Teasing Jinxx

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"Hey," you whispered, poking Jinxx in the face. "Hey, wake up," you whispered, doing it again.

"(Y/N), it's early, go back to sleep," he groaned, and you sighed.

"But Jinxx, can't you see that the sky is awake?" you asked him and he groaned, putting a hand lightly over your mouth.

"No. This isn't frozen, you aren't Anna, and I'm not Elsa. That isn't going to work," he told you and you glared.

"Buh Uhm hugree!" you said around his hand.

"Then go make something," he told you, and you gave him the sad eyes.

"No, I'm not getting up just to cook for you. I am tired, and it's too early for that shit. I'll make you something when I feel like getting up."

"But the baby is hungry!" you complained after he moved his hand away, thinking he'd made his point.

"What baby?" he asked you with a skeptical look and you pouted.

"Our baby Jinxx, it's hungry, and that means I'm hungry too. Do you want you baby to starve? Do you want that Jinxx?" You asked him, rubbing your stomach. He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow.

"And since when are you pregnant?"

"Since a couple of seconds ago. I'm really hungry Jinxx," you laughed, leaning against his chest.

"I am not your slave, I'm your boyfriend."

"Well you're also my master chef, right babe?" you asked, leaning over and kissing him on the corner of the mouth.

"You know, you're starting to irritate me," he told you with a small smirk and you giggled, kissing his still frame again.

"Enough for you to go make me pancakes?" you asked with a little smile.

"No," he said, but he was grinning like the fool you both were.

"Are you sure? Can I change your mind?" you asked him, kissing him yet again.

"I don't know, maybe," he said leaning forward and kissing you.

"Maybe? So what would it take then?" you asked, kissing him.

"I don't know," he smirked, kissing you. "It's hard to say."

"Hmm, maybe you can show me what you want then," you smirked, and he chuckled.

"This," he whispered, pressing his lips to yours and pulling you closer to him. You knew what he was implying, but you played dumb.

"But how will you have energy to make breakfast if you use it all kissing me?" you questioned and he chuckled, pressing his lips tenderly to the spot just below your ear before he murmured into it.

"First of all, I'm not going to just kiss you," he pressed another tender kiss to the spot between your neck and your shoulder, "second of all, I'll have plenty of energy," he assured you, pressing his lips to yours again.

"I'm not so sure," you told him, "You know, you're really getting up there Jinxxie, you're like old." You teased him and he rolled his eyes and bit your neck softly.

"I'm not old, (Y/N)," he murmured, his voice lowering and coming out sort of husky. You giggled and pulled away from him.

"I think I'm just going to go make my breakfast," you told him, flitting out of the room and you heard him groan.


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