Chapter 8

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I woke up I was in a room filled with band posters that I liked. "It was all just a dream good." I heard my door open and in walked a man in white. "Ah she is awake sir. Would you like me to get your clothes for today Miss Rain?" I looked down and saw i was in my suit still on but I had a bunch of holes and burn marks. "I want to keep my mask on. I want pants, i don't want to look nice." "You sound like someone I know." I nod and cross my arms. "Can i get a towel?" He walks out of the room and comes back with the fluffiest towel i have ever seen. "Thank you now get out so I can meet the kidnapper." I slam the door to the bathroom and i turn the water to hot. When i was done with the shower I opened the bathroom door and saw clothing on the bed. Jeans a t-shirt and a hoodie. I grabbed them and put them on. I went back to the bathroom and put my mask back on. "Miss Rain? Are you dressed?" I come out and the butler is holding fuzzy socks. "Here Miss Rain." I look down at my feet. "Thank you so much I shouldn't be rude to you. You're just doing as you're told." He nods his head and I follow him out of my room. We went down the hallway and I saw pictures of a person i recognized. "Where are we?" "We are at the Super Academy we are currently in the sky for some training of the other Supers." I nod and stop in my steps. "Wait theres other supers?" He gives me a look then starts walking again. "Yes there is, there is 7 other heros in your state and one in your town." I gock in surprise. "Wow um have i met these people?" He nods his head. "Yes you have met the one in your town." You're meeting him actually right now." He opens big tall doors and I saw some people turn around looking at me and the butler. "Ah there she is." I saw one guy stand out. He was really cute. "Miss Night Rain. Powers, teleportation and electricity shocks." I shake my head. "What am i missing dear?" "Nothing but i don't have electricity shocks i just do electricity." I sit on the ground and put my hands on the ground. The electricity starts to run down my arms, then all of a sudden I can't move my arms. I look down and there being held down. I start screaming. "GET AWAY!" I look at every face and I see one person not moving from my body. I look at them and shock there arms. "OW! How did you do that, Shadow i thought your girlfriend could only shock if she was near you!" The person Shadow starts to chuckle. "You are touching her." I was let go and some hero pushed me and since we were in a training room for the flying supers I fell down and off the platform i was on. "Ahhhh!!" I couldn't look but i stopped and i looked up. "Omg Get me outta here!" There was the Shadow guy and i felt a tingle in my hands then i was floating. He smiles at me and we go back up to the platform. "Who are you, how did you do that?" When the whole situation was over with how he did that and who he was we were talking in the huge kitchen the school has. "What town do you try and save?" "Yours. You aren't very good. You haven't been taught how to control your strongest power have you?" "No i haven't. How do I tap into it? I lost everything before i became a hero." He looks at me and holds up my chin. "You're beautiful did you know that Night Rain?" I gulp and he leans towards my lips and I don't think and i kiss him. It was the best kiss ever! I didn't want to stop. He stopped and pulled away shocked. "I didn't mean to kiss you, I'm sorry." I shrug and lean in to kiss him again. "No! You don't know who I am." I get out of the seat i was sitting in and i start walking away. Dark Shadow grabs my hand and pulls me towards him in a hug. "I can let you get to know me though." I nod and the visions over take my vision. I start to remember things that i never knew that happened. Aaron liked Maddi, Maddi was a bad friend and Dark Shadow was Josh, Josh is who i like and who I'm supposed to like. "I remember you!" I press my lips against his and he smiles in the kiss. I hear a few people telling us to get a room. I pull away and shock the floor. Their shoes weren't made of rubber so they should be careful what they say around me. Many people complain and yell. "Everyone to the Gym, Night Rain and Dark Shadow come to the back of the Gym. Thank you." I looked at him confused. "They will tell you." He grabs my hand and shows me a picture of the back of the gym. We teleport and i scare a few people. "It's called walking!" Many people shout. I want to yell back and Shadow beat me to it. "It's called using your powers and learning unlike you newbies! She lost her memory you have no excuse!"I smiled teleported on the other side of the gym. "Boo!" I scared a girl who was flying and she fell and landed on a teacher was was sitting. "Who was that?" I teleported back and landed in hands being caught. "Oh hey Shadow." He laughs and the teachers started the assembly. "Thank you all for coming to the coordination of the next couple!" I look at Dark Shadow and was a little worried. "So will Night Rain please stand up?" I stand up slowly and take a big step towards. "I am Night Rain." The crowd starts to look at me funny like i was a dead person that was alive the whole time. "Um Night Rain why are you not in your suit?" I look down and see i'm still in Jeans a t-shirt hoodie and slip on. I shrug and teleport to the floor of the Gym. "Why am I not in suit? Want to know why? Because you crazy people burnt it and i have rips in it! Thats why i don't have my suit on!" I didn't want to be rude and a jerk about it but i was tired of this crap. I start to get angry because I'm treated like a human here. "I dont like to be in suit. Do you people even have a normal life? School, friends?" Most people shake their head. "Then I'm done! I can't take this place anymore I don't want to be here with just heros i want to be with humans as well!" I started to walk away when i was shocked in the arm. "Ow what the-" I looked up to see a woman by my side in a suit that looked like mine. "Who are you to touch me?!" SHe laughs and speaks to me. "Your mother, I am your mother child i have every right to punish you." I looked her in the eyes. "My mother is dead! She was no hero not to me anyways." I felt bad because i loved my mother, until she left me with my crappy dad. He doesn't do anything but leave me! The woman touched my arm and shocked me again. I reached towards her, then turned and ran towards a student who power wasn't strength or flying ability. I grabbed their suit and stood him in front of me. "Let me out of I'll kill him, I'm not afraid to either!" The student chuckles and I see my future, I was a hero not a villain. "No thats wrong i can tell you now. I can't be here anymore!" I was brought back to the present and i shocked the kid to unconsciousness and teleported to a secret place no one knew but me. I looked up at the sky and there was the moon and the stars. I haven't seen them in a while, and i missed that. "Where are you?" I looked down to see a man in black suit and a tie. I made lightning in the sky and he turned around towards me. I teleported to another tree across from me and I was finally growing tired. I wanted to sleep and rest next to a pillow and cry. "I smell hero." I was scared of what to think and how to get away i needed time to rest and if i didn't have time then i would run but i was too far from home. I dropped out from the tree and went towards the man. he held out his hand. "I am to weak to fight take me, i will not fight." I put my hand on top of his and he drained the rest of my energy so i fell asleep and slept. *DREAM* I was running from a shadow and i couldn't get away fast enough and i kept running until I fell into a puddle of red. Blood. I looked behind me and there was the figure but this one was making it light and i looked at the puddle again. Chocolate? I heard the voice call out to me. "Get up ya lazy hero or I will eat you instead." I shot up and saw Robin again. "You were the one who took me last night?" "Uh not really." I gave him a questioning look. "What do you mean not really?" "I brought you..." He gives me a smile and I looked down at my clothes. My shoes were gone and so was my hoodie. "My other maid went out to get you clothes. Do you want me to do your emotions or no?" I nod my head and looked up. "I want you to get rid of the love emotion. Forever and always i don't want to Love." He nodded and took hold of my hand and I felt the tingles run from my chest to my arms and down to my fingertips. I felt all of the heart breaks and they all just went away..


Almost to the ok getting closer part but I have uploaded a lot f chapters I love you fans and readers comment what you honk of a questions and answers thing after chapter 11 please I would love to he's what you have to say to the characters!!!!

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