Chapter 4

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The room continued to stay quite for a few seconds after that and i could feel the tears slowly but shourly forming and filling the the space behind my eyes.
"Ummm, so can we see your acting now please?" V said smiling at me.
Seeing him smile that way made my heart want to break into a million prices and scatter all over the ground but it was also like my heart had been stabbed as i felt as if i had let not only them down, but myself.
"Umm I cant really act" i mumbled lowering my head; by this time I could feel the tears i had been holding were getting ready to burst.
"Sure you can" jungkook said also smiling.
"look, im sorry for waisting you time I'll just go and leave you guys to get on and see everyone else audition; anyway I was probably rubbish." Saying this the tears had finally trickled from my eyes as they began rolling down my face. In an instant i headed for the door and ran.

It was only a few seconds later before I found a small garden with a cute oak bench sitting in the middle with a blossoming tree arching above it. I sat down and calmed myself down. Nari said that she had to go home straight after her audition because of a family greeting, meaning I was all alone. I sat there for a few moments thinking about how awful my audition was until I heard the faint sound of footsteps get closer and closer from behind me. Suddenly I felt a warm but delicate hand on my shoulder,
"So this is were you were. We've been looking for you, I was afraid you had gone home."
Looking up I see a sight that I thought I would never see; standing behind me with his hand on my shoulder was the one and only V.
His rectangular smile gave me shivers that ran through my whole body as he let go off my shoulder and sat next to me.
" What are you doing here?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be back with the others watching the other girls audition?"
"Yes but not yet anyways" V's smile slowly began to fade.
"Then go, why are you waisting your time on me anyways? My audition was rubbish."
V turned his head so he was looking straight at me and the look on his face was so serious that i had no idea how to react.
"You really shouldn't put yourself down like that. Do you really think it was that bad because i didnt; I mean 'we' didn't."
"Huh?" I Look back at him blankly.
He rolled his eyes.
"Your dancing was amazing! Ive never seen anyone dance like that it my whole life it was so soulful and hipmotizing!" And before I knew it he had his hand on my knee smilling at me again.
"Really." He slowly lifted his hand up to my face and wiped away the tears with his thumb; making my heart fall into my stomach.
"I cant act anyways, so I'll just go.." I get up from the bench and go to leave but...

As I'm about to go v grabbed my hand to stop me.
"You really don't get it do you?" V giggled
Then I hear another voice from behind me.
"Are you telling me you still haven't told her yet?" A voice i reconised: jungkook.
I turn to face his and see him with his hands in his pockets leaning up against the tree.
"Ummm how long have you been there?!" V stuttered.
"Long anoth for me to know that you haven't told her."
V blushed and i giggled at him.
"Told me what? I'm so confused!"
They both smile at each other and then back at me.
"You got the part!"
Hearing these words sent shivers down my whole body and my heart stop.
"But you haven't even see all the rest of the girls yet how can you be sure I'm the one?"
"We all agreed on it. We'll continue to watch the other girls audition but we won't tell them that we all ready have someone for the part. Anyways with mad dance skills like that you might even give me a challenge and I'm the Golden Macknae!" Jungkook said smirking.
"And that scene you did for us back there shows us that your going to be just fine doing the acting parts. Your 'Special" V continues.
"Ummm I wasn't acting." I blushed as red as i could go,
But before I knew it v had me by the hand and was leading me back to the rest of the boys were i met them in a diffrent room from where I auditioned...

Authors notes:
Thank you everyone for the support. hope you are liking my story so far stay tuned for a lot more :)♡ I feel like all my friends are writing so many good stories plz tell me if mine is good :) don't forget to comment and vote :) ♡

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