Your best friend of the BVB girlfriends

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Andy: Sammi Doll! You guys have know each other your whole life to be honest. (She’s the one that introduced you to Andy ;D) Everyone who sees you two automatically know you’re both inseperable.

Ashley: Lauren! You’re both total goofballs around each other. You always crack jokes, take funny pictures, and tweet each other corny things.

CC: Ella! It was a little awkward at first, but now you guys are tight. You talk every single day and no one would ever be able to tell you guys didn’t know each other earlier in life.

Jake: Juliet! From the moment you two met, there was an automatic connection. You just clicked. Now you do everything together! 

Jinxx: Everyone! You’re very social and have that special charm. Everyone adores you and you adore them. Some fans even think you guys are so great, you should have your own reality show.

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