10. Freckles

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Dave took a long sip of his hot cocoa, and me and Terezi stared at him in awe. "HOW DO3S ON3 DR1NK SUCH 4 BURN1NG SUBST4NCE 4ND NOT D1E?" Terezi questioned.

I looked down at my drink. The steam coming out of it gave me warning enough that it was hot. Screw it.

I took a sip. If you have never taken a sip of freshly made hot chocolate, you don't know what pain is.

I started choking, eventually swallowing it. The burning sensation didn't leave my mouth, where to my tongue to the back of my throat was numb.

"THAT'S HORRIBLE!" I shrieked, setting the cup on the counter to get a water bottle.

"You get used to it." Dave smirked in the corner, and I could imagine him winking.

I shook my head. " I DON'T WANT TO GET USED TO IT." Terezi and Dave just stood there smiling widely.

"1'M GUNNA GO OUT!" Terezi said suddenly, making us jump.

"Where?" Terezi shrugged.

"M4YB3 4 B4R. 1 N33D 4 BR34K." She grabbed her wallet, then pranced outside. "We don't have a car." Dave said.


"She doesn't have a car."


"Wanna leave her at the bar till she's sober enough to find her way here?"


"We're probably the best friends anyone can have." I looked at him and we started laughing. "DEFINITELY." I said, which made us laugh more.


Terezi came back, grabbed a jacket, then left again while Dave and I decided to roast marshmallows.

The fire light was brighter than I actually thought it would be. It made me want to dump water all over it,  but then Dave would be pissed.

"So, " Dave started,  facing me.  He had set his shades next to him,  and his beautiful red eyes were shining brighter than the fire. He seemed to be looking right at me face,  not just at my eyes but all around.

His hand slowly rose and lightly touched my cheek.  His thumb tracing around my nose.

"W..  WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? " I questioned,  hoping he wouldn't notice my sudden stutter. 

"You..  Have these small freckles on your cheeks." he smiled. I felt myself blush a little bit. "It's cute. " he decided, leaning back and moving his hand.

I sat, dumbfounded.

"I think I like you,  Karkat." Dave said,  not looking at him. "I've said it before,  but even gotten to know you. I'm saying it again. I have fallen in love with Karkat Vantas."

He looked over at me,  the smallest smile on his face.  His eyes looked worried. 


Reject. Just do it already.  Reject me.

"Dave.. " Karkats voice softened. "I..  Oh screw it." he quickly leaned into me,  his mouth capturing mine. It felt like sparks.

He tasted like cherrys,  and it made me want to melt. Of course,  I took over the kiss,  placing my hand on his cheek to deepen it.

He finally let go to breathe,  and his eyes were shining amazingly. "I think I'm flushed for you,  too."


It's short.  I'm sorry..

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