Chapter 11

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The sun was blinding my eyes as I opened up my blue eyes. "Amaya?" I look around the room until I see Damon at my door. "Where are you?" I was so confused! "I am no there but I won't be there today. I have to do some training because you are new, so you have another guard." I looked around the room and smiled. "That means I can do anything, right?" He sighs. "No, you have training soon so you may not try anything bad." I frown and put my legs on the edge of my bed. I stand up and move towards my door. "Damon, what's the guards name?" I hear silence then a grumble. "Sorry, um, your guards name is Anthony. He isn't as nice as I am. I should be back after your training, so maybe noon." I smile and open my bedroom door. "Thanks Damon. Hello Anthony."

The guard turns around and smiles, his eyes were a gray color. The kind of gray that was like a dark stormy night but add in a bit of sunshine. "Good morning. I am your temporary guard Da-" "I already know this, Anthony. Damon got ahold of me when I awoke." He nods and turns back around. "Training begins at 9:30. Please go get ready. Breakfast will be served soon. Your clothes are in the dresser. Wear warm clothes is what I have learned to tell you." I nod and go back into my room, closing the door behind me.

Why was this place almost perfect? You have your own guard and you get your own room and the only is you can't talk to anyone unless you ask and are granted permission and you can't leave without your guard. I give out a big sigh. Why was life always like this? Was it because I didn't care when I had a chance too? A knock in my door startles me. "Are you almost ready? I would like to leave now." I walk over to the door and take a deep breath. "No, I'm not. You can wait. I have a good amount of time. It's only 7:50. You tell me what to foams I will get Damon back and you will get in trouble!" He shuts his mouth and I got back back to getting dressed and ready.

I pull on a black T-shirt and warm up pants, then walk over to the bathroom mirror and put my hair into a ponytail. I look at myself in the mirror and take it in. "Wow a lot has changed since I've been a real super..." I quickly put on shoes then I open my door and see my guard has left. I reach Damon right before he had to go get ready to train. "Yes Amaya?" "Where's my guard? I want to eat and I have training." He sighs. "He is not supposed to leave his post. I cant be there for another 3 hours. What do you need me to do?" I think about it and reply with the truth. "I want another guard and if that guard is rude you may never leave my side." When he replies I heard low chuckles in the background and one guy says, "Man Damon she has you all around her finger. What's she asking you to do, paint her toes for her?" I was about to reply when Damon didn't let go of the button. "You want to be her guard for today? See how much you're wrong?" "Challenge accepted!" I hear Damon sigh and comes back to me. "Your new temp. guard will be Cameron, please be the rudest person to him he deserves it, and if you need to use your powers just to be mean." "Ok Damon have fun at training, oh and I have a few tricks i can use on him just to be mean." I put the device in my pocket and just wait for Cameron in my room when theres a knock about a minute later. I open the door to see a guy with green eyes and a smirk on his face. "Ah the famous Night Rain."

I looked at him and smirked back. "Yeah the one and only. Why? Who are you?" He looks me up and down and stares at me. "You are prettier than I thought you would be. Damon didn't describe you as pretty as you are. And you are a pretty one." He lifts up my chin and smiles. I swat his hand away and glare at him. "I am not your little super. I will use my powers and I will get you in trouble if you touch me again, and by the way, I am way harder to deal with than you think. So I wouldn't mess with me that easily." I grab his wrist and shock him and he tries to pull away. "Understand temp guard?" He nods his head and I walk out to the hall with him following me a few steps behind. "Slow down turbo. Sorry, but, I'm the one who needs be leading." I laugh and he looks at me confused. So I stopped in the hall. "You do not talk to me like that. I am the super, you are a pathetic guard who keeps me from socializing with other supers so I suggest you stop being a total jerk and let me do my thing like Damon does." I turn away from him and start walking, when I hit something, or someone. But when I looked no one was there. "I am not pathetic, Damon is the only guard without a force field power, all the other guards do, so I suggest you listen to me or I will send you to training without food." I put my hand out and I hit the field with my hand and I shocked it. He gets electrified and he glares at me before falling on his knees. "Supers are better and I will always be better than a guard like you, the only reason I don't act like this around Damon is because I like him. You are just a pain in my neck!" I teleport away to the dining area and I grab food. When I get to the line to scan the guards eyes I look at the lady and explain. "My temp. guard left me and I could scan my eyes." She quietly nods and then write something down. "Give this to your temporary guard and tell him he needs to be better with keeping up with his Super." I nod and walk away smirking. I feel a hand grab my waist and I turn around to a blue eyed boy. "You are a pretty one, now who's your guard and why aren't you with them?" I shrug. "My temporary guard left me in the hallway and I found myself here, now let go before I scream and everyone looks at you and I get the victim status." He lets go and I teleport back to where I last left Cameron, on the floor a hallway past my room. "Ah still here huh?" He gets up and dusts the dust off of his pants. "Your room.. NOW!" I teleport back to my room and I sit there at my desk and I start eating. There was a bang on my door but I ignored it. Then the metal doors crash into one another. "Um, what the heck is happening I still dont get this!" Another sound escapes the halls and into my room. I was going to cry if I didn't know what was going to happen to me. "LEAVE!" The room swirled around me and all of a sudden I was in another place with a bunch of guys in uniforms and I saw eyes staring at me. "Why is there a girl here? There are no girls allowed." All around me that is what was said and I was getting tired of it. I follow some eyes to a guy in a different uniform that was better than all the others. "Sir why is a super here? Especially a girl?" I glare at the person who said that and I start walking towards them.

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