8. Goodmorning

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Be Dave Strider in his sexy morning clothes~

I didn't expect Karkat to pull me back down on him, and I didn't expect him to cuddle me. And I definitely didn't expect to fall in love with him.

I'm pretty sure he knows I like him, its not hard to see, but he doesn't know how strong my love for him actually is. He thinks he's pulling me in a friend zone relationship, when he's really making me fall harder for him.

So now here I am, laying on the couch with Karkats face buried in my neck with his small, slim and wrapped around my bare chest. His small, yet soothing breathes making all my worries and doubts about anything disappear.

I find my head dropping as I fall asleep, counting his breaths.


"Dave," a soft voice whispered. "Who all's in the room?" I ask, not moving. My eyes are still shut when the same soft voice says,"It's just me." I sigh in relief, opening my eyes and seeing Karkat, still lying ontop of me. His bright golden-red eyes staring into my soul.

"What's up, Karks?" I ask, still keeping his arms around me. I'm very much so aware that he had moved positions now, his legs now tangled in mine and his chest lined up with my waistband. I was praying to whoever would listen that he didn't accidentally elbow me in a certain soft spot.

"I have to pee."he said, blushing a little. I chuckled, my famous smirk crossing my face. "No, not yet. Hold it in." I pulled him closer, him still on me but his face is now tucked under my cheek bone.

I felt him lick my neck and I pulled back, shocked. "Karkat what was that?" I half whisper-half yelled. "I have to go pee! We can cuddle again when I get back." I was still shocked. Does this mean he did still want to cuddle with me? "Fine, go pee." I untangled our legs and he shot up the stairs, closing the bathroom door silently.

I wait, silently thinking. Maybe he likes me? No don't be stupid! He'll never like us. Why not? Because we are worthless, and no one could ever love someone that's worthless. Oh. I get it.

The faint sound of the toilet flushing drags me out of my argument with myself, out of habbit, I place my shades back on my face.

Karkat comes back, still looking like he just woke up. His hair crazy messy. I wonder what he looks like after- WHOA. Not now Strider!

"What?" He asks. It wasn't till now that I realized that he's wearing his black and red crab boxers, his sweater hugging him slightly.

"Nothing. I'm hungry." I reply, sitting up slowly. "Then get your ass up and eat. I'll go wake-" I cut him off.

"No! Uhm, we should let her sleep. She probably had a rough night. Plus, I want some time with you without trolls or himans butting in." Karkat slowly nodded and blushed, quickly  turning around in the kitchen and trying to reach two bowls. His sweater rises a bit, showing off his lower back.

I stand up and walk over to him, grabbing the cereal off the fridge. "Your shortness is adorable." I say, looking at him still trying to get the bowls. He blushes and I laugh, walking next to him and grabbing the two bowls.

"S-shut up." He looks down at his feet, I just now realized he hasn't been yelling like he bormally does. Ignoring the thought, I grab applejacks because- why the hell not? Karkat had what he always has, Frootloops.

We sat awkwardly at the table, the only noise from the clinking of our spoons and bowls.

"So," Karkat and I started at the same time. "Um... You first." Karkat said, obviously not in any rush to talk about what he was going to say.

I looked around, clearing my throat. Be cool, I told myself. "So, wanna hear a joke?" I asked, smirking as my mind was forming a million jokes I could say.


{~~And N0w my children, I'm g0ing t0 mix tw0 fand0ms in 0ne Chapter~~}

"What fo you call an angel that never wins?" I ask, his face concentrating. After a few seconds he gave up. "What?"

"Lose-ifer!" I start laughing and so does he. "Who's....who's Loseifur??" he asks between laughs.

"Lucifer. He's the devil." Karkat nodded, still laughing.

"WH4T'S 4LL TH3 NO1S3?" a scratchy voice yelled from behind my ear. The first thing I notived was Karkat's face harden and he stopped laughing.

"NOTHING REALLY. STRIDER TOLD A JOKE." he said, his voice going back to normal volume.

"When does everyone get back? I mean, doesn't Christmas break end soon?" I question.

"T3CHN1c4LLY 1T SHOULD HAV3 3ND3D 4 WH1L3 B4CK, BUT TH3 4UTHOR 1S TOO L4ZY TO G1V3 4 D4MM." Terezi said.

"Dammnit, Terezi! You can't break the fucking fourth wall!" I shouted, shaking my head.






Be Karkat~

"WHAT THE EVER LIVING FUCK IS A 'FOURTH WALL'?" I questioned, wondering if these two were still sane.

"NOTH1NG!!" Terezi rushed, running back upstairs. Dave laughed. "What do you want to do?"

I looked at him, straight where his eyes should be, my face growing a mischievous grin.

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