Jeff x Abused!Reader

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I'd like to thank the amazing @Pinksparkles2003 for this suggestion. Thanks bunches!

I lied in my bed, shivering as the thin jacket covered my frail body. It did little to fend off the cold that was seeping through the cracks of my bedroom window. Tears streamed down my faces as a particularly large gust of wind pushed against the walls of my house, causing the whole building to creak.

I could hear the voice of my father as he screamed at my mother, most likely about being to slow to get him a beer or a cigarette. I envied her though, that's all he ever did with her is scream. When it came to me, I've had glass cups thrown at my head and fists at my face; I've had bruises litter my body as he constantly beat me. Maybe if I was lucky he would insult me, calling me name after name, slur after slur. My mother would just stand there and do nothing, just stand and watch me with fear in her eyes.

I had grown use to it by now, though my malnourished body still hurt every time I moved. Then, nights like this, I would lie in my bed and stare at either the wall or the ceiling with the harsh weather pushed through the broken walls and graze over my body. The screaming continued for many more minutes before a loud crash was heard. I shook as he most likely dropped his glass, cause why would he ever hurt his beautiful trophy wife.

I expected to hear him pick up in screaming once more but the silence remained. The quietness that hung in the air shook my body, almost more than the cold. I wanted to get out of my bed to investigate but I knew that if I did I could possibly end up with a cup or a plate thrown at my body.

Footsteps begun to stomp through the house but there were nothing like the wobbly steps my father took, nothing like the drunken footfalls that felt like they would break the floorboards. No, these footsteps were graceful but heavy. Like a football player pretending to be a ballerina.

They traveled all through the house, in the living room, down the hallway, to my parents bedroom across the hall, and eventually in front of my door. Whoever it was had started to twist the doorknob. Despite how quickly they moved through each room of the house, they didn't seem to keep up that speed with my door. The door creaked as they eventually gave the door a small push. It swung open gently to reveal themselves.

A pale white man, no, teenager, with long, thin black hair and seemingly glowing white eyes. He wore a white hoodie that was actually more red than white. The knife, stained with the same red as on his hoodie, terrified me, but not as much as the wide grin that decorated his face. It stretched across each of his cheeks, leaving a scarred red trail in its wake.

My body was frozen, what was I to do. My small body wouldn't stand a chance against him. Before I could even move a muscle, he had made up my mind for me. Rushing over, he lightly jumped off the ground and onto my bed, pushing my onto my back and laying the knife against my throat. I felt the cold steel on my skin, especially as I breathed.

He stared into my eyes for what felt like an eternity before he pushed slightly against the blade.

"Did you kill my parents?"

The question popped before I could even think, I closed my eyes awaiting my fate when, suddenly, he answered me.


His voice was thin and raspy, like he had never used it before. It made something inside me tingle but I knew that probably just the fear talking. I decided that maybe if I continued asking him questions he would eventually get bored and either kill me quick or leave me be.

"Do you plan to kill me?"

His dropped his head, giving a small, gravelly laugh. He looked back into my eyes, leaning in close to whisper.


I suddenly felt a warmth I had never felt before in my life. A warmth that made me think of a fireplace in a large house, and s'mores by a campfire. It made me think of what I imagined an actual family would feel like. He moved the knife, throwing on the floor. Opting to instead hug me.

"Do you even know my name?" I asked.

He chuckled quietly, nodding his head.

"[y/n] [l/n] daughter of one douchebag and one douchebags whore."

I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. They were gone, forever, I didn't know if what I felt was sadness or intense happiness.

"What's your name?" I whispered.

He kissed my cheeks, nuzzling it slightly.


I branded name into my mind, I never wanted to forget the person who saved me.

Ah, another one complete. This one has been great and I'm honestly really proud of this one. Tell me what you think remember to comment and vote.

Bye meh Chunky Bunnies~

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