Chapter One

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MrsMaddiHoran and MsCatarina here thanks for taking a look at our book we hope we can update when we can. Our schedules will be weird but we will try and update maybe every Saturday or Sunday. But until we have a day that we are sure we will stick to, we will have random updates. Ok enough talk let's start!

Enjoy guys! (:


"Hey, Amaya, where's the cereal? I can't find it." Aaron Valke questioned, digging through the upper cabinets with no luck. My eyes widened before slowly looking away, distracting myself with the bread and butter in front of me. Shoot.

"Er, we ran out..." I answered hesitantly, giving him a sheepish grin. "I was hungry last night and might have had the rest of it." He gave me an exasperated look before sighing, picking up the car keys on the countertop adjacent to him.

"Oh, well, it's okay." He assured me, winking. "I'll just go to the store, do you need anything while I'm gone?"

"Well I do want some candy." I trailed off, wondering if he was catching on. He chuckled before nodding at me.

"Sour Skittles. Got it. I'll be home soon." He pecked my lips and I groaned, wanting more than just simple lip touching. "Hey, don't sulk; you look a lot cuter when you don't. When I get back, we'll see how things go. Patience is a virtue." I rolled my eyes before sticking my tongue at him, earning another laugh from him. "Better save that tongue for later, love."

"Get out!" I cried out, laughing hysterically as I threw a roll of paper towel at him. "You're so dirty, I can't with you!"

"You love it," He called out before shutting the front door. It was quiet now and as I ate my toast in the kitchen, I turned on the tv. It was already set for the news and just before I decided to switch the channel, something that the reporter stated made my blood run cold.

"At around 2 o'clock this morning, two bodies had been found downtown in an alley. Paramedics say that the two males had been assaulted and brutally murdered before being dumped here." The reported stated as the camera zoomed in on the narrow side enterance to a famous club downtown. "There hasn't been any eye witnesses discovered yet, however police are currently investigating further into the crime."

"Are you kidding?" I muttered before turning off the tv, sighing. "I was watching downtown last night. How did something like that happen ten feet away from where my post was?" Getting up, I stretched before putting away the dishes and washing them, knowing fully well that my lovely boyfriend wasn't going to clean them any time soon.

Lazy poop.

I stalked out of Aaron's house, leaving him a note saying that I was heading to my house before driving off to school. Hopefully, I would get my candy then. After what I just watched, I was going to need it.

Walking down the street, I took back roads to quicken my trip and reached my house in about ten minutes. Shoving the key in the lock, I entered my house silently.

I practically lived alone in my house; ever since my mom died, my dad had accepted jobs over seas in order to support the both of us. He was currently discharged somewhere in Africa for only God knows what, so it was constantly quiet and lonely at my house. Hence, why I normally sleep over Aaron's house. Sure, he could always live with me until my dad came home, but my dad was never fond of that idea. Plus, he had hidden cameras around the house so there was no way of sneaking him in.

I trudged up the stairs to quickly change into a pair of medium washed skinny jeans, black vans, and a grey long sleeved shirt. Skimming through my closet, I found my Batman pullover sweater and slipped it on, laughing at the irony. I pushed all of the hangers and clothes over to the left of my closet, revealing a pass code reader. Punching the numbers in, the right wall of the small space slid open and displayed a reasonable sized compartment.

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