Chapter 6

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After we all finished dinner Bangtan dropped me home and we all said our goodbyes. Rap mon handed me their managers phone number and i handed them mine. I sigh as i watch their car speed away down the road.
I place my keys in my door, slowly turn them, hearing a click and pushing the door open. I walk in clossing the door behind me and land face down on my bed. I get ready for bed as i am so tired that I almost fall asleep brushing my teeth.

In no time i can hear the frantic beeping of my alarm and i sit up admiring the fresh beams of Sun light shooting through my certains and the chirps of birds singing outside. Before I can even step out of bed my parents come rushing up the stairs and barging into my room; both so exited they can't stop talking.
"I'm so proud of you!"
"I new you would get it!"
"What where they like?"
"Are they good looking in real life?"
"Come on tell us everything!"
"Our daughter is going to be working with famous people!"
I stare at them blankly for a few seconds thinking:
"What did I get?"
"Who are the they talking about?"
Before it all rushes back to me like a bullet to my head as i remember everything. A huge smile spreads across my face as i spend about twenty minutes telling my parents everything before they shoot off to work. After they leave i think to myself: how did they know? My parents have always been very supportive of my dancing and we're very exited for me to move to Korea as they believed it would bring me great opportunities; which it has.

I get dressed put some make-up on and start eating breakfast when my phone vibrates against the table and begins to ring. Picking it up i begin to speak.
"Hello Emily speaking."
"Hello Emily this is Bangtans manager speaking i am calling to update you on your buisness with Big Hit Entertainment. (This is the music and entertainment company BTS work for) I have aranged for you to come to the studio today so we can have a meeting about what you will be doing with Bangtan and to discuss the schedules." Says a man with a husky voice.
"Ahh yes that is great..." I continue with a beaming smile on my face. We continue talking and he aranges a car to pick me up and bring me to the studio soon after. I finish my breakfast and watch TV feeling incredibly nervous about the meeting; however not as nervous as i was before the audition. I was also very exited at the same time to see the boys again.

I hear a car pull up outside and within seconds there is a knock on the door. Opening the door i see a very tall and formal man standing in the path guiding me towards the posh car.
"Hello I work with Big Hit Entertainment, I am here to be your shofer today"
As I get closer he opens the door for me and i sit inside. He sits in the front and begins to drive.
"To Big Hit we go!" He says friendly smiling as he looks at me through the rear-view mirror.
"You know, any girl would do anthing to be in your possition, to be sitting in this car on their way to see BTS to work with them at Big Hit." He continues
"I know I am so greatful I had this oppotunity and i am going to work so so hard to impress them."
"I hope you do. I like you. You have this very friendly aura. I hope to drive you around some more if i get the chance."
We chatted and chatted and a very short car journey later we were there.

I get out the car saying Thank you while waving as i close the door behind me, he smiles back at me and drives off. I approach the building which was in a very quite road with lots of buildings around it. I walk up the steps to the modern looking building and step inside the door.
At the front desk their was a very young looking women tryping on her computer. As I approach her she looks up and smiles,
"You must Emily, am i right?"
"Yep that's me"
"Great let me show you the way."
The women comes from behind the desk and guids me to an elevator. Once we reach the correct floor she leads me along a corridor full of offices, recording studios and dance studios. Once we reach the correct door she opens it and gestures for me to go inside. There i see a long white table with bangtan sitting around it with the manager and a couple of other people. I bow down to them and sit in one of the seats.
"Great now we can begin." Says the manager as he sets some papers down on the table. Across from me V, Jungkook and Jin are all smiling at me. Making me blush.

The meeting consisted of talk about my role I will be playing in BTS's music and comeback video and how I will need to learn their dance and do some acting. BTS explained what the song was about and the message behind it so I could really connect with the song. The manager informed me on some rules i needed to follow before I continued working with BTS any further; Just the usual things like,
You can't tell anyone anything,
Don't give numbers or dates out,
Don't spoil anything,
Don't let anyone know your working with BTS,
Don't tell any fans and if fans find out he can arrange to get a bodyguard for me if i need it; this one made me gulp. The manager and other people left once I knew everything and the boys took me into one of the dance studios. It was a fair size and had the Big Hits logo plasterd along the back wall. They all sat down and V patted the floor next to him; i sat down in that spot. Suga began to play the song for their comeback and the boys all began to sing along. I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing their voices were, how beautiful the lyrics were and how awesome the beat was; I really liked this song.

We didn't really need to do any work today but the boys thought it would be a good idea to practice dancing and for me to show them my full dance skills.
I played some music and showed them a couple of my routines i had made and they all seemed impressed. That day became really crazy and we ended up getting into groups and having a dance battle; to make it fair we split the dance line up so it was fair for Jin, Suga and Rap mon. (As they aren't the best dancers in the group)
On my team i had Suga, V, and Jimin and the other team was Rap mon, Jungkook, Jin and J-Hope. We battled it out and our team totally smashed them. We all had a lot of fun and i felt like they were all brothers to each other. And then it was finally time I had to go home. They all hugged me tightly and said how much they enjoyed my company and V walked me to my car that was waiting for me to take me home; even though we were all very tired V still seemed like his very highper and childish self, which I loved.
Before I knew it i was back in my bed again snuggled up, with my eyes weakening drifting off to sleep....
Authors notes:
Thank you everyone for reading my story so far be prepared for a lot more drama to come: not everything always goes perfectly. Plz vote and comment ♡

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