Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sight of sunbeams streaming through my curtains and the sounds of birds singing beautiful melodies in the breeze. I raise my arms up in the air and stretch as mush as possible, releasing a huge sigh. I look over to my bed side clock and see that it is 8:00AM. Realizing it is still early I snuggle back into my devote. My peace didn't last long because i hear my phone buzz; i had a text message...
V- Morning! Are you up? 
Emily-hi, Yea. why are you up so early?
V- Suga made me take the trash out :/ and i cant get back to sleep. anyways i cant wait to come to your place.
Emily- Haha me too :) i think i might make a surprise for you when you arrive 
V- Really!! tell me what it is i wont tell the others. plzzzzz
Emily- No! it wont be a surprise then!
V- Ok fine! Jungkook and Jin said they are bringing some games over :)
Emily- Yay i cant wait! im going to get ready and start on your surprise now, bye :)
V- Bye :)

My surprise for the boys was to make some of my special cupcakes that my grandma taught me to make. I put on some casual cloths: some leggings and a loose baggy top, I apply some light makeup and curl my hair. Once i was ready i head to the kitchen to start baking. My Grandma's recipe had been passed down the family and it was currently in my possession. Anyone who owned it could never tell anyone! I make the mix and set the batter in the cake tins before setting them in the oven. Next i did my favorite bit; making the buttercream icing, The cupcakes were red velvet flavor but not just red velvet but the best red velvet cupcakes ever! Once the cupcakes were baked i left them on the side to cool; I wait a while before applying the icing. looking at the the clock it was 10:30AM; only and hour and half until the boys arrived! once the cakes had cooled i applied the red icing in a swirly pattern on each cupcake before setting them down on a cupcake stand. As i admire my master piece i giggle to my self as i had used BTS cupcake cases i had found online. 

Before i knew it the time was coming up to 12 O'clock! Sitting on my sofa i wait for the sound i had been hopping for all day; the sound of a knock on my door. Although i was exited for the boys to come over i was very nervous and i realized BTS would be spending the night in my house!
Finally that sound came. I hear footsteps approaching.  Very soon after a rhythm is knocked on the wood of the door. I rush over to the door and open it with a grin. Behind the door the seven boys are revealed. They are all standing holding their bags and smiling back at me with eye smiles.

"Hi everyone! come in." i step away from the door leading them in.
"OMG Emily you didn't tell us your house was so big! its almost like a mansion!" J-Hope gasps as he enters viewing the big hallway and high ceiling with a chandelier hanging above us.
"Well i dont really like bragging im just a normal person after all, My parents worked hard for this house and still do."
"looks like you take after your parents then, you are just as hard working as they are" Jimin says still gasping at his surroundings.
"Now do you want to share rooms or have a separate one, there are enough after all?" i ask.
" I doubt i am going to do much sleeping. How about we make a den or a tent out of blankets or something?" V asks. he is so exited he is practically bouncing off the walls!
"Yea is guess. What do you guys think?" i turn round to face the others and they all nodded
"Great! den it is then!"

The boys put their stuff down and join my in the kitchen. 
"So are you ready for your surprise?" They all seem intrigued. If there is one thing i know is that boys love food!
"Cupcakes!" Jungkook and V shout; their eyes light up at the delicious treats displayed in front of them and they bring me into a very tight hug. Making my heart beat incredibly fast all of a sudden. Why?
"Ok don't eat them all at once! we still have to eat dinner. have you guys had lunch yet?? 
"Yes Noona. Jin hyung made us lunch, we didn't want to trouble you and make you cook." mumbles Jungkook with a mouth full of cupcake, I giggle.
"Aww you guys are too cute. honestly though i don't mind cooking for my Oppas." my eyes widen, omg did i just call them my Oppas?! Why did i do that?! I panic and run into the the living room embarrassed.
"Hey guys lets watch TV!" i shout turning it on and placing myself down on the comfy sofa."
"Are you ok Emily? you ran off? These cupcakes are AMAZING by the way whats in them?" Rapmon smiles also entering the room.
"Yea yea im fine!" i awkwardly laugh" sorry cant tell you its a family secrete."
Seconds later all the boys join me in the living room and get comfy on the sofas. V who was last (still stuffing a cupcake into him mouth) places himself down next to me. Now i fell not so stressed and embarrassed i finally relax.

Hours fly by and we are all talking and having fun. while everyone is having their own conversation V pokes my shoulder,
"hmm?" I hum a yes sound turning my body to face him.
"You got embarrassed when you called us Oppa, didn't you? " He awkwardly smiles at me. His soft husky voice only just heard over the chatter of the others.
There it goes again my heart beating faster. Why does it do that and what does it mean?
"You noticed?! Well yea i don't know why. You really are like brothers to me but I don't know, i just feel awkward. Calling you; the famous group BTS, Oppa. I Don't feel important enough too. Anyways I guess i'm just shy, what if you find it weird. And Jungkook already calls me Noona and i felt like it would make you feel good but i don't know if its too early and..." I am stopped by V who cut me off by placing his finger on my lips.
"Hey, hey! your rambling again! calm down, deep breaths, Shhh. You really feel like you aren't important enough to call us Oppa?" I nod looking down as is face looks concerned "hey look at me" he lifts my head up again by my chin so i am looking straight into eyes. Dahm his eyes are handsome, umm anyways back to the story. "Don't feel like that you are so more important then you think your important to us, to me." He blushes and looks down and I let out a small giggle. It was silent for a couple seconds until he speaks again. "You can call me Oppa if you want." he looks back up at me and i smile."Or you can call us my our real names i've noticed you only call us by our stage names."
"Are you sure?" i ask, my cheeks getting hotter.
"Of course!" And once again i see that friendly huge smile of his.
"Ok!" i get exited and point at all of the guys in the room, "I'll now call you Hoseok or maybe Hobi, and you, Kookie, and you Namjoon, and you Jin still, and you Yoongi; ill call you suga  sometimes tho its cute, and you Jiminie and you, hmmm Taehyung or Tae? Tae its cuter hehe" Wow i got hyper quickly. All the boys laugh and i blush sinking back into my seat embarrassed. 
"Finally" breaths Jin. " i thought you would never call us my our real names and you can call us Oppa too. If you want to that is."
"Hmm ill stick with names for now" I say and V i mean Tae smiles at me again
"Yay she called me Hobi! I'm your hope, i'm your Hoseok, i'm your J-Hope!" We all laugh as he jumps around.
"Yay Noona called me Kookie! she calls me by my nickname" Another cute bunny gets hyper and jumps along with Hobi.
"Hey guys did you hear her she called me Jiminie thats so cute! im so cute!" eventually all three of them are jumping up and down.
While i'm laughing at those three Tae wrapps his arms around me and swings us quickly
"Aww my Emily is so cute she called me Tae how cute is that! I'm gonna call you Em or Emmy!" Everyone was happy. we were all laughing and smilling, Tae's the brightest of them all; who was still clinging to me with his strong playful grip.
They are so cute and funny and dumb. But they are my dumb Oppas...
To be continued...

Authors Note: Hey guys i am sooooooo sorry it took me foreeeevverrr to update but i was soo busy with school and things. im going to try and update A LOT more hope you are enjoying it and dont worry the sleepover is going to get a lot more interesting !!!! :) plz vote and tell me what you think so far :) I made this part a bit longer to make up for not posting. Thankx for reading this chapter xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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