Chapter 10

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I looked at at all of them in surprise. "I what? You what? He used to date me?" They all nod and I glare at Maddi. "You out now." She looks at me surprised. "Why i didn't do anything!" I laugh and look at her closer giving her my 'don't make me get out of this bed.' look. "You kissed Aaron. Aaron was it while we were dating?" He shakes his head. "I really don't remember it was years ago. We were Juniors." He touched my hand and looked at me in the eyes. I started to get information from the look he gave me. *Flashback* I was walking out of school to get a ride with Aaron to go home when i saw Maddi my used to be bestie kissing him and I was angry so i started running and running til i got to a forest. I suddenly saw a hide out outside of city limits. "Get out here now! " I walked in and looked around for something, but i didn't know what i was looking for it was all a blur. There was voices outside and I walked towards the door. The door opened and all of a sudden there he was. Dark Shadow, He looked me up and down. "Ah Night Rain you're here. Why?" I shrug and he grabs my hand. "Who are you. I want to know." *End of flashback* I look around the room and they stare at me. "You!" I try to get out of bed and Josh stops me. "Look at me and calm down. Maddi get out now!" She flips him off and walks out. "Aaron i need you to get a doctor, then tell them she is fine and she needs 'it' and they should know what to do." He quickly walks out of the room when Josh presses his lips against mine. I start kissing him back when he pulls away. "why did you stop?" "Because I know you aren't really there and I can't control you, but i know who can." I start thinking of my room and how is missed my home. Then I was there. "Uh how did i get here?" I look around the untouched room. I go to the door and i twist the door knob and open the door. "Hello?" no one returns my response. I start walking down the stairs when i hear the Tv on. "Hello? Anyone there?" I walked down the last step and there was a figure staring at the TV. "Hey I've been asking if anyone was here why didn't you answer?" The person turns around and looks at me. "This isn't real you are not real. You need to find the necklace that brought you here. If you don't you will have the worst life." Then the figure falls to the ground and disappears. "Uh creepy!" I hear banging on my door. Then a crash from a window. "Night Rain?" I quickly run upstairs. I hear a little voice saying turn around. "No i won't turn! I won't be controled!" I run to my room slamming the door, and i get in my closet and i lock the door and put the password in. "My suit!" I look around for it then notice the shiny object under the door. "Amaya come out and play." I quickly find my secret hiding door and open it and i find my suit and boots on the floor. I shut the panic room door and lock it, leaving the figure to be confused. I quickly put my suit on and I put my hair in a ponytail. It was how I used to do it until i got a new mask. Now since i only have a mask that covers around my eyes I can put my hair up. Then i quickly zip my boots up and stand in a stance i would use to prepare to fight. "Amaya? What are you doing?" I turn around to see Josh confused. "I have to leave! You're not real." I open the panic room door and shock something without trying. "HA I got you now I have to find that necklace!" I hear a moan from the figure. I spot a necklace that looked like the one I was wearing when my mother died. "Oh you found it thanks." I yank it off of the person's neck and i walk away with it and I teleport to when it started, my mothers grave. When I got there, people were surrounding a coffin and the words said 'Maria Goldex' I knew her she was my best friend until... Until my mom died. "Oh my god Maria!" I run to the funeral and I was running in tears. "When did she die? Why did she die?!" People including her mother, father and cute brother all stare at me in confusion. "Amaya she died a week ago, she died of well... she was in a car accident with Alexander. I'm sorry you didn't know." I was mad, mad at Alexander mad at myself. "I could have saved her! Why wasn't this town being protected?" They look at me with confusion. "Amaya you are 16 years old you couldn't save her you are no hero. I'm sorry dear." I took hold of Maria's brother. "You were always cute, but i think you need to join your sister." He looks at me confused until i press my lips against his electrifying him with watts of electricity that could kill in seconds. "Good bye Maria, Good bye Eric." I push him to the ground and the family looks at me. "You're no hero you're a monstrous villain!" I start to chuckle until i get a powerful laugh. I look at all of them and I stare at Eric's body. "He is useless to you, but to me he's a good sacrifice!" I put my warm hand onto his somewhat cold body and teleported to my horrendous mothers grave. When we arrived I picked up Eric and gave him a little shock. "Ahh I know you're awake i hear your heartbeat Eric." His eyes flutter open. "Now listen carefully, i am giving a chance to live a new life and if you go back I will find you and actually kill you, I just shocked you back to life. So i suggest you be a good boy and run." I woke up in a tomb and i had some people looking at me. "Ah shes awake everyone run!" They hurry out of the room and I rub my head from the pain. "Where am I?" I start to sit up and I see little kids running around and 2 kids hit their heads on each other and fall on there butts. "Are you ok?" I try to get up but I am on a bed type thing with a case around me. "Do I have to teleport out or something? Is this a test?" They all stare at me in shock. "She can not get out?" One asks and starts jumping up and down then they all start to cheer. "We must go get 'him'. And tell him she is awake and ready." I looked around the white colored room and saw paintings of victorian style people. "Ah she is awake." A husky voice said from behind me, where i couldn't see. I saw a dark shadow that was tall and looked somewhat buff from the shadow. "Prepare her room and make sure it is to her liking she might stay here for a while." The voice was familiar and was so husky and it was kind of the voice that sounded sexy. "Unstrap her from the gurney when i leave." There was a bright light that was turned on and i closed my eyes from the brightness. "Ah she is pretty, she is mostly likely a keeper or maybe she will go back." There were footsteps walking away from me and with a whisper the a big door closes and the bright light turned off. then i was free. My arms wiggled and i could feel the strap loosen quicker than I thought. "Follow the person by the door to your room. Do not wander or master will find a gurney very useable and will make you be in one when u travel." I nod and i see a girl by the door with a hoodie and she hands it to me. "It is kind of cold and Master wants you warm and comfy." I take the hoodie and slip it over my head and feel the soft material hit my skin making me warm instantly. "Ok follow me." She open the big door but this time I had time to look at it. It was brown and it had carvings of the letter S. It was like Superman but I couldn't tell just yet. "What does the S mean?" She giggles a bit and looks up at me stopping in her spot. "S means supers, Master likes to think as everyone as his supers and likes to train them." I look at her and take in her features while she was talking. She was about the size of a 9 year old and had the greenest eyes and long dark brown shiny hair. She was very pretty. "How old are you?" "That is classified please don't ask again or Master will be having a talk with you about what questions to ask and not to ask us." "Can I ask what are you?" "No." She glares at me and her eyes glow then stop as she breathes in then out and turns and starts walking away from me. "Hey you're supposed to make sure I stay with you!" I kind of loudly shout. She stop and waits for me to catch up. "Learn to keep up or I will get Master to train you harder in that part." We arrive at a blue door that had my name in gold cursive on it. It was a shade of blue that was rare and was very beautiful and so bright. "Here is your room there is clothes in the closet you may use any of it. On training days there is clothing in the dresser that you use and will not complain about it. Master doesn't like complainers." She smirks and turns facing away from me. "Oh and Master's rule is do not talk to others unless directed to and a guard will get you for all meals, and meals are to be gotten and the brought back here. Guards will also get you for training. Any questions?" I kind of gap my mouth. "No." I turn and open my door knob. "Ok I will send your guard to your room immediately and do not leave your room at night. For a certain reason to not be named, goodnight Amaya." I flip on my light switch and look at the beautiful room that surrounds me. "Wow." I see pictures of me in newspapers I didn't even know about. "Its lovely isn't it?" I turn to see a teenage boy standing at my door. I swear I closed it. "You may talk to me, I'm safe. I'm your guard." I nod and he takes a step into my room. "Please state your name so I may know it and learn it." I look down at my sock covered feet. "My name is Amaya." I mumble. "Speak louder, I didn't catch that." I look up into his eyes that take a light blue color to it with flake of gold. "My name is Amaya and can I say your eyes are like my door, why?" He chuckles and smiles a handsome smile. Its like the one a prince would have and you would never want to look away. "They are to know who's guard we are and thank you Amaya its a beautiful name, you may call me-" "Your name is Damon. I like it. " He looks shocked at me with his blue eyes confused. "How did you know?" I even didn't know. "It came to me I guess." Looking away I send him to stand outside my door like he was supposed to. I opened my closet and found a pair of leggings and a cute shirt to go with it and a pair of black uggs with sparkles on them. I looked in the mirror and brushed all the knots out of my hair. A knock on my door startled me and I went to go answer it. "Yes Damon?" He looks at me and smiles. "Dinner Amaya. Are you ready?" I nod and go into the hallway closing my door behind me. We walk down the hall and took a right turn. We walked by a few people and their guards who matched the super they were with. I also learned my eyes change to the color of my door as soon as I walk into my room. "Damon can I ask you something?" "Yes you can." "When do I meet your Master?" He laughs. "My master is not the same master of the servants around here. The main Master you will not meet until training." The cafeteria/ kitchen was amazing and looked so big! The cooks made anything from burgers to hot dogs and even steak! I think I liked the steak the best it was so yummy! The taste was so good that I asked Damon if I could get seconds he agreed and the cook looked at me and noded understanding what I wanted. She came back with two steaks on a plate wrapped with aluminum foil and it had mashed potatoes that were SO good! I think I like this place. The cook smiled at me and sneaked me a cookie and with that i went to go get a drink and Damon scanned his eyes. I am guessing the guards scan their eyes from the super for everything because our eyes are the same and it just seems right. "Alright lets go back to your room and you can eat then get ready for tomorrow's training. And you need to be up by 8 am for breakfast." I nod. "Ok thank you Damon. Goodnight." I shut the door and set the food down and I get my fork and start eating. I hear a bang from outside then a metal door covered my beautiful blue door. "Damon?" I hear voices and fighting. "Where is Night Rain? She does not belong here!" I shrug it off and go back to my food and finally finish it and I walk to the trash can throwing my plate away. I look at the clock it said 7:30. We have to have lights out at 8 so I guess i can shower. I close the bathroom door and turn to my left and I turn on the warm water. I got undressed and looked at my arms they had scars. My stomach had a huge scar from a memory I don't remember. I got under the water and stood there and thought to myself. When I was about to go to bed when the metal door came down and in walked Damon. "Come on we have to go to the training room." He looks at my figure in my shorts and a tank top. "You need to change I will not have another super staring at you." I nod and open my dresser and grab a pair of black warm up and a dark blue short sleeve shirt. Putting the warm ups over my shorts and the shirt over my tank top I look at Damon and he nods and waits by my door. "Okay, lets go." I nod and walk to the hallway and Damon shuts the door. He see's another guard and we walk towards him and Damon makes sure the other super I don't know what gender stand on the other side of the other guard. "That guy was a real hard one to get out of the facility. I dont know who Night Rain is though, do you?" Damon asks curiously. "I dont know who Night Rain is. Let me ask Maria." He turns to his super and whispers to her. "Night Rain is Amaya Forks, her guard is Damon." The other guard looks at Damon and Damon looks at me. "Amaya Forks?" I look at Damon. "I dont know who Night Rain is. I don't have any memories." The girl Maria looks at me, then she looks at her guard and Damon. "May I touch her Steven?" "Its up to Damon." I stop in my spot and feel a hand on my shoulder and I look to my right. Neither Damon or the others notice that I am behind. I get pulled to the side and the person hushes me and everything goes into dark black. I felt cold droplet of water hit my upper forearm. I start to stir and my eyes slowly open to a slight crack where I can some what get a good look around. I saw nothing but pitch black but a small flicker of light appeared on a window and it kept flickering on and off every few minutes. I was feeling around for a wall when I heard a 'opfh.' "I -I uh-uh sorry I didn't mean to." I apologize rather quickly. "Amaya?" The voice sounded stiff and rustic like they have be dehydrated for a while. "How do you know my name?" I try and look in the dark but am unable to see past a certain point only a few inches from my face. I look deeper every minute when a hand finds mine and starts glowing from electricity. "Amaya I am you." I get up quickly and jump back. "Do not touch me I have heard of your kind!" The girl looks at me and just stares. "Wow I was pretty especially since I went back in time to save you then I got caught then they found you in that one place with all the guards." I stared at the other me, I was actually surprised that I would do this for myself. But to have someone from a few years into the future come and save me was amazing! "Amaya wake up!" I look over to the door and see that there was a muscular figure standing with a knife in his hand. "Get up! You need to go see the boss." I hated this, I have been kidnapped twice and I wake up and find out that I was happy at this place but now I hated being in this place and I can't get away even if I tried to get free. "I'm coming!" I stand up and push past him and wait for him to close the big door. "Walk and don't you think of running there are guards at every door." You can't think I would run would you?" He shrugs and I smirk and put my hand out and electricity runs through my hand and out onto his body making him lay there unconscious. "Did I do that?" "Where is she we need to get her to boss or she will go uncontrolled that stupid shifter can make anyone think that they came to save them from the future." I look around and think of the blue door and Damon. I started to see other figures come from the dark then I was next to Damon. He was sleeping, it looked so cute. I leaned into his ear and whisper. "My name is Amaya. I am a real hero no one can say I am not. I escaped and came back." His eyes flutter open to the blue color. He smiled and looks at me. "Well Amaya lets get you back to your room." He got up and off of his bed and put out his hand for me to take. "Since you are a hero can you teleport your guard and yourself to your room?" I smiled and noded. I didn't want to fail so I thought about how much I loved that rare blue door with my name written on it. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the room and then Damon scares me when he says, "Open your eyes were here." I opened my eyes and saw the room hasnt changed except the bed was made laundry was done and my trash was emptied and it smelt like the holidays in the fall. I looked around and saw a bright red rose standing on my desk. "Who is that from?" "You will find out tomorrow." He opens my door and tells me goodnight then closes it leaving me there wondering in my thoughts.


Yay Amaya is finally awake who was excited who was confused? Do you want to do the Q's and the A's after chapter 11 leave your comments the new writer would love to hear from he fans so everyone who can't wait vote to see some of her writing in chapter 11!!!!

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