9. Childish

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Be Dave~

I have to admit.
I did not expect Karkat to pick out what he picked out.

I was sitting next to Karkat, him wrapping a t-shirt around his head as a blindfold. Karkat decided it would be 'fun' if we played an on-ground game of Marco Polo.

Terezi agreed, claiming that Karkat should be it first. "Come on, Karks." I grabbed his arm, leading him to the backyard where there wasn't as much objects he could run into.

We stopped in the middle of the yard, and I told him to spin around and count to 69 (I'm writing this in a truck, and 69 was typed as this- 6;)9)

"ONE!" Karkat yelled out as me and Terezi ran around frantically. We finally found a spot to stop, catching our breaths.


"Shit, Terezi, go over towards the swings! I'll convey for you." I whispered.

She nodded, running I the direction of the mini playground.

"SIXTEY-NINE!" Karkat yelled out, immediately running into the tree behind him.

Me and Terezi laughed. "1 TH1NK YOU'R3 LOS1NG YOUR TOUCH, K4RKL3S!" She squealed. Karkat turned in her direction, scrowling.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK." then he lunged at her, and she immediately fell to the ground. "D4MN 1T!"

She stood where Karkat once stood and she counted to 69 also.

And we continued on like this until noon.


Karkat decided he was bored od Marco-Polo, so we went on to another game.

Since the last game went so well, Karkat decided to have a snowball fight.

The snow wasn't there earlier, but the more the day continued, the more it got cloudy and snow began to appear. Plus, the author forgot that it's supposed to be winter.

Karkat and Terezi Vs. Me. I, of course, got the biggest fort since I wasn't on a team. I was crouched by the back door, and Terezi and Karkat were facing me. They were near Karkat's shed.

"I HOPE YOU'RE PREPARED TO DIE, STRIDER!" Karkat yelled loudly, the dog next door barking.

"Is that a challenge?" I smirk even though he can't see me. "R34DY! GO!" Terezi yelled and we started throwing snowballs.  

I looked around, hiding behind a tree when Team Karezi wasn't looking. I had about twelve snowballs in my hands, and I was ready to start a snow massacre.

"Fire!" I yelled, throwing the snowballs at them. "AHHHH!!" They both yelled, taking cover.

Karkat stood, grabbed a snowball, then started throwing then threw them at me. "TAKE THIS, STRIDER!" and we kept dodging each other, till I hit Karkat right on his thigh.

I rushed to his side. "Karkat! I'm so sorry!" I acted.

"D-dave? Is that you?" I put my hand on his 'wound'. "Yeah.. It's me.. Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

"For me.. It will." I felt a cold spot hit me on my head. Then white snow fell down ny face and through my shades.

I fell to the side, closed my eyes and acted dead.

"Y4Y!!" Terezi yelled in the distance. "VICTORY IS OURS! L3T'S GO G3T HOT CHOCOL4T3!!" Terezi yelled. "BE THERE IN A SEC!" Karkat yelled back.

"COME ON DAVE. LET'S GO BACK IN." I still didn't move.

"Dave?" I felt Karkat sit next to me, then I felt cold fingers on my neck, where my pulse is. I made sure not to breathe.

"DAVE!?" Karkat took my shades off. "GET UP NOW BITCH!"  I opened one eye. "Okay. I'm awake." Karkat smacked me square in the jaw.


"Yeah, okay." and I smiled as we stood and walking into the kitchen, where Terezi was failing at making hot cocoa.

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