going to be nice and shit, Istafurulah but for real though. I am so tired and HUNGRY.  On the way home I bought Chick Fil A, I went to my apartement, and devoured my food. Then I took a shower. I have to pray Duhr, and Asr since I didn't pray them. So when I am done with my prayers, I take my computer out and do some research on the compagny. I didn't really really read it this morning at work because I was so mad.

As I go through the website I learn that Mr.Thomas built it from nothing. I am impressed, I thought that his parents were rich. Guess he started from the bottom to the top. I needed to stop listening to rap. My bad if he has a brat attitude, anyway I hate brats.

Let me google Mr. Thomas. The only thing I learned is his first name that is James, his age that is 25 , damn I though he was 30 or something. No wife, no gilfriend, interesting. Maybe he is gay, that's why he was drinking with the red cup maybe that his favorite colour.

I also learn that the compagny works in the Energy field. Anyway my Muslim Pro app goes off and it is time to pray Magrhib. When I am done I make myself a salad, I need to stay heathy after that junk food I ate earlier. I don't like my apartment it is so tiny. I will move out after I get my first salary. I need a car too.

I call my counselor for college and told her that since I have a job I will take my courses online and a class at night. She said it is ok. So I am good and straight. I am going to get my Bachelor degree in International Business. Yaaas!! Since I am waiting for Isha'a, I decided to read something!! I went to my bedroom and grabbed my favorite book, I love this it. It is called "Princess of Cleves", don't judge me I love classic books. Anyways you guys should try it. It about a princess that married a prince because her mother told her that if she doesn't it she will die alone.But then she fell in love with a guy, a lot of dramas in that bitch's life. LOL Istafurulah. My Muslim Pro app goes off. Time to pray. When I am done, I thank god for everything I got and went to sleep.


I hate alarms, I get up, look at the alarm and see that it 5:40 am. I brush my teeth, take a shower. Then I pray my fajr. Then I decided to wear my while long sleeve crop top that stop at my waistline and a brown culotte pants. I did some natural makeup with contouring and a nude lipstick. For my hijab I chose a brown one to match the culotte, for shoes I chose my favorite black high heel sandals. For a purse I decided to take a clutch since I only need money. I check the time, it is 6:35 already. I close my apartement door, and look for a cab. Found one!!! Yaas. When i get in the cab I ask the driver to go to the nearest Mcdonald's. We went to the drive thru I bought one medium iced hazelnut coffee, two hash browns, one chicken sandwich, and a medium black coffee for the driver as a thank you. Then we went to the compagny, I paid the driver and went inside. I was shocked there was only 4 people what the fuck! Istafurulah I need to stop cussing. I check the time and it is 6:55am, I guess I aint gonna get fired today then I go to my office and sit down. I started eating my food like there was no tomorrow. After 4 minutes of eating I see Mr. Thomas coming out of his office, the moment I licked my finger. He look at my finger then at me. We were looking at each other for 2 minutes, that was awkward then he went to his office and slammed his door. I didn't know what to do so I throw my trash away. And knocked at his door.

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