Chapter 31

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Wow we reached the 30kkk wow I am so happy!! Thank you so much y'all for having time to read my book!!

I kind of didnt update cause I didnt know what to write anymore!! I've been traveling sorry but now I am back Gang.

I think you guys deserve a long chapter. Here it is Enjoy.

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"Hello", I say.

"Hi, this is St.Patrick Hospital"

"How can I help you??"

"Is this James Thomas??"

Really don't they know I changed my fricking name? For god's sake!

"Yes, what is the matter?", I say.

"Your brother is at the hospital, sir you need to come here"

I hang up. Sprint to my car like I was Usain Bolt. I am not kidding.

What happened to my brother? My heart is racing so fast.

Ya Allah make sure he is ok!!

After 10 minutes of driving I come to the hospital!

"Where is my brother", I ask the receptionist.


"Evan Thomas"

"Room 355, fifth floor"

I run to the elevator, she said fift floor.

I made it, I open the room and I see Evan sleeping on the bed.

He is pale and looks really tired.

"Please ma'am call the doctor for me?", I say as I face the nurse.

"Right away sir"?, she say a d leave..

Moments later, a man wearing a blouse come in and introduce himself.

"I am Dr.Hassan"

"I am his brother, what is wrong with him??"

"Your brother has cancer, He only have 5 months to live"

I fall on the ground, YA ALLAH! WHYYYY!!? HIM?WHY MY BROTHER??

Asli's POV

It is been five months now I didn't see James. I hope he is doing fine Alhamdulilah. Oh Allah please take care of him. He is a good man. And I miss him.

Today I dedided to wear my necklace, the one my parents gave me. Wearing it, makes me a stronger person. It is a really heavy necklace though, like most of the time when I wear a necklaces; I never feel them around my neck but now I feel it, plus it is a large necklace. It stops over my chest. I always have to put it back under my shirt.

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