Chapter Four

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Thanks guys for helping us out with the comments and reads 6 followers that's actually a good start. We have kind of decided Thursday and Saturday are good upload days. I will usually have a football game on a Friday but I have competitions Saturdays but Batman (MsCatarina) will upload if I Superman(MrsMaddiHoran) can not


I teleported back home and fell on my bed face down. I hear footsteps coming towards my room I ran to my closet and changed out of my suit into sweats and a shirt. Holding a knife to my side, I watch my door open.

“Amaya?” I saw a figure that was tall and very buff.

“Who are you?” I looked at the man harder. “Dad….” I ran up to him and squeezed him tightly. “You're home!”

“Yes and I am here to stay for a month or two.” He kissed my forehead and a smile came upon my face. My dad was home and I was super happy. “How about we eat some ice cream and you tell me all about what happened while I was gone.”

After we talked and ate ice cream I was feeling sleepy so I told my dad goodnight and headed up stairs. “Night dad. Aaron’s not taking me to school so I’ll try and wake you up before I leave.”

“Ok Hun sounds fine goodnight.” I closed my door and saw a flash of lightning, mesmorized by how pretty it was. I laid down and fell asleep, feeling exhausted.

When I woke up the next morning I saw a note on my pillow.


Food? I ran downstairs the smell of bacon hitting my face. “Yum smells good I don’t know how I didn’t smell that upstairs.” My dad chuckles and I grab a piece and started eating. “Ok I have to get ready or I might just eat bacon all day.” I ran back upstairs and put on my favorite outfit black skinny jeans my blue toms and a blue shirt. I like blue. I grabbed my bag checking the time. I had homework but I had homeroom before that so I could do it there. Usually I slept during that class.

When I got to school the teacher looked at me. “Are you new?” She questioned.

“No i just never came to this class. I'm Amaya Parks.” She looks at her list.

“Oh ok well you sit by Josh over there 4th seat back.” She informed me, smiling up at me as she pointed to the empty desk.

“Ok.” I found my seat and sat down i was in front of Josh.

“Hey why don't you ever come to home room?” He asked.

“I rather sleep but i went to bed early.”

“Oh i went to bed late and still came here.” He shrugged, watching me carefully.

“Good for you.” Pulling out my laptop I checked my messager. I had two: one from Aaron and one from my friend Maddi. I look over to Catarina, who was crying a bit on the other side of the room. Maddi could have sent what happened to Catarina to me. I open her message.


Catarina has been upset since you left the cafe and heard you talking about her with Aaron. Why are you being so mean to her, she did nothing wrong to you did she? You better explain to her why you did this. I don't know care what you and Aaron said just tell her.


I stared at the screen. She thinks I am a bad friend? Thats sad. I started a message to Cat.  


What happened? Maddi says you're mad at me. Aaron told me that Keaton had a girlfriend from Arrow High and I was very sorry for you, I know you like him. So please forgive me I didn't mean to hurt you.

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