Chapter 11

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I took a bath and sat on my hospital bed. I start thinking about last night dream. I was dreaming of my mother telling me that she is happy that I have a job and that I am working.

I don't know how much I was like this sitting on my bed but I started crying. Tears were falling down my eyes.

"Don't cry please Asli", I hear someone.

"Mr.Thomas, what are doing here?", I ask him wiping away my tears.

"I got you some clothes and a hijab.", he reply smiling.

"Thank you"

"I know that I have been kind of mean lately and I am sorry Asli. I know that I can be an arse sometimes."

"Sometimes!!Really??", I say looking at him.

"Ok all the time but I promess I will make it up to you"

"It is ok".

"Why were you crying", he ask sitting down.

"Just something personal that you don't have to know"

"Ok then".

"My mother, you asked why I was crying right. I was crying because I miss my mother. I lost her when I was a little girl."

"Asli, you don't have to tell me ok I understand you don't trust me", he say looking at his hands.

"I trust you I mean you are the man that saved me from the fire, I feel kind of... safe.. with you", I say looking at my hands.

"I promess that I will never be rude".

"Ok then, What do you have there?", I ask him because he has a McDonald's bag with him.

"A surprise, I know that hospital food is disgusting so I bought a filet o fish, a cheeseburger, large fries and 2 large Caramel Iced Coffee".

"Mais je ne vais pas mangé tous ca! {But I am gonna eat all of this}, I say pouting at the food.

"It is is for the both of us, so which one??"

"Damn I mean I love both of them. It is so hard. Let me think, the cheeseburger."

"Ok then", he gives me the cheeseburger.

I was so hungry, I take a bite of my cheeseburger.

"Mmmmmmmmm oh myyy goddddd, i love me some juicy cheeseburger."

"Let me have a piece", ask Mr.Thomas and i hand him my burger.

"Let me taste your filet o fish?", He hand me his food and I eat it.

I don't know why but the filet o fish was so much better than the cheeseburger but Mr.Thomas said the cheeseburger was better but who cares.

We shared our food and the large fries.

After we finished eating, I went to the bathroom.

Mr.Thomas brought a purple long sleeve maxi dress, a sweatpant, a sweater, 2 hijabs ( black and purple), and black flats.

I decided to wear the sweater and the sweatpant and put my black hijab around my head. I totally forgot about my hijab when I was eating.

I came back to my bed and lay down.

"Why do you wear a hijab", ask Mr.Thomas.

"Because it is my religion, covering ourselves is a duty that us pride muslim women have to do.", I say winking.

"So who can see you without your hijab?"

"My girl-friends, my future husband, and my .......fa..mily", I say family even though I don't have one.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of your family"

"It is ok."

"Tell me something about yourself Asli Ahmad?

"What do you want to know about me?"

"What is your favorite colour?"

"Blue, what is yours?

"Blue too", he say blushing.

"What do you like to do your with free time?"

"I like to read, what about you?"

"I do too wow who thought we have things in common.", he say smiling.

"What is your favorite thing to eat?", I ask Mr.Thomas curious to know it.

"Honestly it is is not a dish but it is something I will eat everytime I am at my house. My favorite dish or thing to eat is Cheese", he say.

"Cheese, really?", I start laughing.

"Yes, J'aime le Fromage { I love cheese}. What is yours?", he ask looking at me.

"Ok then, I really don't a favorite dish at all. I love all the food I eat. I mean I don't discriminate", I reply winking.

"Wowe it is already 11:30 you need to sleep and don't forget to wear the purple maxi dress and the purple hijab for tomorrow ".

"Yes, can you stay??"


After that I don't remember anything. I passed out on my hospital bed.


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