Chapter 7

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Amaya's POV I woke up sweating and panting. I had a horrible dream about Aaron not loving me, me dating another guy and that my dad is seeing another woman. I am a Superhero and the only one in this state. I hear a light knock on my bedroom, my dad opens the door and pops his head in. "Good morning baby girl." I yawn and i wave to him. I pad over to my closet and pick out a strapless dress. "Aaron is downstairs early i'll tell him you just woke up." "Thanks dad! You're the best" When i got downstairs i saw Aaron and my dad chatting away about my dads truck and i didn't understand any of it. "Morning." They look up and me and Aaron looks away quickly. "Amaya you look beautiful this morning," He looks at his watch and says "You guys might be late I'd leave now." I nod and grab my bag and head outside. When I get to Aarons car and get inside Aaron gets in and yells at me "Why would you wear a dress like that? I'm dating a sweet girl not a-" "Stop Aaron i don't care what they say i wanted to wear this and i am so get over it." He unlocks the door. "Get out now! You dont disrespect me at all do you understand?" I get out and grab my bag. "Why am i dating you anyways I should leave you and never come back!" I go back inside to grab my keys and go back to my car. "Get out of my driveway Aaron!" "Get in and hurry up we will be late!" I get in his car and sit quietly. We always fight on what i wear. He thinks he can control what I wear, he thinks he controls me when he doesn't i don't know why i keep going back to him! When we pulled up to our usual spot I got out and went to the doors without Aaron, people looked at me in awe and saw him behind me about to grab me when my friends grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them. My friend Maddi whispers in my ear, "He looks angry and was about to grab you." I silently thank her. "Amaya what are doing?" I turn around and see Aaron looking pissed off. "I am spending time with my friends what do think im doing?" He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. "No were going to class." I get dragged to the normal closet that he takes me to , to get his anger out on me. "Why are we here today Amaya?" "I chose the wrong clothing today." He nods and lifts his hand up and his cold hand slaps me across my cheek. "Why dont you ever listen you useless girl?! I am protecting you and all i ever get in this crap from you!" I start to cry and kicks my ankles hard. I was always standing because after he would beat me he would kiss me and apologize then send me away to be with another girl and then i'd pretend nothing would happen. He looks into my eyes and lifts my chin up and softly kisses my lips. "Im sorry love, go clean up I have to go tutor someone." I nod and walk out of the closet and go to the nearest bathroom. I start crying and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I screamed and i made the lights flicker until it was a blackout. "My powers... what did i do?" I walk out of the bathroom after my face was cleaned up and I looked around at the kids who were confused. "Miss Parks are you ok?" I look to my right to see Mr. Polk's looking at me worried. "Yeah i was just in the bathroom washing my hands." He nods and tries to get his class calmed down and sitting in the hall. I saw a face look at me and then look away, I walked into the hall and saw Aaron and a girl kissing in the hall. "Hey Aaron where's that girlfriend of yours?" I saw his friends coming towards him and the freshman. He finally gets the girl off of him and points towards me. "Over there where she shouldn't be." I look away and start walking away when i get grabbed. "Hey cutie Aaron said i could have a go with you." I turn and there was Aaron laughing at me in my face and just letting his friend do what he was going to do. "Sure but i am a little shocking." I smirk and grab his hand going down the hall and passed Aaron. "I wanted aaron but he's never fun." I grab his t-shirt and i press my lips against his forcefully. "Wow Aaron your girl has talent but why don't you let her use it on you?" I push away from his friend and go toward Aaron. "She does she just uses a friend before me." I press my lips on his and his friend go away and we were left there in the dark. Oh yea want to know why I can't leave this jerk? Because i take my anger out on him but in my own way. The blackout caused us to go home during 3rd hour so we went to his house and i was bored when he called that freshman over. Unknown POV She was beautiful in that dress of hers. I usually don't watch her but i was mesmerized by her beauty today. She didn't look like what her boyfriend told her to look like. She probably doesn't know me. I want to keep in like that, until the time is right i can't let her know who i am or where i am coming from. I am a super like her but i used to know her until a villain erased her memory from her old life of being a super with me. I am Dark Shadow and I am no villain I need to show Night Rain who she is and how to get her memories back to her and get her away from this terrible place she calls home. When the blackout happened i knew it was her she used to do it because i would have to leave her when she was scared. "Josh?" "Here!" I was worried about her and I felt like i didn't have time to be in this stupid school that her father wants her at. Her mother was a super and never wanted her to go to a human school. She used to go to a super school until her mother died of _______. "Ok class everyone needs to outside and we will try to finish the assignment." After the school day I flew to the school to give my daily report of being in the human world and the teacher accepted it and told me to leave and to go tell Amaya's reporting to the Principal. "So you're saying she likes it there and she is dating a human that beats her?" "Yes sir and she made a blackout in the school and she just acted like she wanted her boyfriend and did some bad things were not supposed to do." "Name the violations." "Kissing a human dating a human and she used her powers out of suit." "Ok well she doesn't know better so if she gets back to her normal self we can explain that she has done wrong." I nod and head out of the office and to my training facility "Ah its the superman himself hows it going with your used to be lover?" "It's going fine she made her school black out!" "Wow dude i swear she needs her memories back or she just might think that she is a human." "No she knows she is a super but she doesn't know her mom was one and her father is making her go to this stupid school." I pick up a weight that was about 500 pounds. "I think someone misses her!" "I do and she won't know who i am until she is ready to know about this world. It took her what 3 years to know about her powers and that she was a super?" "I thought i was 2 years." I shrug my shoulders and start pumping the weight. "Dude you have to try for the football team in the human world!" "Violations, i just cant join when its like using my powers i can't control my strength just yet." The weight in my hands starts to get heavy and then i drop in on the cement flooring making the floor cracked and dented. "Oops." "What was that?" My buddy Alex points at me and i look down at my feet. "How much weight was that?" "500 pounds ma'am." "Well you aren't in trouble just be careful i know that since your friend lost her memory your powers zone in and out." I nod my head and I pick up the weight and put it back. "No more for me today I'll see you later man." He nods and i walk out of the facility feeling pretty bad. "Why do my powers zone in and out when i mostly need them? Thats how i lost Amaya." I look at my hands and a tear falls off my face. I realized that I saw a outline of Amaya standing in a kitchen, she was beautiful. But she changed her clothes to gray sweats and a black t-shirt. The image changed and there was her boyfriend and her kissing. She is going to be the death of me... Amaya POV When Aaron came into the kitchen with just basketball shorts with no shirt my eyes started roaming his abs. "Amaya why don't you come watch a movie with me? That useless girl left." I nod my head and i grabbed myself a snack and made my way down the hall to his den area. "What movie?" "I'm ok with Batman or a Superman movie." He nods his head grabs a movie and puts it in. After a few minutes of me zoning out i noticed the movie was batman and i just sat through it wondering how super's were made or why we were here. How did they come up with supers? The door rang and I got up so Aaron could get up but he didn't so i got up and walked to the door, i opened it and there was 2 of his friends with Maddi and Catarina. "Why are they here?" "Where is Aaron!?" I let them in and they shoved my friends inside. They followed me to the den room where Aaron was sleeping on the couch. "I have this hold on." I walked up to him and kissed his lips and whispered in his ear. "Your so called friends are here." He shot up and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry boys I fell asleep. Why are Amaya's friends here?" "Aaron they know about something..." Aaron looked at them and Aaron shook his head. "What do they know their useless girls just put them in the basement beat them where others can't see then let them eat and they can stay here." My eyes shot up to Aaron's face he was serious. "But babe what did they do you don't even know, they could know i was here or something! Please let them explain!" Aaron grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. "Shut up! You're lucky that i'm protecting you you could be dead if i wasn't dating you!" I look at his eyes and then i look down. "Sorry Aaron i thought that we could give them a chance because we don't know what they did. I guess i was wrong." "You are and always will be wrong!" He pushes me on to the bed and walks out of the room screaming at his friends. "Send them in there with her they deserve nothing but beating after what Amaya said they know everything about us and how i treat her. I want you two to go get the others and i want it quick and no complaints i will deal with them!" I heard noises and then i saw my friends in the doorway and crying. "Wait can I ask you something?" The guys look up at me and Alex nods while the other walks out. "Alex can you please tell Aaron i am sorry and I just want to cuddle with him? I promise I will pay you back if you do this favor." He goes to get Aaron and i push the girls out of they way on the other side of the room. "What do you want Amaya? I have been in here twice now what do you want?!" I sigh and walk up to him grabbing his hands. "I want you,I think I always have. We should get married! think of it were seniors and we could be happy after we graduate." I felt a pain in my chest and it hurt to say that i felt another person's pain and it wasn't a human. "Fine, I'm letting them go because you are my cutie and i guess we can spend some more time together before i have to leave for a week." After the girls left an hour later from me telling Aaron he could do whatever he wanted to anyone without me complaining and i won't kiss his buddies anymore. "Aaron i have to go home my dad just texted me. Aaron picks up my bag and walks out the front door leaving me into the dark room. 'Can you hear me Amaya I need you to know that you are hurting me.' I look around the room and a cold mist passed my body, I shivered and i walked out of the room. "Let's go or I'll make you walk" He says while tapping on his steering wheel. "I'm coming." I walked to the passenger side of his car and got in. When we were down the start of my street he stopped his car and looked at me. "What? Do I look bad?" "No i was just think about what you said to me." I look at my hands and mumble, "Oh, ok." He started to drive again and when we got to my drive way my dad was angry looking standing at the door. "Wait, I'll go up there with you and said we had car problems." "Ok." I got out of his car and grabbed my backpack and followed him to my front door. "Aaron my boy!" "Hello Mr. Parks sorry we were late we had a little car problem and i fixed it right away so I wouldn't make Amaya late." I smile and hug Aaron like i was thankful when I wasn't. "Ok well Amaya go inside i want to talk to Aaron." I looked up at Aaron and was about to walk inside when he grabbed my wrist and i looked at him with fearful eyes. "Amaya love, I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed my cheek softly and i smiled. This was the first he has kissed me in front of my dad. "Bye." My hand slipped out of his while i walked inside going upstairs. I heard my dad talking about a bruise he saw on my side. Then i heard Aaron shockingly say he would find this person and beat them because they beat me. "Thank you Aaron I am worried about my little girl and her problems she doesn't tell me." "She told me about it and she said she doesn't know who it was and she was scared." I zoned out of their conversation. I turned around to my mirror and put my hair up and i saw a figure who was behind me. 'Amaya! Do not hurt yourself with Aaron find a boy named Josh he can help you get your blurry memories back.' I turned and saw a woman in a white dress that went down to her ankles. "Mom..." The lady reached out and touched my cheek. 'I love you and you look beautiful and so tall, but please find Josh and if you are a hero find your old friend Dark Shadow.' She smiled and disappeared into the air. I started crying. I heard steps coming upstairs and i quickly ran into my bathroom. "Amaya come out. He is gone. I know what is happening." I walk out and find my dad with his worried face looking at me. "You know?" "Yes i know about someone beating you and I know who it is." "It's Aaron!" His face turns to shock. "No it's not tell the truth!" My dad looks at me and i nod my head slowly. "He has been like this since his dad left and his mom told him to leave! I didn't know how bad this would turn out, you weren't even supposed to see the bruises! You'll just made it worse!" I finally was tired of arguing with my dad so i finally went up to my room. I started crying and i was sick of being scared! I went to the very back of my closet and typed in a pin number. The sliding door opened and it showed my suit and mask and belt. My boots were normal boots but with a secret area in the heels. I grabbed my suit and put it on my bed. i get out of my clothes im in now and get into my suit. "Amaya? Are you ok in there?" I run to my window and open it. I get to my closet and grab my boots teleporting to the park across town. "Well, well, well, look what the hero dragged in. I look up to see no one there. "Um..." "Behind you." I turn around and i see a man dressed in black. "Miss Night Rain you're coming with me to the HQ of my agency." I turn around and start to walk away when I hit a object. I put my hand out and think about a place. "See you in the ocean!" I teleport myself and the dome and the people inside of it to the ocean. I see no human, just the people who want me gone. I think about the top of a building it was blurry and i saw a face and a smile, "Get her!" I teleport without trying or really doing anything. I found myself crying and falling to my knees. "Um who are you? " I look up to see a guy in a suit like mine but differnt colors and a big R on the front."I am Night Rain I am not scared of you touch me and i shock you!" "Oh hey I am one of you! I am Robin." I start to laugh and the guy looks at me with green eyes. "Oh thats nice, go run to your batman or your room for such matters." He looks at me in the eyes and i feel a pain going up my arm and down my legs. "STOP! PLEASE!" All of a sudden the pain is gone. "What and who are you, what did you do to me and why?" He starts to chuckle. " I am not the Robin you think i am. I am Robin, I can create pain from the emotions people keep inside of themselves." I stood up and looked at him. "Can you get rid of emotions? Or get rid of one?" He nods his head and puts a finger up. "The only time I can do so is if I want to." I start to walk away when he grabs my arm. "Which i will do because I only want to help one hero and i pick you." "Thank you." I whisper and look into his eyes and i felt a slight tingle. "Which emotion do you want to die down?" He wonders. I look down at my feet. I had so many choices. "I want to get rid of... love." I heard a few tree branches moving. "Are you sure?" A object hits my back and i scream in pain. "WHo is ther?" I started fall into darkness when I saw a face who was fimilar. "Night Rain you are under my custidy now, I don't want you to get rid of anything do you understand?" I groan from the pain in my back. I was picked up and saw the face of my kidnapper. "Josh? What are you doing? Leave the girl here I want her you can't just take her!" Thats all I heard until i couldn't hear anything or anyone.
Confused? Sorry she is dreaming and she will be for a few chapters it's ok if you comment your confused I will explain everything in chapter 11!!!!

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