Lost Silver x Reader

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Hey meh CHUNKY BUNNIES sorry for not updating sooner.

Your p.o.v.

I was sitting on my bed staring at the slightly lit screen of my Gameboy. I was close to leveling up my pokemon, when it suddenly glitched and I lost all my progress. I let out a frustrated sigh as I made my way down the stairs to get a glass of water. I threw the gameboy at the end of my bed and descended the stairs to the kitchen. Just as I filled the pristine glass cup I heard a small thud in my room with a following "dangit". I shivered in fear and set the glass in the marble counter. I went to the hallway closet and grabbed my baseball bat and continued my way back the bedroom. I pushed the door open before jumping inside with the bat raised, to see no one there. The only odd thing out was the Gameboy was no longer on the bed but rather on the floor. I set the bat on the bed and bent over to picked up the Gameboy. I threw it back on the bed before turning around to see a boy. He was dressed in all gray with his arms missing. When he saw me notice him he ducked his head down and mumbled something incoherently.

"Who are you?" I asked bravely.

"S-Silver." He answered with a cute little stutter. I awwed in my head and gave him a small smile.

I finally took the time to notice he looked alot like a character from the game.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

He again mumbled something that was unhearable. I slowly walked towards him as he mumbled something again. I sighed a walked over to him. I lifted up him chin and yet again asked him the pondering question. He looked straight into my (Y/E/C) eyes as I looked straight into his gray ones. He blushed as my eyes fluttered before closing. I removed my hand from his chin before leaning forward. I suddenly felt a pair of cold lips onto mine. But what was really weird was the sudden appearance of arms around my waist. We continued kissing slowly and gently before we let go for air. I opened my eyes in a daze as I gave him a small smile.

"That was nice." I said.

"Y-yes i-it was." he answered back.

OKAY I KNOW ITS NOT A F*CKING LEMON. BUT I gave y'all a lost silver fluff. ENJOY......

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