Smiley x Reader

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Welcome to the next chapter. Dedicated to @queen_maymay for the request. Enjoy it.

Dogs were my favorite animal of all time. They were cuddly and sometimes soft. The small ones were always so sweet and the big ones were just a bunch of babies.

So when I saw an abnormal dog on the street with a large, almost comical if it wasn't so creepy, smile and black and red fur, I instantly went to grab it.

It's fur was dirty and clumped with dirt and he was limping slightly on his front paw. I took pity upon it and brought it to my home. A noticed a small leather collar around his neck with a little silver tag dangling below his chin.

After he made himself comfortable on my bed, I read the tag. 'Smile Dog'. I giggled slightly from the name, it was so apparent from his smile but funny from the obvious fact that he was a dog.

I jerked him awake before he could fall into a deep sleep. I picked him up in my arms, grunting slightly from his weight. I set him inside the bath tub and began to run the water. He sat patiently in the middle, watching as I made sure the water was at the right temperature before I began searching under the cabinet for some extra dog shampoo.

After finding then small green bottle, I turned back to the tub. Smile Dog was sitting in the tub still watching me. The water now filled to an appropriate level. I turned off the water and squirted some shampoo into my hands.

I washed his fur, the water quickly turning a dirty brown color, with some red mixing in when I realized the paw he was limping on was bleeding. I drained the water after thoroughly covering him with soap. I grabbed the showerhead and began rinsing him off. His fur was still matted up and would need to be brushed but you could obviously see that his fur was cleaner than before.

I grabbed a nearby towel and grabbed him with it. I dried his fur before throwing it into the dirty clothes hamper. He stood up shaking the rest of the water in his fur away. After covering the wound on his paw with some bandages, I grabbed my dog brush and then picked Smile Dog up.

I laid down the dog down in my lap and began brushing his hair as he fell asleep. Eventually his fur became smooth and mat free. It was soft and silky and now easy to run someone's fingers through.

My eyes began to feel droopy as I brushed my fingers through his fur. Without even realizing it, I had fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

When I woke up, there was a warmth surrounding me. With my tired riddled brain, I didn't even realize that it wasn't my blanket. I didn't fully wake up until the unknown warmth pulled me closer to it. My eyes snapped open as I looked up to the face of the stranger.

His eyes were closed so I couldn't see his eye color but he had skin between pale and tan. He had pitch black hair that contrasted against his skin. I scooted back slightly as I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. Just as I did so, his eyes snapped open to reveal to red irises. A blushed spread over my face as he seemingly stared into my soul. I back away more but before I could get very far, he pulled me back into his chest.

I could feel his breath on my head. It was really warm and was almost uncomfortablely so. Besides that, his arms around me began to heat my body up from a blush. He head suddenly moved, scaring me into a sort of paralysis. His breath scorched my ear with its heat. He whispered in my ear quietly. Almost too quiet, if it wasn't right next to me.

I shivered slightly but nodded.
"You're welcome."

He snuggled my body closer to his, falling asleep, me slowly falling asleep after him.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it's shorter than the last one but I managed to do this is class.
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