Chapter 30

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Omg 7kkkkkkk!!

I am so happy right now Wallahi and I want to thank everybody for reading my book. Thank you so much. You guys make me so happy.

Love you all❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Salim's POV

Why am I always having this dream???
Allah what are you trying to tell me though??

It is the 10th time I am having this dream that me and my grand-mother are talking about the lost princess from Dubaï I think that story is not real but I feel like it is.

Oh Allah what is the meaning of this dream that I am having.

~~~The Dream~~~

"Grandma tell me a story pleeeaze!", I say to my grandma.

"Baby boy it is time to sleep", she says.

"Just a story, I promess I'll sleep"

"Ok, Let me think about a story then. I know I am going to tell you about the lost princess from Dubaï. Once upon a time, there was a king named Yasser. He was well respect in Dubaï, everybody was scarred of him. Nobody tried him. He was rich, his father wanted him to marry but he knew girls only wanted his money so he was just focus on his business. A day he was having a meeting in his house. That same day, a poor girl was hired in the castle he was living in. She was the most beautiful woman,she had beautiful brown eyes with curly hair. Everybody wanted her but they never tried to be with her at all. Cause having a wife that was a maid was a bad thing back then. So the woman was serving beverages and food at the meeting, she spilled the tea she was serving on the king. She apologized and kept looking down. Everybody was scarred, the room went silent. Then she looked up, her and the king were looking at each other eyes for 2 minutes. Love at first sight people say. The king laughed and dismissed her. The king never laughed but now he was because he seen the most beautiful woman. He wanted to marry her but she was a maid. That night he wanted to propose to her but then he remembered she was a maid. Months and years passed and the King's love grew more for the maid"

"Grandma why is he not marrying her if he loves her???"

"Baby he can't he is a king and she is a maid. But the king didn't care about what people thought about them so he married the maid. When the king's father found out that his son married a maid, he went mad. Everyone in his family was hating the king for making their name dirty by marrying a maid. The king was happy, after a year they had a daughter. The king found out that there was a plan to destroy him so he asked his wife to go to another country and live there. She didn't want to leave her beloved husband so she asked her maid to take care of her child. The maid that was working for the king's wife went to another country with the princess. Till this day nobody knows where the princess is or what she looks like. Many said she has the beauty of her mother but god knows"

"Grandma where did she go?!" I ask and yawn.

"Nobody knows baby boy, but they say that the princess has a birthmark on her shoulder, and also a heart shaped necklace with the king initials in the back"

"What if I find her!!", I said joking and laughing"

"Then you will be king", she replies and we go to sleep.

~End of the dream~

I check the time and it is 6:30am, I get up from my bed. Go to the bathroom and clean myself up and pray.

When I am done praying I go downstairs and make me breakfast.

I check my refrigerator, I see eggs. I got an idea.

I am going to make me scrambled eggs!! MY FAVORITE!!!

~ ~ ~

When I am done cooking, I say bismillah and start eating my food.

I go to my room, take my my suit. Put it on my bed, then it hits me that it is Saturday today.

Since I am doing nothing today I decide to go to the mosque and maybe ask some advices about the dream I have been having these days to an Imam. I hope Imam Hamze is there.

I get ready and leave.

~ ~ ~

I park my car, and go to the mosque.

I go through the door then take off my shoes.

I see Imam Hamze, Alhamdulilah.

I wave at him and go to were he is sitting.

"Assalamu Alleykoum Imam Hamze", I extend my hand.

"Waleykoum wa Salam brother Salim, How are you my brother?"

We shake hands.

"I am good alhamdulilah, what about you Imam Hamze?"

"Alhamdulilah I am fine, what brings you here?"

"To pray for duhr!!"

"But it is 9:30 am!!"

"I know but I wanted to ask you some advices, and I also wanted some help with some words!"

"Ok brother, so what do you need??"

We both sit in the back, facing each other. We didn't want to bother a brother that was praying.

"Lately I have been having this dream of me and grand-mother talking about something. Today it is the tenth time I am having it. So I thought maybe it is Allah telling me something. What do you think?", I really need an answer.

"Brother I think so. Allah is never wrong. I think you should take this dream in consideration. There is a meaning and you need to find it", say Imam Hamze.

Something vibrates in my pocket. My phone. I don't want to act disrespectful by answering the phone so I thank Imam Hamze and go outside.

I take my phone out of my pocket. Look at the screen and it is a number that I don't recognize. Should I answer or!! Since it doesn't stop vibrating I answer it.

"Hello", I say.

"Hi, this is St.Patrick Hospital......

To be continued.

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