3. Somebody to Love

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[Sorry, don't watch the video till I say so!]

Be Kanaya MaryAm:

"Goodbye Everyone!" Me and Rose waved at everyone as the ship we were on started their engines. Everyone waved and shouted. I was kind of sad to leave, but at least Rose and me get to have privacy.

"Kanaya, what are you thinking about?" Rose curled up next to me on our rooms' couch. "I Was Thinking We Should Try Out That jacuzzi They Have Down Stairs." Rose thought for a moment then nodded. "Do you have a swim suit?"

I nodded. "Karkat And I Got One Before We Left." We both smiled and I leaned in and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around me, deepening the kiss. "Rose, Do Remember It's Only One In The Afternoon." I said after pulling away.

"I know." She got a mischievous look on her face. Her fingers traced circles on my thigh. "Oh, Behave." She gave me another look. You know, the look Dave uses when flirting with Karkat?

"I Swear, You And Dave May Be More Alike Than You Let In On-" My lips were sealed as she climbed on my lap and did as humans call 'Messy Make-out's'.

Be Dave:

Stay at his place during break? Hell yes. Hell. Fucking. Yes. Karkat was standing next to me. Kanaya and Rose just left and the other trolls were about to leave also. I think it's kinda stupid that they're leaving him behind.

But at least I get two weeks with him all to myself. Except when I check up on bro.

" So Karks, whatta ya wanna to do?" I say, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. He gave me the im-going-to-kill-you-strider look. I have that look memorized. He tried to move it, but we both knew it was no use.

He sighed. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW." We both looked around and stopped at a near by bench. After he spent the night at my place he seemed a bit calmer. Which was good.

"How about... We go watch the movie "Deadpool". It's still in theatres." He looked at my arm still wrapped around him. "ANY ROMANCE IN IT? THE NAME 'DEADPOOL DOESN'T SOUND VERY FUCKING ROMANTIC.." I nodded.

"Some parts are romantic."

"THEN WHY THE EVER LOVING FUCK ARE WE STILL SITTING HERE FOR?" He grabbed my hand and ran towards the theatre, which happened to be three miles north. It took him about a mile and a half to realize he was still holding my hand.

He stopped running and let go. "SORRY.." He said. In my head I was like, "Don't be." But of course. I'm to scared to hug him and kiss his plump lips.

We finally reached the movies and paid for the movie. But it didn't start till 8:30 and it was like 7. So, I took him to the restaurant next door. He ordered steak, and I got a chicken salad. Surprising, huh?

"SO, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT?" It took me off guard. Normally I started the conversations. I shrugged. "How come the other trolls didn't invite you on the vacation?" He took a sip of his cherry 7up. I got a coke.

"I.. I DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THAT.." He didn't make eye contact so I left it at that. "Okay, so, which troll do you prefer that's a girl?" He thought for moment.

"IT'S EITHER I'M KANAYA OR TEREZI." I smirked. " Okay, favorite girl human?"


"Okay, male troll?"


"Human male?"

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