Wild Ones (Jinxx)

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"Who are they?"

Gina glanced over the top of her glass, up towards the highrise that served as the VIP section of the club. She smirked. “It’s a band that comes here sometimes. Black Veil Brides? They’re, like, rock metal or some shit apparently.”

With the exception of getting to see your sister, your vacation to LA had been a bust so far. The flight had been awful, it’s been raining since you got here, and you had barely been in the club for five minutes tonight when you got someone’s Vodka orange knocked onto your legs. 

You nodded slowly, taking a sip of your drink and chewing on the small black straw. The rum burned down your throat as you took them in: tall, black clothes, with wide celebrity smiles. They were all attractive.

You wondered what it was like to sit up there, in VIP. Was it any different? Was the alcohol better, the atmosphere nicer? 

"Oh my God," Gina whispered loudly. "One of them is looking at you!" 

"Wha?" Shaking out of your thoughtful daze, you noticed she was right. One of them had turned to catch you staring, and he was now eyeing you with shining interest. You flushed, nearly dropping your drink. You turned away quickly, back to Gina.

"Did he see me staring?" you asked hurriedly. 

"Oh, I’m sure!" she cheered. "Oh my gosh, what if he thinks you’re hot?! What if he comes down here and you guys dance and hook up and fall in love and—"

"Gina! Calm down! Jesus, you read too many smut books. Shit like that doesn’t happen in real life." 

- - 

You twirled around on the floor, laughing as Gina stumbled around. She was completely wasted; you weren’t very far behind, but at least you could still stand properly. Gina had been the one to suggest dancing. After all, why come to a club and not dance? 

You moved to the music, holding her hand as she flailed around. You jumped lightly when you felt a set of strong hands settle on your hips. You turned slightly, noticing one of the guys from VIP smirking at you. You raised your eyebrows at him quickly, turning back around and continuing to grind to the music. He moved closer, dancing on you as you held onto Gina. When she turned and realized what was going on, you saw her smirk. She immediately let go of your hand and danced away, wiggling her fingers. Your eyes widened. 

"I’m Jinxx," he said into your ear over the music. He smelled like whiskey and danced like a god.

"(Name)," you responded, covering his hands with your own. 

"Wanna come party with us?" He nodded up towards the VIP section, and your stomach flipped. Slowly, you nodded. "We’re pretty wild. Think you can handle it?" 

You smirked, turning him around and placing a full kiss on his lips. You tangled your fingers in his hair as you tasted him, pressing against him as you two moved in sync.

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