7. Got Your Back

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Be Karkat:

I peeked into Dave's room. I saw Terezi lying down on top of Dave, Dave covering his face in his elbow. They looked so peaceful. But Karkat had to ruin it.

"GET UP, FUCKERS. IT'S TIME TO EAT!" he said and they both looked up. "D4RN K4RKL3S! 1 W4S 3NJOY1NG TH4T N4P.", Terezi said as they both sat up. Dave stretched his arms upward and then laid back down on his pillow. "Five more minutes, KitKat." He said, his arms wrapping around another pillow and he snuggled up to it.. almost like a body.

"FINE, BUT TEREZI YOU HAVE TO FUCKING GET UP." Terezi sighed and got out of bed, tumbling to the kitchen. I followed behind, getting Dave's plate ready before going back to his room to get him up. "DAVE GET THE FUCK UP!" I said, but when I walked in, he wasn't in bed.

"Dave?" I whispered. Suddenly, I felt hands behind me, and I was swung over Dave's shoulder. I pounded on his back. "DAVE FUCKING STRIDER!! LET ME GO!" I yelled, but he didn't budge. Finally, he lumped me onto his bed and climbed on top of me... tickling me.

"Dave!... hehehe.. stawp!" I squealed, but it only made him tickle me more. "Haha, so you are ticklish!" He laughed, stopping. "N-no! I was just laughing... I was in pain." He smirked. "Lies." He said, still smirking. "ILL SHOW YOU LIES! COME HERE!" I found a wet rag on his dresser and chased after him with it.

We ran down the stairs and into the living room. "K4RKL3S! 1M W4TCH1NG TH4T!" Terezi said when we got in the way.  "SORRY!" I yelled, chasing Dave again. He finally stopped when he got in the kitchen. "I, Dave Strider, Surrender my castle to thou, Karkat Vantas." He said bowing. I giggled, handing him his plate.

"Weirdo. " I said.

"Giggle-snort!" He said ruffling my hair. "I DIDN'T FUCKING SNORT." He rolled his eyes in disbelief. "Yeah, yeah. Okay." We laughed, grabbing our plates and going to the living room. "1 SW34R YOU 4R3 FLUSH3D FOR 34CH OTH3R!" Terezi said.

I blushed and Dave shook his head. "Already tried. Karks ain't interested." He looked at his plate, and I imagined his ruby eyes filled with sorrow. I just laughed it off, trying to change the subject. "WHAT'S TODAY?" they looked at me. "Um.." Dave pulled out his phone, turning it on before putting it back in his pocket.

"December 14th. Why?" I shrugged. "JUST FUCKING WONDERING. THIS... CHRISTMAS.... IS COMING SOON." Dave nodded and started eating. silence filled the room, so I finished eating and went to the room I'm staying in. I plopped on the bed and faced the ceiling, closing my eyes.

"1 SW34R YOU 4R3 FLUSH3D FOR 34CH OTH3R!" Terezi said. "Already tried. Karks ain't interested."he looked at his plate, I imagined his eyes filled with sorrow.

*Karkats thoughts deep down, like so deep down that he doesn't even know he's thinking them*


I jolted awake, and the sun was shining in the room. I tried to remember my dream... cause it was like one of those dreams you enjoy, but then forget so you can't have them again.. you know those? Well anyway, then I got up and and went down stairs. "HELLO?" I said groggily. I shuffled to one side of the house, stubbing my pinkie toe. "OW! GOG DAMN IT!"

I heard loud footsteps as Dave came into sight in shirtless with white boxers, apples dotted everywhere. He held an upside broom. "WHAT!? WHERE'S THE FIRE?"He sorta yelled. He wasn't wearing his shades, so I could see the worry in his eyes.

I started laughing. He blushed. "I.... I just stubbed my..toe.. oh my GOG that's funny!" I breathed out, laughter flooding over my words. Dave scratched the back of his head. "Heh... ops.." he said. He dropped the broom and ran after me, picking me up and plopping me on to the couch.

I was still laughing, him climbing on me, as he started rolling up my sweater and blowing on my stomach. It tickled so much, I snorted. "See! You do snort!"he laughed, pulling away. I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

It's okay to cuddle with your friendemy, right?

Sorry! I haven't updated all summer! I think we should start a schedule to update? How about every Tuesday? Comment if you're okay with that! Bye!

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