Chapter 8

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And then the doorknob begins to twist! And V wraps his arms around me like a child; hugging me tight..... We both stand their in silence as we watch the doorknob twist and twist until it begins to open.
"Hey guys i think i found Jimin!" shouts a voice from further away. The doorknob stops twisting and the sudden sound of footsteps get further and further away until they are not heard at all. The silence is almost deafening as the situation starts to become awkward. V lets out a sign of relief and looks at me directly in the eyes; our faces almost touching. Realizing how close he is to me he quickly blushes, releases me from his grip and looks at the floor.
"ummm thanks for saving me, i almost got caught" i say quickly loosing the redness on my own cheeks.
V looks up shooting me his playful rectangular smile and opens the door curiously looking down the hallway.
"No problem. It's safe now lets get out of here quickly, they might come back!" We both sneak down the hallway listening out for any sign of the other members. We sneak around the building looking for a better hiding space for so long we actually considered that the others might be dead.
"Does this mean we won?" I ask confused as to why we hadn't been caught yet.
"Not yet, I want to show you something" replies V as he grabs me by the hand and runs; leading me through the hallways.
Heading up stairs we arrive at the rooftop under the stars (i had been there for so long it has gotten dark)
"Pretty isn't it?" Asks v as he releases my hand and stars up at the night sky.
"Wow! Yes it is really beautiful"
"You know Emily, every star is different and special in its own way. Some shine brighter than others and some help others shine. Your that Star right there and me and the members are the ones around it. You make us happy and help us shine; especially me, your special you know?" V says with a slight grin on his face as he reaches up and points at the brightest Star in the sky.
Hearing these words from him make me blush as i discover a new side of V; one I like.
"Anyway we better get back to the others they are probably wondering where we are" V snaps out of the moment; his cheeks turning the color of a tomato.

Heading back the words V spoke were replaying over and over again in my head
What did it mean? Why is he being like this? What am i feeling?

We step back into the the rehearsal room and see all the other members sitting chatting; their focus changed to us as we enter.
"We won! We won! We won! Ha I new you wouldn't be able to find us! V shouts as he skips around the room.
How can he still have this much energy i think to myself.
"Oh yeah we gave up ages ago" says J-hope and he smirks at Jungkook.
"what's with the smirking?" We both say in sync.
"Oh no reason." Jungkook continues to smirk.
"Anyway i better get going i need to get some rest. i loved hanging out with you guys. practice with you all again soon, ok?"
"Of course your not escaping that easily!" laughs Jin as he hugs me goodbye.
I give the boys all eye smiles and head out of the building.

Standing outside i pick up my phone and call my driver. While waiting for him to arrive i stare up at the nights sky thinking about earlier. What did V mean by what he said?
"Ahhh sometimes i really don't get that guy." i let out a sigh and before i know it my driver has picked me up, dropped me off and in not long i am in my warm comfy bed once again starring up at the dull ceiling of my room. My eyes weaken and i am about to drift of into the world of dreams when my phone vibrates on my bed-side table. Looking at the blinding screen i see i have a text:
Sweet Dreams. don't miss me too much, i mean us hehe :) - V
smiling at my phone i set it back down besides me and finally after a long day of work i rest my eyes and sleep!

Authors note-
Quite a short chapter but on
ce again i hope you enjoyed this chapter ♡ thank you all for reading! it really is getting interesting with V isn't it?!
shout-out to my gal Kavmeh01 read her kpop FF ♡

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