Severus Snape

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(Emily's pov)

I stood out on the Quidditch pitch shivering. Dementors flew overhead and rain lashed down on us,making my hair stick to my forehead.Ginny stood to my left and Jimmy Peakes stood to my right.We were the only people left from the team last year.

"Okay.Ginny has kindly taken the position of seeker.So we need three Chasers and a Keeper.Keeper go over to Ginny and Jimmy and Chasers go over here"I instructed.Not many people showed up and I forced Cece to come try out as Chaser.She loved watching Quidditch but she wasn't much of a player.

"I'm just going to hit you with bludgers to see if you can dodge them"I said and I saw Cece roll her eyes.There was about seven people for Chasers so it didn't take very long.Plus one person had to leave because I hit them hard in the stomach and they got sick.Poor second year.

I got them to catch the Quaffle and I walked over to Ginny,still shivering.

"Have you found your keeper?"I asked and she nodded,pointing in the direction of a buff boy.He was a sixth year by the name of Dylan Bailey.He pretty much blocked all the goal posts with his muscles.I didn't even think it was possible for a sixteen year old to have that much muscles.

"He's the best there is.He covers all the goalposts anyway"Ginny said over the rain, shrugging her shoulders.The Chasers tried to score on the keeper and he was pretty good.By the end of it we had a full team.The Chasers were Seamus,Cece(not biased, Jimmy agreed and she got four out of the five shots) and Daisy Cooper,a fourth year who was surprisingly good.I heard the faint scream of 'no.not Emily' and I flinched. Stupid dementors.

"Okay.I'll post the results on the notice boards"I said and they nodded,quickly sprinting to the dressing rooms.Ginny helped me collect the bludgers and the Quaffle and by the time I got to the dressing rooms,I was dripping even more,my hair seeming permanently attached to my face. Cece and Seamus were waiting for me but the others were gone.

"Are we on the team?"Seamus asked and I nodded.He kissed Cece and I awkwardly looked away.Ginny made a puking motion but guessing from the look on her face,she was missing Harry and I was missing George.We didn't trust owls so he bought me a book and whatever I wrote appeared in his book.It was the safest way of communication.

"Are you ready?"I asked Ginny and we were all silent.That was the night we arranged to steal the Sword of Gryffindor.We just wanted to get it as quick as possible.Cece and some other DA members were going to cause a diversion while Ginny,Luna,Neville and I were going to take the sword.

"It's now or never"she replied.An hour later we were all dry.I felt like that muggle James Bond.Remus loved them movies and when I was younger he brought me to the muggle cinema to see them.We were in our uniforms,as it was now mandatory to wear your uniform even in the common room or the halls.No casual clothing even on the weekends.We heard a loud bang which signalled that now was the time.

"Lets go"Luna said,her dreamy voice echoing around the quiet and empty hall. We walked towards the office and hid behind a pillar.Sev came stalking out,his face covered by his greasy hair.Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott had found out the password earlier on.

"Pureblood"I whispered and the gargoyle looked down at us in irritation but I just gave it a nervous smile.We quickly jogged up the stairs and opened the door. Dumbledore's little 'trinkets' were all gone. The office looked unnaturally bare.I took a sudden intake of breath.Behind the desk was a portrait of Albus Dumbledore.He looked completely at ease as if the person who succeeded him wasn't his murderer.

"There it is"Neville whispered and I followed his eyes to see the glinting hilt of the sword.We walked over to it.It was in a glass casing and I started to take out my wand to remove it but I heard a crash and looked at Ginny,who had a large book in her hand and the glass littered the ground.

Emily Black and the Society of Dark Creatures(Book 5 in Emily Black series)Where stories live. Discover now