Ben Drowned x Reader

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Dedicated to @KILL-LA-KILL1992 for requesting. I hope you enjoy person.
(Also I wasn't sure if you wanted smut or not so I just made it into a fluff chapter.)

"Damn you, you stupid game, stop glitching out like a weirdo!"

I threw my controller at the screen as another statue showed up. It was stupid how much it glitched. I get it was old, with no title on the cartridge except some sharpie writing on duct tape but still. If it can turn on then I'm sure it can function normally.

I sighed and stood up off my bed. I grabbed the controller off the ground and threw it on my bed before turning back to shut off the system. Just as my finger hovered over the power button, the screen brightened up as the demented face of Link showed up. I moved away to look at the screen properly and noticed the small text under the picture. My eyes squinted as I read the words aloud.

"You shouldn't have done that."

I scoffed and went back over to the system.

"Stupid game, might aswell throw it in the lake and never play it again."

But before I could even get close to the power button a bright flash of light seemingly exploded from the t.v. I covered my eyes protectively. When I looked back I saw a short boy wearing a green tunic and hat with blonde hair reminiscent of Links. The only difference is his eyes were disembodied, soulless and black with just a red dot for a "pupil".

"You shouldn't have done that."

He repeated the words that were previously on the screen. My eyes widened in fear as I fell back in shock.

"Who are you and how the hell did you get in here?"

He walked forward, a creepy grin spreading across his face. He kept walking until eventually he was over me, looking down at me from his standing position. I tilted my head up to look into his eyes.

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

He leaned down but just as he did my hand shot forward and slapped him. He reeled back, holding his hand to his now red cheek.

"You little bitch, what the hell was that for?"

My fear was quickly washed away as I stood back up in anger. I clenched my fist tightly, trying to hold back.

"Who are you calling a bitch, you're the one creepily showing up in my room!"

I walked forward, grabbing the wrist from the hand covering his cheek. I jerked his hand away to look at his cheek. A red mark in the shape of my hand. I sighed slightly as I dragged him into my bathroom.

"You're such an idiot for coming into my house like this. I don't even know your name."

He mumbled a few unintelligible words as I searched through my medicine cabinet. I grabbed the small tube of anti-inflammatory to keep it from hurting him. I squeezed a small bit onto my fingers and began rubbing it on his cheeks.

"What was it that you said?"
"I said my name is Ben."

I nodded as I wiped my fingers off and closed the tube, setting it on the counter. He rubbed the area around the mark, wincing slightly.

"I'm really sorry for hitting you, you just scared me. My name's [y/n] if you wanted to name."

He smiled and moved his hand away from his face.

"That's a pretty name."

I could feel the red tint begin to grow from the compliment. I nodded and thanks before turning and leaving the bathroom. His presence remained behind me as he followed me back into my room. I flopped onto my bed, lolling my head to the side to look at him as he stood awkwardly next to my bed.

"Is there a reason you need to stay here?"

He shook his head with a simple smile as he continued to watch me. I furrowed my brows and closed my eyes so I would have to see him anymore.

"I didn't notice before, but you're really pretty."

My cheeks heated up as I covered them with my hands.


The bed suddenly dipped as he crawled onto it. I reopened my eyes and looked at him as he crawled slightly towards me. His smile was innocent as he curled next to me. I laughed and hugged him close to me. He returned the hug, laughing with me quietly.

Slowly our laughter died out as we lied there cuddling in each others arms.

"You're really warm y'know." Ben stated.
I giggled slightly. "Thanks."

Hope you enjoyed the first come back chapter. I'll try to update sooner and faster and will try to make them longer than this.

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